Cataloguing Projects of Oriental Manuscripts: Evolution of Descriptive Criteria
Uppsala, 22-23 September 2010
The COMSt Team Oriental Manuscript Cataloguing held its first workshop focusing on the Evolution of Descriptive Criteria at Uppsala University, Department of Linguistics and Philology, on 22-23 September 2010.
Please click here to view the registered participants (PDF)
Please click here to download the workshop report (PDF)
Workshop programme
22nd of September 2010:
14:00 1. Welcome address; 2. Presentation of the participants, etc.
Session 1: Reports on current project of cataloguing Oriental manuscripts;
14:20: 1. Witold Witakowski (Uppsala): Recent catalogues of Ethiopian manuscripts;
14:40: 2. Irmeli Perho (Copenhagen): Recent catalogues of Arabic manuscripts;
15:00: 3. André Binggeli (Paris): Recent cataloguing projects of Syriac manuscripts (in Charfet, Lebanon);
15:20: Coffee break
15:40: 4. Paola Buzi (Hamburg): Recent cataloguing projects of Coptic manuscripts;
16:00: 5. André Binggeli (Paris): Recent cataloguing projects of Greek manuscripts;
16:20: 6. Per Ambrosiani (Umeå, Sweden): Recent cataloguing projects of Old Slavonic & Old Russian manuscripts;
16:40: Coffee break
Session 2: Discussion concerning the elements of catalogue description of manuscripts; (materials: the VOHD norm, the system used by the French cataloguers in Lebanon; a shortened set of rules for field work set up by J. den Heijer, will be sent in advance);
17:10 - 18:30: 1. Physical (codicological) description;
2. Paleographical description;
3. Content analysis;
19:00: Dinner
23rd of September 2010:
Session 3: Discussion concerning the elements of catalogue description of manuscripts, cntd.;
09:00: 1. Ewa Balicka-Witakowska (Uppsala): Cataloguing manuscripts from the point of view of art historian;
09:20: 2. Further discussion of the elements of catalogue description of manuscripts:
- Colophones;
- Dating;
- Other elements and aspects;
10:30: Coffee break
Session 4: Computer technologies as tool of cataloguing manuscripts;
11:00: 1. Paola Buzi (Hamburg): A report from the Workshop of Team 3 in Hamburg on July 23-24;
11:10: 2. Matthew Driscoll (Copenhagen): Manuscript description using TEI-conformant XML (with examples);
11:30: 3. Coffee
Session 5: Business session & organization matters;
12:00: 1. Discussion on whether one ("classical") or two (or more) models of catalogue description is to be established and recommended;
12:20: 2. Planning the future publication, the chapter to be written by Team 4: A suggested model (= norm) of manuscript description for the catalogues of manuscripts. - division of tasks between the members of Team 4;
13:00-13:20: 3. Planning for the next year workshop of the Team;
4. Closing of the workshop.
13:30: Lunch