With four professorships, two junior professorships, six lectureships and other teaching staff, the department is one of the largest university centres for the study of the Near East in German-speaking countries. Here, the fascinating cultural history of the region between Morocco and Central Asia over the last 2000 years is taught and researched, including the more recent history and present of the region.
The department is divided into three linguistically- and regionally-defined areas: Iranian Studies, Islamic Studies and Turkish Studies.
One of these three areas can be chosen as a focus in the overarching programme "Languages, History and Cultures of the Middle East". The degrees B.A., M.A. and doctorate (Dr. phil.) can be obtained.
In the four-year B.A., including a semester abroad, intercultural competence and job-qualifying skills are acquired in addition to excellent language training, broad regional knowledge and basic academic training. The M.A. introduces students to one of the main research areas of the department.
In addition to research and teaching, our department hosts many related activities; this includes, for example, our regular evening lecture series. Event announcements can be found under "News" and also on our Facebook page. In addition, the various research projects of the department also organize their own public event