- About COMSt
- COMSt members
- COMSt meetings
- Steering committee 2009-2014
- Teams 2009-2014
- Meetings 2009-2014
- Book Materials in Oriental Cultures
- Cataloguing Projects of Oriental Manuscripts: Evolution of Descriptive Criteria
- Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: Results and Outlook
- Conservation Studies on Oriental Manuscripts
- Editing the impossible: fragments, palimpsests, multiple recensions ...
- Legal and illegal circulation of library collections: a study for a better conservation
- Multiplicity of Oriental Bookmaking Traditions and Conservation
- Oriental Textual Traditions and 21st-cent. Philology: New challenges
- Preservation of Middle Eastern Manuscripts - Restoration and digitalization process: what should be done first?
- RNP Conference
- Specific issues in Oriental philology
- The electronic revolution? The impact of the digital on cataloguing
- The Making of the Oriental Book
- The Oriental Book.
- Towards a final version of the chapter on cataloguing. Palaeography and its relationship with manuscript cataloguing
- Towards an ideal chapter on Oriental manuscripts cataloguing
- Workshop Textual Criticism of Oriental Manuscripts
- Workshop: Digital Support
- Grants 2009-2014
- Publications
- Projects
- Bibliography
- News
- Conferences
- About COMSt
- Department for Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia
- Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets
- Middle East
- Über die Abteilung
- Studying at our department
- Research
- Social Contexts of Rebellion in the Early Islamic Period (SCORE)
- Persian Letters from the "second Iran". Edition and analysis of an insha'-work from Anatolia (mid 13th century) (MS Marʿashī 11136, fol. 1-92)
- The Evolution of Islamic Societies (c.600-1600 CE): Algorithmic Analysis into Social History
- The intertwined world of the oral and written transmission of sacred traditions in the Middle East (InterSaME)
- The Center for Advanced Study “RomanIslam – Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies”
- 100 years UHH: OTHAPP
- Islamic Studies Lecture Series at AAI
- Personen
- Service
- Kontakt
- Yoga Studies
Asia Africa Institute