News and announcements9 October 2024|sarsadengelSome Hagiographic Elements in the Chronicle of Śarḍa Dǝngǝl (r.1563‒1597)On 9 October 2024 Solomon Gebreyes talks on "Some Hagiographic Elements in the Chronicle of Śarḍa Dǝngǝl (r.1563‒1597)" at the Workshop Ethiopic...29 July 2024|sarsadengelBiographies of Rulers in the Premodern Islamicate WorldSolomon Gebreyes Beyene attends the workshop Biographies of Rulers in the Premodern Islamicate World, Leiden University, 29 July - 2 August 2024, with...1 July 2024|sarsadengelInternational Medieval Congress Leeds 2024Solomon Gebreyes Beyene attends the International Medieval Congress in Leeds (1-3 July 2024); he takes part in a round table discussion 'Medieval...26 February 2024|sarsadengelRoyal Power CrisisOn 26-27 February 2024 Solomon Gebreyes takes part in the IIème Colloque sur les études éthiopiennes (Cairo), with a talk Royal Power Crisis in the...3 July 2023|sarsadengelInternational Medieval Congress LeedsOn 3 July 2023 Solomon Gebreyes Beyene organizes a session on "Medieval African Entanglements, I: Art Histories in the Age of the 'Global Middle...29 June 2023|sarsadengelEthiopic Historiographical TextsEthiopic Historiographical Texts: Editing and Translating, and Textual and Historical Analysis Hamburg, HLCEES, 29-30 June 2023 The workshop...31 May 2023|sarsadengelChronicle of King Śarḍa DǝngǝlOn 31 May 2023 Solomon Gebreyes Beyene talks on "Chronicle of King Śarḍa Dǝngǝl (1563–1597): Source, Authorship and Censorship" within the framework...29 September 2022|sarsadengelGǝʿǝz Historiographical Texts: Editing, Translating and DocumentingOn September 29, 2022, Solomon Gebreyes Beyene is speaking on "Gǝʿǝz Historiographical Texts: Editing, Translating and Documenting" at the 21st...Show all news