Publications Based on Materials Made Available by the NGMPP/NGMCP
Below is the list of publications that used NGMPP materials. This may not be complete. If you notice an omission or wish to add an entry, please contact us.
- ACHARYA, Diwakar Nath. 2006. Vācaspatimiśra's Tattvasamīkā: The Earliest Commentary on Maṇḍanamiśra's Brahmasiddhi. Critically Edited with an Introduction and Critical Notes. Stuttgart 2006. [B 22/16],
- ACHARYA, Diwakar Nath. 200?. Saurasaṃhitā: The only Surviving Sauratantra. A Critical Edition with Annotation. To be published. [A 203/14; A 1161/6; E 1796/9],
- ACHARYA, Diwakar Nath. 2006. “Kaliyugasaṃghātaka.” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 1. Hamburg 2006. [B 4/7],
- ACHARYA, Diwakar Nath. 2006. “A Brief Note on Harṣapāla's Commentary on the Prakrit Kāvya Setubandha.” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 2. Hamburg 2006. [E 1407/6],
- ACHARYA, Diwakar Nath. 2007. “One more Manuscript of the Śiṣyalekha.” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 3. [B 315/11],
- ACHARYA, Diwakar Nath. 2009. “Kaliyugasaṃghātaka: An Ode to the Dark Age." In: Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. XIII. Kathmandu 2009, pp. 103-128. [B 4/7]
- ADRIAENSEN, R., BAKKER, Hans T. and ISAACSON, Harunaga. 1994. “Towards a Critical Edition of the Skandapurāṇa.” Indo-Iranian Journal. Volume 37. Dordrecht 1994, pp. 325–331. [B 11/4],
- ADRIAENSEN, R., BAKKER, Hans T. and ISAACSON, Harunaga. 1998. The Skandapurāṇa. Volume 1, Adhyāyas 1–25. Critically Edited with Prolegomena and English Synopsis.. Groningen 1998. [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3]
- ADRIAENSEN, Rob, BISSCHOP, Peter. 2009. "Tīrthayātrākhaṇḍa: Vāgmatīmāhātmyapraśaṃsā 1-4, Materials for the Study of Sacred Nepāla, I." In: Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. XIII. Kathmandu 2009, pp. 147-177. [A 264/10, A 264/11]
- ANACKER, Stefan. 1984. “The Twenty Verses and Their Commentary. (Viṃśatikā-Kārikā [Vṛtti]). In: Seven Works of Vasubandhu. The Buddhist Psychological Doctor. Delhi 1984. (Religions of Asia Series Number 4). [B 23/18],
- ANACKER, Stefan. 1984. “The Thirty Verses. (Triṃśikā-Kārikā). in: Seven Works of Vasubandhu. The Buddhist Psychological Doctor. Delhi 1984. (Religions of Asia Series Number 4). Translation of: Lévi, S. Vijñaptimtratsiddhi. Deux Traités de Vasubandhu. Viṃśatikā (La Vingtaine) Accompagnée d'une Explication en Prose, et Triṃśikā (La Trentaine) avec le Commentaire de Sthiramati. Original Sanscrit Publiè pour la Première Fois d'après des Manuscrits Rapportés du Népal. Première Partie. Texte. Paris 1925. (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études Fascicule 245). [B 23/18],
- ANACKER, Stefan. 1984. “The Teaching of the Three Own-Beings. (Tri-Svabhāva-Nirdeśa). In: Seven Works of Vasubandhu. The Buddhist Psychological Doctor. Delhi 1984. (Religions of Asia Series Number 4). Translation of: De la Vallée Poussin, L. Le Petit Traitè de Vasubandhu-Nagarjuna sur les Trois Natures. In: Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques. Publiés par l'Institut Belge des Hautes Études Chinoises. Vol. 2: 1932–1933. Bruxelles 1933. [B 23/18],
- BAKKER, Hans T.. 1989. “Some Methodological Considerations Concerning Puranic Literature.” Supplement VII. XXIII. Deutscher Orientalistentag vom 16. bis 20. September 1985 in Würzburg. Ausgewählte Vorträge hrsg. von Einar von Schuler. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Stuttgart 1989, pp.329-341. [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- BAKKER, Hans T.. 1996. “Parvati's Svayamvara. Studies in the Skandapurana I.” Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens 40. Wien 1996, pp. 5-43. [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- BAKKER, Hans T.. 2000. “Somaśarman, Somavaṃśa and Somasiddhānta. A Pāśupata Tradition in Seventh-Century Dakṣina Kosala. Studies in the Skandapurāṇa III.” In: Harānandalaharī. Volume in Honour of Professor Minoru Hara on his Seventieth Birthday. Ed. by R. Tsuchida and A. Wezler. Reinbek 2000, pp. 1-19. [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- BAKKER, Hans T.. 2003. “The Structure of the Vārāṇasīmāhātmya in Skandapurāṇa 26-3.” In: Origin and Growth of the Purāṇic Text Corpus. With Special Reference to the Skandapurāṇa. Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference Held in Helsinki, Finland, 13—18 July, 2003. Edited by Hans T. Bakker. Vol. 3.2. Delhi 2004, pp. 1-17. [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- BAKKER, Hans T.. 200?. “The Avimuktakṣetra in Vārāṇasī. Its Origin and Early Development. Studies in the Skandapurāṇa VI.” In: Proceedings of the International Academic Colloquium Visualized Space: Constructions of Locality and Cartographic Representations in Vāraṇasī. Heidelberg, 22-25 May 2002 . (forthcoming) [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- BAKKER, Hans T. and ISAACSON, Harunaga. 2004. The Skandapurāṇa. Volume IIA, Adhyāyas 26-31.14: The Vārāṇasī Cycle. Critical Edition with an Introduction, English Synopsis & Philological and Historical Commentary. Groningen 2004. [B 11/4, B 12/3],
- BISSCHOP, Peter. 2002. “On a Quotation of the Skandapurāṇa in the Tīrthavivecanakāṇḍa of Lakṣmīdhara's Kṛtyakalpataru. Studies in the Skandapurāṇa V.” Indo-Iranian Journal 45. Dordrecht, pp.231-243. [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- BISSCHOP, Peter. 2003. “Śiva's Aayatanas in the Various Recensions of Skandapurāṇa 167.” In: Origin and Growth of the Purāṇic Text Corpus. With Special Reference to the Skandapurāṇa. Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference Held in Helsinki, Finland, 13—18 July, 2003. Edited by Hans T. Bakker. Vol. 3.2. Delhi 2004, pp. 65-78. [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- BISSCHOP, Peter. 2006. Early Śaivism and the Skandapurāṇa. Sects and Centres Groningen Oriental Studies, 21. Groningen 2006. [B 11/4, B 12/3],
