For prospective students
Thank you for your interest in studying History, Languages and Cultures of the Near East in Hamburg! The department offers degree programs with a focus on Iranian Studies, Islamic Studies, and Turkish Studies. We offer degree courses at Baehcolr, Master and Doctoral level. Our study programs are characterized by intensive supervision as well as internationality, interdisciplinarity and interculturality.
International, since ...
- we offer intensive training in non-European foreign languages.
- a semester abroad in the target region is part of your bachelor's degree.
- the department is part of the Asia-Africa Institute, the largest university network of Asian and African Studies in Germany.
Interdisciplinary, as ...
- we incorporate a broad range of theory and methods
- you can include seminars and lectures from majors in other disciplines into your course.
- choosing a minor, or secondary specialization for your Bachelor course, allows you to adapt your studies to your individual interests.
Intercultural, since ...
- the Arabic/Iranian/Turkish-speaking region is not considered in isolation, but in the broader regional context.
- your own culture is always considered as a perceptual point of view in your studies.
- you will study in a very diverse environment in our department and in the city of Hamburg.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at vordererorient.aai"AT"
B.A. degree programs
In the two-tier Bachelor's/Master's degree system, the "Bachelor of Arts" (B.A.) is acquired through a professionally qualifying Bachelor's degree program, which is the standard degree for university studies. The Bachelor of Arts degree is a prerequisite for admission to a Master's program.
International Bachelor Middle East
A major in the four-year international Bachelor of Arts program History, Languages and Cultures of the Near East enables you to acquire fundamental knowledge of the history and present, cultures, religions and languages of the region under study. Students can choose from the following three specializations:
- Iranian Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Turkish Studies
The main objective of the program is to acquire the ability to analyze complex historical and cultural contexts. The ability to conduct historically and philologically sound analysis is an essential prerequisite for being able to understand today's cultures and societies of the Near East in all their complexity. A mandatory semester abroad is part of the program.
Bachelor's minor in History, Languages and Cultures of the Near East
A minor in the Bachelor's program History, Languages and Cultures of the Near East enables you to acquire basic knowledge of the history and present, languages, cultures and religions of the region under study. It also trains your ability to analyze complex historical and cultural contexts and thus to understand the contemporary cultures and societies of the Near East. Students may choose their minor from the three specializations of the department:
- Iranian Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Turkish Studies
M.A. degree programs
The content of the M.A. program follows on from the knowledge and skills acquired in the B.A. program (consecutive M.A. programs), so that a B.A. degree is a prerequisite for admission to the M.A. program. With a very good M.A. degree, students may also qualify for subsequent doctoral studies.
History, Languages and Cultures of the Near East (M.A.)
The Master's program History, Languages and Cultures of the Near East is divided into the respective profiles:
- Iranian Studie
- Islamic Studies
- Turkish Studies
The Master’s program serves to deepen linguistic, subject-specific and methodological knowledge, but above all to develop the ability to work independently as a scholar. This is achieved by intensive exercises in dealing with original-language sources, engaging with current research problems, by developing key competencies for both academia and other professions.
The doctoral degree represents the transition to academia. The doctoral student is expected to make an original contribution to Iranian studies, Islamic studies and/or Turkish studies through their intensive and closely supervised research on a specific topic. If applicable, a doctoral degree (Dr. phil) is awarded.
For more information on doctoral studies, click here.