MA Program
Classical Indology, Track Yoga Studies (M.A.)
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Yoga studies as main focus can now be chosen as part of the Master of Arts in Classical Indology.
The master's program "Indology and Tibetology" is primarily research-oriented. It also imparts knowledge with application and professional relevance. During the course of study, in-depth knowledge of the subjects Indology and Tibetology is imparted in particularly relevant fields of research and application. Specifically, this means:
- Acquisition of the ability to independently process primary sources in one of the languages of the four majors (Sanskrit, Tamil, Tibetan)
- Qualification for theoretical-reflective research in the area of the chosen profile
- Ability to engage in argumentative academic discurse in different cultural contexts.
When choosing the Indology profile with a focus on Yoga studies, the following study goals are aimed at:
- Deepening of knowledge of the ancient and middle Indian languages and literatures as well as religion and philosophy with a focus on the origins and development of yoga
- Deepening of the knowledge of philological methods and their application, also for handwritten texts
- Acquisition of the ability to linguistically and philologically analyze texts in the Old and Middle Indic languages in order to be able to deal with historical, religious studies and other cultural issues
- Confidence in dealing with questions relating to the philosophy, history and traditions of yoga from pre-modern times to the present day
Start of Program: Winter term (October 2022)
Degree structure: See document
Venue: this program may be studied online as well as on-site!
Application period: 1 June – 15 July 2022 (for winter term 2022)
Language of Instruction: English
Application process: See document (admission requirements according to profile Indology with focus on Sanskrit)
Contact: Prof. Dr. Harunaga Isaacson, ( yogastudies.aai"AT"