- BOTH, Leo. 1995. Das Kapīśāvadāna und seine Parallelversion im Piṇḍapātrāvadāna. in: Monographien zur Indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie. Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Stiftungsrates der Stiftung Ernst Waldschmidt von der Direktorin des Museums für Indische Kunst der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Marianne Yaldiz. Band 10. Berlin 1995. [A 119/7; A 119/8; A 119/9; B 96/5; E 1483/1],
- BRINKHAUS, Horst. 1987a. The Pradyumna-Prabhāvatī Legend in Nepal. A study of the Hindu myth of the draining of the Nepal Valley. Stuttgart 1987. (Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien, 32). [D 22/4; E 450/11, esp. p. 348; G 64/19, esp. p. 162; further MSS mentioned: A 264/5, A 264/10, E 340/4, pp. 78; A 332/14 date calculated, p. 80; A 348/2, p. 122; A 348/16, p. 118; A 349/3, p. 140, fn. 270; B 285/21, p. 162, fn. 5; E 145/6, p. 123, fn. 239; E 1199/4, p. 123; cf. p. 385],
- BRINKHAUS, Horst. 1987b. Jagatprakāśamallas Mūladevaśaśidevavyākhyānanāṭaka. Das älteste bekannte vollständig überlieferte Newari-Drama. Textausgabe, Übersetzung und Erläuterungen von Horst Brinkhaus. Stuttgart 1987. (Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien, 36). [A 351/7, B 288/26, B 285/23, esp. pp. 3031, also fn. 48, 5859; further MSS mentioned: A 345/10, fn. 12; A 346/18, fn. 19, 31; A 346/26, fn. 57; A 346/32, fn. 40; A 348/16, fn. 39; A 349/13, fn. 47; A 349/16, fn. 47; A 352/26, fn. 45, 49; A 1027/5, fn. 40; A 1091/4, fn. 38; B 15/5, fn. 14; B 15/16, fn. 7; B 275/7, fn. 46, 50; B 275/12, fn. 45; B 275/14, fn. 29, 53, 54; B 276/3, fn. 56; B 276/16, fn. 9, 13; B 284/31, fn. 58; B 285/21, fn. 42; B 285/22, fn. 42; B 285/24, fn. 67; B 286/7, fn. 58; B 286/12, fn. 41; B 286/14, fn. 38, 42; B 286/23, fn. 48; B 286/24, fn. 52; B 398/9, fn. 55; C 28/14, fn. 29, 54; C 120/8, fn. 14; E 723/4, fn. 23; E 1136/4, fn. 30; E 1312/11, fn. 58; E 1503/22, fn. 24; E 1630/8, fn. 30; G 129/4, fn. 13; H 309/3, fn. 43; T 6/12, fn. 23],
- BRINKHAUS, Horst. 2002. “The Division into Parvans and the Bhaviṣyaparvan of the Harivaṃśa. In: Stages and Transitions: Temporal and Historical Frameworks in Epic and Purāṇic Literature. Proceedings of the Second Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Purāṇas 1999. Ed. by M. Brockington. Zagreb 2002. pp. 157–176. [A 27/1, A 27/5, A 29/4],
- BRINKHAUS, Horst. 1980. “References to Buddhism in the Nepālamāhātmya.” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. 4 (Humanities). Wiesbaden 1980, pp. 273–286. [G 115/6, only briefly mentioned on p. 276],
- BRINKHAUS, Horst. 1985. “Harihariharivāhana Lokeśvara in Nepal.” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Supplement VI: XXII. Deutscher Orientalistentag vom 21. bis 25. März 1983 in Tübingen. Ausgewählte Vorträge. Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Röllig. Stuttgart 1985, pp. 422–429. [A 125/6, B 101/2, B 102/2, B 102/4, E 1071/7 ?],
- BRINKHAUS, Horst. 1990. “The Textual History of the Different Versions of the «Swayaṃbhūpurāṇa».” In: Nepal, Past and Present. Proceedings of the Franco-German Conference Arc-et-Senans, June 1990). [Edited by] Gérard Toffin. Paris 1993, pp. 63–71. [A 124/16, A 125/16, A 127/6, A 923/3, B 101/2, B 101/4, B 101/16, B 102/3, B 102/4, C 15/2, C 15/3, C 54/3, D 12/7, D 34/39, D 36/2, E 1/1, E 696/2, E 1134/2, E 1172/19, H 91/15],
- BRINKHAUS, Horst. 1991. “The Descent of the Nepalese Malla Dynasty as Reflected by Local Chroniclers.” Journal of the American Oriental Society. Volume 111. Ann Arbor 1991, pp. 118–122. [B 15/26, only briefly mentioned in fn. 11],
- BRINKHAUS, Horst. 1996. “On the Transition from Bengali to Maithili in the Nepalese Dramas of the 16th and 17th Centuries.” (paper read at the Stockholm Conference on Maithili Language and Literature 1996) [?],
- BRINKHAUS, Horst. 2001. “Śāntikara's Nāgasādhana in Svayaṃbhūpurāṇa. A Medieval Legend of a Rain Charm in the Nepal.” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Volume XII. Kathmandu, pp.17–38. [A 124/16, A 125/16, A 127/6, A 923/3, B 101/2, B 101/4, B 101/16, B 102/3, B 102/4, C 15/2, C 15/3, C 54/3, D 12/7, D 34/39, D 36/2, E 1/1, E 696/2, E 1134/2, E 1172/19, H 91/15],
- BRUNNER-LACHAUX, Hélène. 1988. Somaśambhupaddhati. Rituels dans la tradition sivaïte selon Somaśambhu. Quatrième partie. Rituels optionales: pratiṣṭhā. Texte, traduction et notes [par] Hélène Brunner-Lachaux. Pondichéry 1988. (Publications du Département dIndologie, 25.4) [A 51/1, A 146/7, A 224/12225/1, A 442/7, B 26/1],
- BÜHNEMANN, Gudrun and TACHIKAWA, Musashi. 1990. The Hindu Deities Illustrated according to the Pratiṣṭhālakṣaṇasārasamuccaya. Compiled by Gudrun Bühnemann and Musashi Tachikawa. Tokyo 1990. (Bibliotheca Codicum Asiaticorum, 3) [A 517/16, A 544/6],
- BÜHNEMANN, Gudrun and TACHIKAWA, Musashi. 1991. Niṣpannayogāvalī. Two Sanskrit Manuscripts from Nepal. Compiled by Gudrun Bühnemann and Musashi Tachikawa. Tokyo 1991. (Bibliotheca Codicum Asiaticorum, 5) [A 59/6, A 993/1; facsimile edition] ,
- CÜPPERS, Cristoph. 1990. The IXth Chapter of the Samādhirājasūtra. A Text-critical Contribution to the Study of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Stuttgart 1990. (Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien, 41). [B 93/4, B 93/5, B 94/1, B 94/4, B 94/5, B 94/6, C 43/3, E 3/2, E 442/8, E 643/2, E 664/1, E 713/1,
- DAS, Rahul Peter. 1988. Das Wissen von der Lebensspanne der Bäume. Surapālas Vṛkṣāyurveda. Kritisch ediert, übersetzt und kommentiert von Rahul Peter Das. Mit einem Nachtrag von G. Jan Meulenbeld zu seinem Verzeichnis ,Sanskrit Names of Plants and their Botanical Equivalents. Stuttgart 1988. (Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien, 34). [A 212/15, E 409/11 = E 206/12, E 534/13, E 1021/12, E 678/11, F 4/21, G 211/20, T 7/20, esp. pp. 2425],
- DAS, Rahul Peter. 1996. “Zu einer neuen Caryāpada-Sammlung ” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Band 146. Stuttgart 1996, pp. 128–138.
