Here you can find a list of selected recent project-related publications by team members of the ERC-funded BeInf project. For a growing bibliography on Ethiopian Studies, see the following Zotero library (members only).
Butts, A. M. “Academic News: Aaron Michael Butts, new Professor of Semitic Studies with a focus on Ethiopian and Eritrean studies at Universität Hamburg, with the project BeInf—Beyond Influence: The Connected Histories of Ethiopic and Syriac Christianity,” Aethiopica 25 (2022): 223-225. [link]
Butts, Aaron Michael and Ted Erho, “The Ethiopic Homily on Holy Easter attributed to John Theologos and its Arabic Vorlage (CPG 4163[2]),” Aethiopica 26 (2023): 246-260. [link]
Butts, Aaron Michael, “‘On the one hand ... on the other hand ...’: An Additional Function of the Ethiopic Discourse Particle -(ə)ssa as a Marker of Antithesis,” in Nils Heeßel, Vera Tsukanova, and Michael Waltisberg (eds.), Der Perlentaucher. Festschrift für Stefan Weninger zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 6. August 2024 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2024). 33-47. [link]
Butts, Aaron Michael, “Syriac in Ethiopic Manuscripts, Ethiopic in Syriac Manuscripts—Part I: MS Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Or. 148,” Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 27 (2024): 43-99. [link]
Butts, Aaron Michael, Ted Erho, and Jonas Karlsson. “An Ethiopic ‘Homily on Peter’ attributed to Ephrem.” Aethiopica 27 (2024).
Dege-Müller, Sophia, “The Maqdǝma wangel (Introduction to the Gospels, CAe 4872): Tracing its Arabic Vorlage and translation history,” in Martina Ambu, Simon Dorso, and Julien Loiseau (eds.), Ethiopians Abroad in the Middle Ages (Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome; Rome: Ecole française de Rome, forthcoming).
Dege-Müller, Sophia, “The Life of Susanna in Light of the Betä Ǝsraʾel Manuscript Tradition,” in Phil Forness and Stanislau Paulau (eds.), Interreligious Appropriations in the Global History of Christianity (Religious Dynamics – Historical and Contemporary Perspectives; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, forthcoming).
Erho, Erho, “Ethiopic Palimpsests,” in Jost Gippert, José Maksimczuk, and Hasmik Sargsyan (eds.), Palimpsests and Related Phenomena across Languages and Cultures (Studies in Manuscript Cultures 42; Berlin: Walter de Gruyter). 393-431. [link]
Thomas, Thelma and Aaron Michael Butts, “Making First Impressions: The Williams Syriac Codex as a Case Study for Encounters with Unpublished Manuscripts,” in Melissa Moreton and Suzanne Akbari (eds.), Textiles in Manuscripts: A Local and Global History of the Book (Arts; Berlin: Walter de Gruyter forthcoming).
Erho, Ted, “Appendix,” in James R. Davila and Richard Bauckham (eds.), Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: More Noncanonical Scriptures, Volume 2 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, forthcoming).
Butts, Aaron Michael, “ʿEzānā of Aksum: The First Christian African King,” for Cambridge History of the African Diaspora, vol. 1. Africans and Antiquities, ed. by Solange Ashby, Dan-El Padilla Peralta, and Eve M. Troutt Powell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).