Supplement to Aethiopica
Since 2013, a monographic supplement series to the Aethiopica journal (ISSN 2196-7180) has been published at HLCES.
A peer-reviewed monographic series launched in 2013 by its present editor Alessandro Bausi, as a supplement to the international journal Aethiopica, intends to offer the state of the art of current research in the domains of Ethiopian studies traditionally covered by the journal. It intends to host medium-sized monographic contributions that exceed the size of a journal article, field-research surveys, and proceedings of workshops and conferences. It has a special yet not exclusive focus on themes and subjects approached within cooperative research projects.
With several volumes already published, most of them richly illustrated, and several more in preparation, the profile of the series further strengthens the range of publications in Ethiopian studies of Harrassowitz publishing house.
For the peer review policy (double blind peer review process) visit the Aethiopica page here.
The submission guidelines are provided below.
Submission Guidelines
Form of submissions
Contributions should be submitted in electronic form in both Word/RTF and PDF.
We accept texts in English, French, German, and Italian. Occasionally, other languages may be considered for publication.
Images must be submitted as separate JPEG or TIFF files (not embedded in the Word file). The resolution for colour images must be at least 300 dpi, for grayscale images at least 600 dpi.
Do not use any special formatting features in your file(s), apart from paragraphing (each new paragraph should be indented), italics / cursive and tabs (where necessary). The main features to follow are:
- Font: Times New Roman. Please avoid using special non-unicode fonts; if such use is indispensable please submit the font together with the text file.
- Font size: main text: 11 pt; footnotes: 9pt.
The New Oxford Style Manual should be followed wherever possible.
- Transliteration: Transliteration of oriental alphabets should be full and consistent throughout the article. For Arabic, Hans Wehr transliteration (1961/1979, not 1994) should be followed at all times.
- Dates: For non-Common Era dates specify the calendar used and provide the Common Era equivalent (e.g. AH 450/1058 CE).
- Quotations: Short quotations in the text should be punctuated with single quotation marks. Lengthy quotations (over 40 words) should be displayed, indented, in the text, without quotation marks.
- Notes: Use footnotes, not endnotes, when necessary.
- Abbreviations: Avoid the use of abbreviations wherever possible. Do not use abbreviations for publications, institutions, libraries, etc. Common abbreviations (e.g.; i.e.; etc.; cp.) are acceptable.
- For a book review, the first lines of the review will comprise the following: the author’s full name, the complete title of the book under review, the name of the publisher, the number of pages, and the ISBN number.
We use the author-year reference system: the items quoted are abbreviated in the text or in the footnotes as author's name, the year of publication and the page(s): (Bausi 2010, 14). Do not use "op. cit.", "ibid." or similar types of reference. Do not use "f. or ff." for page numbers, but always give a specific page reference or a specific page-number range.
Items should be written out in full in a bibliographical list at the end of the article as follows:
- Books
Author's Last Name, First Name[, other authors if applicable] Year. Monograph Title, Series Title, Series Volume Number (Place: Publisher, Year).
García Martínez, F., E.J.C. Tigchelaar, and A.S. van der Woude 1998. Qumran Cave 11.II: 11Q2-18, 11Q20-30, The Discoveries in the Judean Desert, 23 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1998).
Hutter, I. 1997. Corpus der byzantinischen Miniaturen-handschriften, V: Oxford college libraries, Denkmäler der Buchkunst, 9 (Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1997).
Sisam, C. 1976. The Vercelli Book: A Late Tenth-Century Manuscript Containing Prose and Verse, Vercelli Biblioteca Capitolare CXVII, Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile, 19 (Copenhagen: Allen and Unwin, 1976).
- Editions and translations
Editor's Last Name, First Name[, other editors if applicable] Year. Monograph Title (comprising the name of the original Author, if applicable), ed. Editor's First Name, Last Name, tr. Translator's First Name, Last Name, Series Title, Series Volume Number (Place: Publisher, Year).
Beck, E. 1972. Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Hymnen auf Abraham Kidunaya und Julianos Saba, ed., tr. E. Beck, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 322, 323, Scriptores Syri, 140, 141 (Louvain: Peeters, 1972).
- Articles in periodicals
Author's Last Name, First Name[, other authors if applicable] Year. 'Article Title', Journal Title, Issue Number (Year), Page-Page.
Brock, S.P. 1965. 'An Early Armenian Palimpsest Fragment of Hebrews', Revue des études arméniennes, NS 2 (1965), 129-134.
Kamil, M. 1957. 'Ein syrisches Ostrakon aus dem V. Jahrhundert', Rivista degli Studi Orientali, 57 (1957 = Scritti in Onore di Giuseppe Furlani, I, Roma: G. Bardi), 411-413.
Noret, J. 1987. 'Quand donc rendrons-nous à quantité d'indéfinis, prétendument enclitiques, l'accent qui leur revient', Byzantion, 57 (1987), 191-195.
Posener, G. 1951. 'Sur l'emploi de l'encre rouge dans les manuscrits égyptiens', The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 37 (1951), 75-80.
- Articles / Chapters in collective volumes
Author's Last Name, First Name[, other authors if applicable] Year. 'Article Title', in Editor's First Name, Last Name, Edited Volume Title, Series Title, Series Volume Number (Place: Publisher, Year), Page-Page.
Featherstone, M. 2004. 'Court Orthography: Spelling in the Leipzig Manuscript of De Cerimoniis', in B. Janssens, B. Roosen, and P. van Deun, eds, Philomathestatos: Studies in Greek and Byzantine Texts Presented to Jacques Noret for his Sixty-Fifth Birthday / Études de patristique grecque et textes byzantins offerts à Jacques Noret à l'occasion de ses soixante-cinq ans, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 137 (Leuven: Peeters, 2004), 239-247.
Förster, M. 1913. 'Der Vercelli-Codex CXVII nebst Abdruck einiger altenglischer Homilien der Handschrift', in F. Holthausen and H. Spies, eds, Festschrift für Lorenz Morsbach: dargebracht von Freunden und Schülern, Studien zur Englischen Philologie, 50 (Halle: M. Niemeyer, 1913), 21-179.
- Reviews
Dorandi, T. 2007. Review of D. Searby, The Corpus Parisinum. A Critical Edition of the Greek Text with Commentary and English Translation. A Medieval Anthology of Greek Texts from the Pre-Socratics to the Church Fathers, 600 B.C. - 700 A.D., I-II (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2007), in Elenchos, 28 (2007), 482-486.
The names of places and publishers should be left in the original language.
For titles in languages using non-Latin scripts, please provide the title in the original script, accompanied by a scientific transliteration and a translation in parenthesis. Please be consistent in your transliterations and, when applicable, specify your transliteration system so that the Editors may adjust the systems used in different contributions where necessary.
Electronic publications should be cited like printed sources, accompanied by the permalink URL/DOI and the date of access. Quoting dynamic/unstable Internet pages should be avoided.
For publications that are about to appear, use "forthcoming" instead of the year.
Manuscripts should be cited by city (in English), library (name in the original language), collection (in the original language), shelfmark.
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, B. 21 inf
Vercelli, Biblioteca Capitolare, MS 117
Do not use any abbreviations for journals, series, libraries, etc.
Copyright and responsibilities
Authors bear the responsibility for securing permission, when necessary, for figures, tabular materials, or any other material protected by copyright laws.