PhD in Ethiopian Studies at HLCEES
The HLCEES hosts and supports dissertation research.
The following theses have been defended at Universität Hamburg, at HLCEES or in association with HLCEES, in the past years (with a link to the dissertation abstract and, where possible, the published version):
Addisie Yalew Mengistu
Scribes and Practices of Manuscript Production in 21st Century Gondar Area, Ethiopia
Guesh Solomon Teklu
The Association of illuminations and texts: A focus on the Akkonu Bǝʾsi manuscript from Čačara Giyorgis Monastery, North Tigray
Augustine Shawn Dickinson
Malkǝʾa Gubāʾe Manuscripts and the Development of Malkǝʾ Anthologies
Sophia Dege-Müller
Die Angelologie der Aksimaros-Literatur. Aufnahme und Anwendung eines literarischen Motivs
Jonas Karlsson
The Diachronic Development of the Dǝggʷā: A Study of Texts and Manuscripts of Selected Ethiopic Antiphon Collections (publ. 2024)
Sisay Sahile Beyene
Critical edition of the nineteenth-century treatise Tārik Zamədra Gwandar (‘The History of the Land of Gondar’) (publ. 2021)
Hewan Semon Marye
The Rhetorics and Polemics of Humor in Addis Abäba, 2005–2019 (publ. 2021)
Susanne Hummel
Das hagiographische Werk zu Śarṣa Ṗeṭros. Werkgenese und Teiledition (publ. 2020)
Daria Elagina
The Textual Tradition of the Chronicle of John of Nikiu: Towards the Critical Edition of the Ethiopic Version (publ. 2018)
Nafisa Valieva
The ‘Gadla Lālibalā collection of textual units’: tradition and documentation (publ. 2021)
Hiruie Ermias
The Issues of ʾAggabāb (Classic Gǝʿǝz Grammar) According to the Tradition of Qǝne Schools (publ. 2019)
Alexander Meckelburg
From "Subject to Citizen?" History, Identity and Minority Citizenship: The Case of the Mao and Komo of Western Ethiopia (publ. 2016)
Gidena Mesfin Kebede
Ethiopian Abənnät Manuscripts: Organizational Structure, Language Use, and Orality (publ. 2017)
Solomon Gebreyes Beyene
The Chronicle of King Gälawdewos (1540-1559): A Critical Edition with Annotated Translation (publ. 2016)
Mersha Alehegne Mengistie
The Ethiopian Commentary on the Book of Genesis. Critical Edition and Translation (publ. 2011)
Dirk Bustorf
Lebendige Überlieferung. Geschichte und Erinnerung der muslimischen Silt’e Äthiopiens (publ. 2011)
Mussie Tesfagiorgis Gebremeskel
A Fading Nature: Aspects of Environmental History of Eritrea (1800-1991) (publ. 2008)
Tsega Endalew Etefa
Inter-Ethnic Relations on a Frontier: Mätakkäl (Ethiopia), 1898-1991 (publ. 2006)
Birgit Mattausch
Die Kunst der Ambiguität. Indirekte Kommunikation im historischen Äthiopien und ihre Reflektion in den amharischen Aläqa-Gäbrä-Hanna-Geschichten (publ. 2006)
Johannes Launhardt
Evangelicals inAddis Ababa 1919-1990 with special Reference to the Ethiopean Evangelical Church Mehane Yesus and the Addis Ababa Synod (publ. 2005)
Maija Priess
Die äthiopische Chrysostomos-Anaphora (publ. 2006)
The following theses by HLCEES members have been defended at other Universities, with the logistical and scientific support of the HLCEES, in the past years:
Carsten Hoffmann
Das geographische Traktat in der Weltgeschichte des Wäldä ʾAmid – Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar (Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2021, publ. 2023)
Magdalena Krzyzanowska
Epistemic modality in Amharic (Poznan University, 2020)
Andreu Martínez d'Alòs Moner
Envoys of a Human God: The Jesuit Mission to Christian Ethiopia, 1557–1632 (European University Institute, 2009 [publ. 2015])
Denis Nosnitsin
"Житие Тэклэ Хайманота" как памятник эфиопской средневековой литературы (The Vita of Täklä Haymanot as a Work of Medieval Ethiopian Literature; St Petersburg State University, 2003, in Russian)
Vitagrazia Pisani
Il culto di San Qirqos nell’Etiopia storica: analisi storico-filologica, con edizione critica della “Passio” (Gädlä Qirqos) (Università di Napoli "L'Orientale, 2013, in Italian)