- DEGENER, Almuth. 1990. Das Kaṭhināvadāna. Eingeleitet, herausgegeben und übersetzt von Almuth Degener. Bonn 1990. (Indica et Tibetica, 16) [A 119/13, A 119/15, A 119/16, E 699/16, E 1108/5],
- DEZSŐ, Csaba. 2007. “A Parallel Edition of the Nepalese and South Indian Recensions of the First Act of the Kundamālā (Part I).” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 3. [B 15/6, A 1027/11, A 24/13, C 6/9],
- DEZSŐ, Csaba. 2007. “A Parallel Edition of the Nepalese and South Indian Recensions of the First Act of the Kundamālā (Part II).” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 4. [B 15/6, A 1027/11, A 24/13],
- DIETZ, Sieglinde. 1980. “The Fifth Chapter of Nāgārjuna's Ratnāvalī.” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. 4 (Humanities). Wiesbaden 1980, pp. 189220. [B 90/13 = A 917/3; partly],
- DIMITROV, Dragomir. 2002. Mārgavibhāga Die Unterscheidung der Stilarten. Kritische Ausgabe des ersten Kapitels von Daṇḍins Poetik Kāvyādarśa und der tibetischen Übertragung Sñan ṅag me loṅ nebst einer deutschen Übersetzung des Sanskrittextes. Marburg 2002. (Indica et Tibetica, 40). [A 21/21, A 22/2, E 1205/15, A 1392/5],
- DIMITROV, Dragomir. 2006. Śabdālaṃkāradoṣavibhāga Die Unterscheidung der schwierigen Lautfiguren und der Fehler. Kritische Ausgabe des dritten Kapitels von Daṇḍins Poetik Kāvyādarśa und der tibetischen Übertragung Sñan ṅag me loṅ samt dem ältesten erhaltenen Sanskrit-Kommentar des Ratnaśrījñāna, dem ältesten tibetischen Kommentar des Dpaṅ Blo gros brtan pa und einer deutschen Übersetzung des Sanskrittextes der Poetik. [A 21/21, A 22/2, A 1326/9, B 16/12, C 17/4],
- DIMITROV, Dragomir. 2002. “Tables of the Old Bengali Script (on the basis of a Nepalese manuscript of Daṇḍins Kāvyādarśa) ” In: Śikhisamuccaya. Indian and Tibetan Studies. Edited by Dragomir Dimitrov, Ulrike Roesler and Roland Steiner. Wien 2002. (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, 53), pp. 27–78.
- DIMITROV, Dragomir. 2006. “Bilingual Sanskrit-Tibetan Glosses in a Nepalese MS of the Ratnaśrīṭīkā.” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 2. Hamburg 2006. ,
- DIMITROV, Dragomir. 2007. “Kaiser Shamsher, his Library and his Manuscript Collection.” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 3. [A 405/22, C 106/18, C 107/2, C 1/1, C 124/6, C 121/1, C 80/11 = C 106/5, C 40/2a, C 80/7, C 5/2, B 415/20, A 1313/14, C 106/3, A 865/2, A 1231/8, B 520/4, C 2/9, A 1286/14, B 460/16, A 405/22, C 106/18, C 107/2],
- DIMITROV, Dragomir. 2007. Lehrschrift über die zwanzig Präverbien im Sanskrit. Kritische Ausgabe der Viṃśatyupasargavṛtti und der tibetischen Übersetzung Nye bar bsgyur ba nyi shu pa'i 'grel pa. (Editionen von Texten der Cāndra-Schule, Band I. (nach Vorarbeiten von Thomas Oberlies). Marburg: Indica et Tibetica Verlag, 2007. pp. vii, 123. Indica et Tibetica 49. ISBN 3-923776-50-4. [B 460/15, B 35/7, B 34/24],
- DIMITROV, Dragomir. 2009. "Notes on the Viṃśatyupasargavṛtti." In: Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. XIII. Kathmandu 2009, pp. 129-145. [A 18/6, B 24/24, B 34/27, B 35/7, B 460/15],
- DWIVEDI Vrajvallabh / RINPOCHE, Samdhong. 1987. Guhyādi-Aṣṭasiddhi-Saṅgraha. Varanasi 1987. (Rare Buddhist Text Series 1). [A 134/2, A 137/4],
- DWIVEDI Vrajvallabh / RINPOCHE, Samdhong. 1990. Vasantatilakā of Caryāvratī Śrīkṛṣṇācārya with Commentary: Rahasyadīpikā by Vanaratna. Varanasi 1990. (Rare Buddhist Text Series 7). [A 136/13, A 140/14, A 142/5, B 106/2, B 112/15, E 112/13],
- DWIVEDI Vrajvallabh / RINPOCHE, Samdhong. 1992. Kṛṣṇayamāritantram. With Ratnāvalīpañjikā of Kumāra-andra. Varanasi 1992. (Rare Buddhist Text Series 9). [A 140/8, A 140/12, A 140/15, A 141/16],
- DWIVEDI Vrajvallabh / RINPOCHE, Samdhong. 1993. Abhisamayamañjarī of Śubhākara Gupta. Varanasi 1993. (Rare Buddhist Text Series 11). ,[A 140/4],
- DYCZKOWSKI, Mark S. G.. 2001. The Cult of the Goddess Kubjikā. A Preliminary Comparative Textual and Anthropological Survey of a Secrtet Newar Goddess. Stuttgart 2001. (Publications of the Nepal Research Centre, 23) [A 40/8, p. 29, A 41/3, p. 29, A 206/10, p. 30, A 294/4, p. 16, A 948/4, p. 23, B 119/3, p. 43, B 703/7, p. 16],
