Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin 4/1, Special Issue, Spring 2018
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin 4/1, Special Issue, 2018
Table of Contents
Cover of the Special Issue
pp. 1-4: Front matter (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.243)
pp. 5-10: Linking Manuscripts from the Coptic, Ethiopian and Syriac Domain: Present and Future Synergy Strategies. Preface to the Special Issue (Alessandro Bausi, Paola Buzi, Pietro Liuzzo, and Eugenia Sokolinski) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.245)
Part 1 Project Notes
pp. 13-27: Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea (Dorothea Reule) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.247)
pp. 29-32: IslHornAfr and its Database of Islamic Literary Production from the Horn of Africa (Alessandro Gori) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.249)
pp. 33-38: The TEI-XML Architecture of Ethiopian Manuscript Archives: Respecting the Integrity of Primary Sources and Asserting Editorial Choices (Anaïs Wion) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.251)
pp. 39-58: The ‘PAThs’ Project: an Effort to Represent the Physical Dimension of Coptic Literary Production (Third–Eleventh centuries) (Paola Buzi, Julian Bogdani, and Francesco Berno) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.253)
pp. 59-66: The ‘TraCES’ Project: Towards a New Approach to Studying the Gǝʿǝz Language (Eugenia Sokolinski) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.255)
Part 2 Case Studies
pp. 69-78: Dealing with the Stratigraphy of Coptic Codices: the Cases of MSS Pierpont Morgan Library M578 and Coptic Museum, inv. 13446 (Nathan Carlig) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.257)
pp. 79-88: Die Quellen von August Dillmanns Lexicon linguae Aethiopicae: Anmerkungen zu den Prolegomena und den verwendeten Sigla (Wolfgang Dickhut und Andreas Ellwardt) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.259)
pp. 89-96: Describing the Complex: the Multiple Dimensions of a Relational Database (Sara Fani) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.261)
pp. 97-106: Multi-level Digital Annotation of Ethiopic Texts (Susanne Hummel, Vitagrazia Pisani, and Cristina Vertan) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.263)
pp. 107-114: The CMCL Clavis Coptica. On Producing a Standardized List of (Coptic) Works and Manuscripts (Tito Orlandi) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.265)
pp. 115-120: Some Remarks about Coptic Colophons and Their Relationship with Manuscripts: Typology, Function, and Structure (Agostino Soldati) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.267)
pp. 121-142: Encoding and Annotation of Ancient Places in Ethiopia (Solomon Gebreyes Beyene and Pietro Maria Liuzzo) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.269)
pp. 143-150: Encoding Strategies and the Ethiopic Literary Heritage: The Physiologus as a Case Study (Massimo Villa) (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.271)
pp. 151-156: Index (DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.273)