- EHRHARD, Franz-Karl. 1993. “Two Documents on Tibetan Ritual Literature and Spiritual Genealogy.” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre, vol. IX. Wiesbaden 1993, pp. 77100. [E 2312/19, E 2312/20],
- EHRHARD, Franz-Karl. 1998. “Sa-ʼdul dgon-pa: A Temple at the Crossroads of Jumla, Dolpo and Mustang.” Ancient Nepal, Journal of the Department of Archaeology. Number 140. Kathmandu 1998, pp. 3–21. [L 415/3; esp. p. 17, fn. 3],
- EIMER, Helmut. 1994. “Preliminary Notes on Ṅor chens Kanjur Catalogue.” in: Tibetan Studies. Proceedings of the 6th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Fagernes 1992. Volume 1. Edited by Per Kvaerne. Oslo 1994, pp. 230–236. [E 2301/21],
- EIMER, Helmut. 1999. The Early Mustang Kanjur Catalogue. A Stuctured Edition of the Mdo sṅags bkaʼ ʼgyur dkar chag and of Ṅor chen Kun dgaʼ bzaṅ pos Bkaʼ ʼgyur ro cog gi dkar chag bstan pa gsal baʼi sgron me. Prepared by Helmut Eimer. Wien 1999. (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, 45). [E 2301/21],
- EMMERICK, Ronald. 1974. “New Light on the Siddhasāra.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. Vol. XXXVII. London 1974, pp. 628–654. [A 45/4, A 45/8, B 29/22, B 29/23, B 30/1],
- EMMERICK, Ronald. 1980. The Siddhasāra of Ravigupta. Volume 1: The Sanskrit Text. Edited by R. E. Emmerick. Wiesbaden 1980. [A 45/4, A 45/8, B 29/22, B 29/23, B 30/1],
- FALK, Harry. 2001. “The yuga of Sphujjiddhvaja and the era of the Kuṣāṇas.” Silk Road Art and Archaeology. Volume 7. 2001, pp. 121–136. [?],
- FALK, Harry. .
- . 200?.
- . Critical edition of the Vāsiṣṭhadharmaśāstra. [?]. ,
- FUSHIMI, Hidetoshi. 1999. “Recent Finds from the Old Sa-Skya Xylographic Edition.” Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens. Band XLIII. Wien 1999, pp. 95–108. [L 13/6, L 42/9, L 125/5, L 126/2, L 140/9, L 140/17, L 159/8, L 179/10, L 240/4, L 424/11, L 474/8, L 474/9, L 604/1],
- GARZILLI, Enrica. 2001. “A Sanskrit Letter Written by Sylvain Lévi in 1923 to Hemarāja Śarmā along with Some Hitherto Unknown Biographical Notes (Cultural Nationalism and Internationalism in the First Half of the 20th Century: Famous Indologists Write to the Raj Guru of Nepal – No. 1).” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Edited by A. Wezler. In Collaboration with W. Haffner, A. Michaels, B. Kölver, M.R. Pant and D. Jackson. Vol. XII. Wiesbaden 2001, pp. 115 - 149. [E 3017; E 3018],
- GEORGE, Christopher S.. 1974. The Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇa Tantra. A Critical Edition and English Translation, Chapters I-VIII. New Haven 1974. (American Oriental Series Volume 56). [A 994/4],
- GLAUSCH, Janet. 2001. Handschriften des Kauṭilya-Tantra: Abhängigkeiten, Textedition. Leipzig 2000. (unpublished MA thesis) [A 148/8, B 117/7, B 159/4, E 1498/15; esp. pp. 2635],
- GLAUSCH, Janet. 200?. Das 4. Kapitel der Haramekhalā und der Haramekhalā-Nighaṇṭu. Kritische Edition, annotierte Übersetzung, typologische und systematische Untersuchung. [in preparation] [A 45/1, A 45/3, A 45/7, A 212/8, A 219/2, A 220/10, A 220/15, A 221/9, A 286/2, A 286/7, A 967/3, A 1091/11, A 1278/8, B 29/21, B 165/16, B 166/11, C 82/11, C 106/5, D 5/16, D 22/10, D 33/2, E 39/5, E 315/5, E 423/24, E 909/12, E 1138/19, E 1162/24, E 1475/4, E 1476/1, E 1507/4, E 1508/1, E 1680/14, E 2332/11, E 2332/12, E 2337/23, E 2338/6, E 2339/8, E 2367/17, G 197/29, G 201/8, G 201/10, G 206/15, H 36/7, H 61/11, H 107/2, H 135/5, H 225/2, H 225/3, H 225/4, H 225/13, H 381/13, I 24/5, I 39/15, I 58/1]
- ,. .
- GOODALL, Dominic. 1998. Bhaṭṭarāmakaṇṭhaviracitā Kiraṇavṛttiḥ. Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇṭhas Commentary on the Kiraṇatantra. Volume I: chapters 16. Critical edition and annotated translationl. Pondichéry 1998. (Publications du Département dIndologie, 86.1) [A 40/3, A 995/1, B 117/11, B 172/21; also mentioned A 149/6, p. cii, E 2673/6, pp. lxxxvlxxxi]
- ,. .
- GOUDRIAAN, Teun and SCHOTERMAN, Jan A.. 1988. The Kubjikāmatatantra. Kulālikāmnāya Version. Critical edition by T. Goudriaan and J. A. Schoterman. Leiden 1988. (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina, XXX) [A 39/21, A 40/1, A 40/8, A 40/9, A 40/15, A 40/17, A 40/18, A 41/1, A 41/3, A 146/5, A 147/4, A 147/12, A 147/14, A 148/2, A 148/16, A 206/7, B 25/21, B 25/22, B 25/23, B 25/30, B 25/31, B 117/12, B 118/6, B 119/6, B 119/10, B 119/11, B 172/19, B 173/23, B 174/3, E 1106/7, E 1107/2, H 326/15]
- ,. .
- GOUDRIAAN, Teun, SCHOTERMAN, Jan A.. 1994. The Kubjikā Upaniṣad. Edited with a translation, introduction, notes and appendices by Teun Goudriaan & Jan A. Schoterman. Groningen 1994. (Groningen Oriental Series, Volume X) [B 180/8, E 355/22, H 139/6; also mentioned E 744/16, G 137/12, H 384/20, H 385/20, see pp. 163165]
- ,. .
- GRÜNENDAHL, Reinhold. 1983–1989. Viṣṇudharmāḥ. Precepts for the Worship of Viṣṇu. [Edited by] Reinhold Grünendahl. Part 1, Adhyāyas 143. Wiesbaden 1983; Part 2, Adhyāyas 44–81. Wiesbaden 1984; Part 3, Adhyāyas 82–105 (With a Pāda-Index of Adhyāyas 1-105). Wiesbaden 1989. [A 10/1 = A 1081/2, A 10/3, A 10/6, A 275/1, A 276/2, A 277/4, A 1163/1, B 5/7 = A 1080/3, B 5/8 = A 1080/4, B 6/5 = A 1080/51081/1, B 6/6 = A 1081/5, B 218/2, B 265/18, C 1/2, C 6/2, C 54/5, C 58/2 = C 93/594/1, G 18/2; also A 27/2; B 6/7, B 29/4, B 219/17, A 54/9 ?],
- GRÜNENDAHL, Reinhold. 1993. “Zur Klassifizierung von Mahābhārata-Handschriften.” in: Studien zur Indologie und Buddhismuskunde. Festgabe des Seminars für Indologie und Buddhismuskunde für Professor Dr. Heinz Bechert zum 60. Geburtstag am 26. Juni 1992. Herausgegeben von Reinhold Grünendahl, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Petra Kieffer-Pülz. Bonn 1993, pp. 101–130. (Indica et Tibetica, 22) [A 28/5, A 1075/8 = A 29/2],
- GRÜNENDAHL, Reinhold. 1997. “Zur Textkritik des Nārāyaṇīya.” In: Nārāyaṇīya-Studien. Herausgegeben von Peter Schreiner. Wiesbaden 1997, pp. 30–74. (Purāṇa Research Publications, Volume 6) [A 26/6, A 26/7, E 1231/141232/1, E 1236/1],
- GRÜNENDAHL, Reinhold. 200?. Śivadharmaśāstra. Regelwerk für die Verehrung Śivas. Nach der Texttradition Nepals unter Hinzuziehung südindischer Handschriften herausgegeben von Reinhold Grünendahl. [in preparation] [A 3/3 = A 1081/51082/1, A 1082/31083/1, A 1083/2, A 1083/3, A 1163/2, B 7/3 = A 1082/2, B 218/6219/1, B 219/2, B 219/3, B 219/8, B 220/3 = A 1365/3 (partly), C 57/5, E 2787/11, E 2787/17, E 2787/18],
- HAHN, Michael. 1980. “Gopadattas Kapīśvarajātaka.” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. 4 (Humanities). Wiesbaden 1980, pp. 133–159. [B 97/3; partly]
- ,. .
- HAHN, Michael. 1982. Nāgārjunas Ratnāvalī. Vol. 1. The Basic Texts (Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese). Bonn 1982. (Indica et Tibetica, 1). [B 90/13 = A 917/3; esp. pp. 79]
- ,. .
- HAHN, Michael. 1985. Der große Legendenkranz (Mahajjātakamālā). Eine mittelalterliche buddhistische Legendensammlung aus Nepal. Nach Vorarbeiten von Gudrun Bühnemann und Michael Hahn herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Michael Hahn. Wiesbaden 1985. (Asiatische Forschungen, Band 88). [B 98/15, B 98/16, E 611/2]
- ,. .
- HAHN, Michael. 1986. “Ratnâkaraśântis Autocommentary on His Chandoratnâkara.” In: Vicitrakusumāñjali. Volume Presented to Richard Othon Meisezahl on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday. Edited by Helmut Eimer. Bonn 1986, pp. 77–100. (Indica et Tibetica, 11). [A 20/9],
- HAHN, Michael. 1990. “Śivasvāmins Kapphiṇābhyudaya Ein wenig bekanntes buddhistisches Mahākāvya.” In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Supplement VIII, XXIV. Deutscher Orientalistentag vom 26. bis 30. September 1988 in Köln, Ausgewählte Vorträge. Herausgegeben von Werner Diem und Abdoldjavad Falaturi. Stuttgart 1990, pp. 45–70. [A 24/12],
- HAHN, Michael. 1992. Haribhaṭṭa and Gopadatta. Two Authors in the Succession of Āryaśūra. On the Rediscovery of Parts of their Jātakamālās. Second edition. Thoroughly revised and enlarged. Tokyo 1992. (Studia Philologica Buddhica. Occasional Paper Series, I) [B 98/4; esp. p. 5],
- HAHN, Michael. 1997. “Doctrine and Poetry: Śivasvāmins Essentials of Buddhism. Text and Translation of Canto xx of His Kapphiṇābhyudaya.” In: Bauddhavidyāsudhākaraḥ. Studies in Honour of Heinz Bechert on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Edited by Petra Kieffer-Pülz und Jens-Uwe Hartmann. Swisttal-Odendorf 1997, pp. 207232. [A 24/12]
- ,. .
- HAHN, Michael. 200?. A Critical Edition of Haribhaṭṭa's Jātakamālā. [B 96/11, B 97/3, B 98/4; partly] [in preparation]
- ,. .
- HAHN, Michael. 1982b. “Die Subhāṣitaratnakaraṇḍakakathā. Ein spätbuddhistischer Text zur Verdienstlehre.” Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen I. Philologisch-historische Klasse. Jahrgang 1982. Nr. 9. Göttingen 1982. [A 120/4; A 121/2; A 125/2; A 125/12; B 96/7; B 101/5],
- HAHN, Michael. 1991. “General Introduction.” In: The Recensions of the Nāgānanda by Harṣadeva. Vol.1. The North Indian Recension. Edited by Mādhava Candra Ghoṣa Assisted by Kṛṣṇa Kamala Bhaṭṭācārya. With a General Introduction by Michael Hahn and a Preface and a Bibliography of the Editions and Translations of the Nāgānanda by Roland Steiner. New Delhi 1991, pp. 1-10. [B 15/7, B 15/13, B 15/14] ,
- HAHN, Michael. 1996. “The Mārajitstotra by Harṣadeva, a Third Version of the Nāndī of the Nāgānanda?” in: Festschrift. Dieter Schlingloff zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres, dargebracht von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen. Friedrich Wilhelm (Hg.). Reinbek 1996, pp. 109-126. [B 15/7, B 15/13, B 15/14] ,
- HAHN, Michael. 1981. “Zu einer Neuedition von Harṣadevas Nāgānanda.” Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens. Band XXV. Wien 1981, pp. 131–137. [B 15/7, B 15/13, B 15/14],
- HAHN, Michael. 1982. “On a New Edition of Harṣadevas Nāgānanda.” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. V/VI. Wiesbaden 1982, pp. 125–131. [B 15/7, B 15/13, B 15/14],
- HAHN, Michael. 1987. “Das älteste Manuskript von Nāgārjunas Ratnāvalī.” Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik. Heft 13/14. Festschrift Wilhelm Rau zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres dargebracht von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen. Herausgegeben von Heidrun Brückner, Dieter George, Claus Vogel und Albrecht Wezler. Reinbek 1987, pp. 77–100. [B 23/23],
- HAHN, Michael. 1993. “Sanskrit Metrics as Studied at the Buddhist Universities in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries A.D.” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. IX. Wiesbaden 1993, pp. 56–76. [B 24/31],
- HAHN, Michael. 2003. “Jñānaśrimitras Vṛttamālāstuti.” In: Bauddhasāhityastabakāvalī. Essays and Studies on Buddhist Sanskrit Literature. Edited by Dragomir Dimitrov, Michael Hahn and Roland Steiner. Marburg 2003. (Indica et Tibetica). [in preparation] [B 24/31],
- HAHN, Michael. 2006. “Some Highlights of the Work of a `Frequent User’ of the NGMPP (I).” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 1, 2006. [A 33/11],
- HAHN, Michael. 2006. “Some Highlights of the Work of a `Frequent User’ of the NGMPP (II).” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 2, 2006. [A 20/9, B 29/31],
- HAHN, Michael. 2006. “Some Highlights of the Work of a ‘Frequent User’ of the NGMPP (III) A new edition of Śivasvāmin’s Kapphiṇābhyudaya.” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 4, 2006. [A 24/12, B 18/14],
- HAHN, Michael, STEINER, Roland. 1996. “Text-Critical Remarks on Āryaśūras Yajñajātaka.” In: Śrījñānāmṛtam. A Memorial Volume in Honour of Prof. Shri Niwas Shastri. Chief Editor: Vijaya Rani, Managing Editor: V. K. Goyal. Delhi 1996, pp. 101–134. [A 38/11],
- HAHN, Oliver. 2006. “The Paribhāṣāmaṇimālā of Candradatta—a rare text on Pāṇinian paribhāṣās.” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 1. Hamburg 2006. [A 554/4],
- HAHN, Oliver. 2006. “The Ūṣmabheda of Maheśvara (Part 1).” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 2. Hamburg 2006. [A 18/4, A 18/6, B 14/21, B 34/27],
- HAHN, Oliver. 2007. “The Ūṣmabheda of Maheśvara (Part 2).” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 3. Hamburg 2006. [A 18/4, A 18/6, B 14/21, B 34/27],
- HANDURUKANDE, Ratna. 1984. Five Buddhist Legends in the Campū Style. From a collection named Avadānasārasamuccaya. Edited and translated (with an introduction) by Ratna Handurukande. Bonn 1984. (Indica et Tibetica, 4) [B 97/3; partly; esp. pp. 45],
- HANDURUKANDE, Ratna. 2000. Three Sanskrit Texts on Caitya Worship. In Relation to the Ahorātravrata. An edition and synopses in English (with an introduction) by Ratna Handurukande. Tokyo 2000. (Studia Philologica Buddhica, Monograph Series, XVI) [E 2076/6]
- ,. .
- HANISCH, Albrecht. 2002. “Lob des Alkohols. Eine ironische Preisrede aus Aaryaśūras Kumbhajātaka als Vorlage für das 4. Kapitel von Sajjanas Putralekha.” In: Śikhisamuccayaḥ. Indian and Tibetan Studies. Edited by Dragomir Dimitrov, Ulrike Roesler and Roland Steiner. Wien 2002. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, 53, pp. 79-108. [A 38/11],
- HANISCH, Albrecht. 2005. Āryaśūras Jātakamālā. Philologische Untersuchungen zu den Lebenden 1 bis 15. Teil 1: Einleitung, Textausgabe, Anhänge, Register. Teil 2: Philologischer Kommentar. Von Albrecht Hanisch. Marburg 2005, lxxxvii, 255S., ix, 409 S. Indica et Tibetica, Band 43/1 und 43/2. [A 38/11],
- HANISCH, Albrecht. 2000. Philologische Untersuchungen zu den Legenden 1–15 von Āryaśūras Jātakamālā. Marburg 2000. (unpublished doctoral thesis) [A 38/11],
- HARIMOTO, Kengo. 2003b. “Adhyāyas in the R and A Manuscripts.” in: Origin and Growth of the Purāṇic Text Corpus. With Special Reference to the Skandapurāṇa. Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference Held in Helsinki, Finland, 13—18 July, 2003. Edited by Hans T. Bakker. Vol. 3.2. Delhi 2004, pp. 139-191. [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- HINÜBER, Oskar von. 1991. The Oldest Pāli Manuscript. Four Folios of the Vinaya-Piṭaka from the National Archives, Kathmandu. (Untersuchungen zur Sprachgeschichte und Handschriftenkunde des Pāli II). Von Oskar v. Hinüber. Stuttgart 1991. (Abhandlungen der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, Jahrgang 1991, Nr. 6) [A 1151/2],
- HOKAZONO, Kō-ochi. 1993. “Lalita Vistara no kenkyū Honbunkotei oyobi wayaku (5.ii, iii).” Vol. 34, Nos. 12. Kagoshima 1993. (Kagoshima Keidai Ronsyū) [A Study of Lalita Vistara Critical Edition and Japanese Translation (chapter 5.ii, iii)] [A 123/2, A 228/11, B 99/4, B 99/5, B 100/3 partly],
- INAMI, M., MATSUDA, Kazunobu and TANI, T.. .
- . 1992. A Study of the Pramāṇavārttikaṭīkā by Śākyabuddhi from the National Archives Collections, Kathmandu. Part I, Sanskrit Fragments Transcribed. [By] M. Inami, K. Matsuda and T. Tani. Tokyo 1992. (Studia Tibetica, 23). [A 1335/9],
- INAMI, M., MATSUDA, Kazunobu, and TANI, T.. 1992. ! A Study of the Pramānavārttikāṭīkā by Sakyabuddhi from the National Archives Collection, Kathmandu. Part I, Sanskrit Fragments Transcribed. Tokyo 1992. (Studia Tibetica, 23) [?],
- INOKUCHI, Taijun. 1986. Sanskrit Manuscripts of the Sukhāvatīvyūha from Nepal. Edited with an introduction by Taijun Inokuchi. Ryukoku University (Facsimile Series of Rare Texts in the Library of Ryukoku University 6). Kyoto 1986. ,
- ISAACSON, Harunaga. 2001. “Citations from the Ratnāvalī and Bodhicittavivaraṇa in the Abhayapaddhati.” Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik. Heft 22 (1999). Reinbek 2001, pp. 55-58. [A 38/11] ,
- ISAACSON, Harunaga. 2007. “Workshop on the Niśvāsatattvasaṃhitā: The Earliest Surviving Śaiva Tantra?.” Newsletter of NGMCP, No. 3. Hamburg 2006. [A 159/18, A 41/14, A 42/6],
- ISAACSON, Harunaga. 2000. The Opening Verses of Ratnākaraśānti's Muktāvalī. (Studies in Ratnkaraśānti's Tantric Works II)., in: Harānandalaharī. Volume in Honour of Professor Minoru Hara on his Seventieth Birthday. Ed. by R. Tsuchida and A. Wezler. Reinbek 2000, pp. 121–134. [A 994/6, E 260/2],
- JOHNSTON, Edward Hamilton. 1928. The Saundarananda of Aśvaghoṣa. Critically Edited with Notes by E. H. Johnston. London 1928. [A 25/3],
- JOHNSTON, Edward Hamilton. 1935. The Buddhacarita or, Acts of the Buddha. Part 1 Sanskrit Text. Calcutta 1935. (Panjab University Oriental Publications No. 31). [B 24/28],
- KAJIYAMA, Yuichi. 1999. The Antaravyāptisamarthana of Ratnākaraśānti. Tokyo 1999. (Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica Volume II). [B 23/34],
- KHOROCHE, Peter. 1989. Once the Buddha was a Monkey. Ārya Śūra's Jātakamālā.Translated from the Sanskrit by Peter Khoroche. With a Foreword by Wendy Doniger. Chicago 1989. [A 38/11],
- KHOROCHE, Peter. 1987. Towards a New Edition of Ārya-Śūras Jātakamālā. Bonn 1987. (Indica et Tibetica, 12) [A 38/11],
- KOEI, H. Amano. 2000. Abhisamayālaṃkāra-Kārikā-Śāstra-Vivṛti. Haribhadra's Commentary on the Abhisamayālaṃkāra-Kārikā-Śāstra Edited for the First Time from a Sanskrit Manuscript. Kyoto 2000. [A 37/7, A 35/12],
- KÖLVER, Bernhard, PANT, Mahes Raj. 2001. “Two Recent Documents from Nepal.” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. XII. Wiesbaden 2001, pp. 162–166. [E 702/7, E 702/8],
- KRAGH, Ulrich Timme. 2006. Early Buddhist Theories of Action and Result: A Study of Karmaphalasambandha. Candrakīrti's Prasannapadā, Verses 17.1–20. Ulrich Timme Kragh. Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, 2006. pp. 422. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, 64. ISBN-13: 978-3-920501-03-5; ISBN-10: 3-902501-03-0. [E 1294/3, C 19/8],
- KRAUSE, A.. 2005. Untersuchungen zur Verwendung von Blüten bei der pūjā: das dritte Kapitel des Puṣpacintāmaṇi. Universität Leipzig. Fakultät für Geschichte, Kunst und Orientwissenschaften. Institut für Indologie. Leipzig 2005. (unpublished MA thesis) [A 335/4, A 452/36, A 452/37, A 452/39, A 516/5, A 516/6, A 516/7, A 516/8, A 944/11, A 1270/3, E 402/10, E 683/21, E 1005/6, E 1795/9, E 2024/5, E 2057/12, E 2098/28, E 2265/5, E 3136/34, G 92/14, G 227/9, T 8/7],
- KUDO, Noriyuki. 2004. The Karmavibhaṅga . Transliterations and Annotations of the Original Sanskrit Manuscripts from Nepal. Tokyo 2004. (Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica Vol.VII). [B 22/25, B 23/22],
- LA VALLÉE POUSSIN, Louis de. 1907. “Mss. Cecil Bendall.” The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. London 1907, pp. 375–379. [B 22/49, partly],
- LARIVIERE, R.W.. 1984. “A Compilation of Pitāmaha Verses Found in Two Manuscripts from Nepal.” Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik. Heft 10. Reinbek 1985, pp. 103-131. [B 32/42; B 33/16],
- LARIVIERE, Richard W.. 1989. The Nāradasmṛti. Critically edited with an introduction, annotated translation, and appendices by Richard W. Lariviere. Part One: Text; Part Two: Translation. Philadelphia 1989. [A 51/13, A 1160/6, B 32/42, B 33/16, B 437/4, B 415/17, B 415/19, B 415/20, C 40/2, E 193/7, E 711/1, E 711/2, E 711/3; also Ms no. 1249, p. xv ?],
- MAAS, Philip. 200?. “Zur Stellung zweier Handschriften des tibetischen Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra aus Mustang innerhalb der kanonischen Überlieferung.” Zentralasiatische Studien. [forthcoming] [L 773/5, L 776/30],
- MAAS, Philip André. 2006. Samādhipāda: Das erste Kapitel des Pātañjalayogaśāstra zum ersten Mal kritisch ediert/The First Chapter of the Pātañjalayogaśāstra for the First Time Critically Edited. lxxiii, 179 S. 4°(Geisteskultur Indiens: Texte und Studien; 9) (Studia Indologica Universitatis Halenis) [A 61/11, A 62/32, A 62/27, A 40/2, M 97/4, T 6/5, T 9/19],
- MACDONALD, Anne. 2000. “The Prasannapadā: More Manuscripts from Nepal.” Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens. Band XLIV. Wien 2000, pp. 165–181. [A 916/5, A 916/6A 917/1, B 88/6, B 90/3, C 19/8, E 1294/3, E 1478/2],
- MACDONALD, Anne. 200?. The Prasannapadā, Chapter One. A New Edition and Annotated Translation. By Anne MacDonald. [in preparation] [A 916/5, A 916/6-917/1, B 88/6, B 90/3, C 19/8, E 1294/3, E 1478/2],
- MALLA, Kamal P. and VAJRACARYA, Dhanavajra. 1985. The Gopālarājavaṃśāvalī. A facsimile edition prepared by the Nepal Research Centre in collaboration with the National Archives, Kathmandu. With an introduction, a transcription, Nepali and English translations, a glossary and indices. Wiesbaden 1985. (Nepal Research Centre Publications, Nr. 9). [B 18/23] ,
- MATHES, Klaus-Dieter. 2009. "Maitrīpa's Amanasikārādhāra. (A Justification of Becoming Mentally Disengaged.)" In: Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. XIII. Kathmandu 2009, pp. 5-32. [B 22/24]
- MATSUDA, Kazunobu. 1990. “Newly Identified Buddhist Sanskrit Fragments in the National Archives Collection, Kathmandu.” Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū). Vol. XXXIX, No. 1. 1990, pp. 386–389. (in Japanese) [A 39/13, A 934/20, B 24/49],
- MATSUDA, Kazunobu. 1994. “Sanskrit Fragments of Paryāyasaṃgrahaṇī of the Yogācārabhūmi.” Hokkaido Journal of Indological and Buddhist Studies. No. 9. 1994, pp. 90–108. (in Japanese) [?],
- MATSUDA, Kazunobu. 1995. “Sanskrit Text of the Bodhisattvas Ten Stages in the Saṃdhinirmocanasūtra. Based on the Kathmandu Fragment of the Yogācārabhūmi.” Bulletin of the Research Institute of Bukkyo University. Vol. 2. 1995, pp. 59–77. (in Japanese) [?],
- MATSUDA, Kazunobu. 1995. “Sahajavajras Manual on Buddhism (Sthitisamuccaya). The Discovery of its Sanskrit Manuscripts.” Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū). Vol. XLIII, No. 2. 1995, pp. 843–848. (in Japanese) [?],
- MATSUDA, Kazunobu. 1996. Two Sanskrit Manuscripts of the Daśabhūmikasūtra Preserved at the National Archives, Kathmandu. Edited by Kazunobu Matsuda. Tokyo 1996. (Bibliotheca Codicum Asiaticorum, 10) [A 38/5, A 38/7, A 39/13],
- MATSUDA, Kazunobu. 1996. “Sanskrit Fragment of the Madhyama-āgama (Nos. 135 & 141) from the National Archives Collection, Kathmandu.” Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū). Vol. XLIV, No. 2. 1996 pp. 862–868. (in Japanese) [A 934/20],
- MATSUDA, Kazunobu. 1996. “Bendall's Tour of Research to Nepal (1898-99).” Newsletter of the Research Institute of Bukkyo University. No. 11. 1996, pp. 18–22. (in Japanese) [?],
- MATSUDA, Kazunobu. 1997. “A Vinaya Fragment of the Mūlasarvāstivādin from Bendalls Puka in the National Archives, Kathmandu.” In: Bauddhavidyāsudhākaraḥ. Studies in Honour of Heinz Bechert on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Edited by Petra Kieffer-Pülz and Jens-Uwe Hartmann. Swisttal-Odendorf 1997, pp. 431–437. (Indica et Tibetica, 30). [B 22/49],
- MATSUDA, Kazunobu. 2000. “A Note on Sanskrit Fragment of an Unknown Commentary to the Abhidharmakoṣabhāṣya.” Bulletin of the Research Institute of Bukkyo University. Vol. 7. 2000, pp. 105–114. (in Japanese) [?],
- MATSUDA, Kazunobu / STEINKELLNER, Ernst. 1991. “The Sanskrit Manuscript of Dharmakīrtis Pramāṇaviniścaya (Report on a Single Folio Fragment from the National Archives Collection, Kathmandu).” Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens. Band XXXV. Wien 1991, pp. 139–149. [A 39/3, partly],
- MATSUDA, Kazunobu and TODA, Hirofumi. 1999. “Three Sanskrit Fragments of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra from the Cecil Bendall Manuscript Collection in the National Archives, Kathmandu” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XX. Tokushima 1999, pp. 21–35 with 10 plates. [A 39/3 1 fol., A 934/20 6 fols., A 1166/5, cf. A 38/5 3 fols.],
- MAYER-KÖNIG, Birgit. 1996. Die Gleichheit in der Unterschiedenheit. Eine Lehre des monistischen Śivaismus, untersucht anhand des fünften Kapitels der Śivadṛṣṭi des Somananda Nātha. Frankfurt 1996. [5-5207, 5-206, 1-194 ?],
- MIMAKI, Katsumi, TACHIKAWA, Musashi and YUYAMA, Akira. 1989. Three Works of Vasubandhu in Sanskrit Manuscript. The Trisvabhāvanirdeśa, the Viṃśatikā with its Vṛtti, and the Triṃśikā with Sthiramati's Commentary. Tokyo 1989. (Bibliotheca Codicum Asiaticorum 1). [A 112/12, A 114/11, A 1380/10, B 22/21, B 23/18, B 23/24, B 91/5],
- NAGAO, Gadjin Masato. 2000. “The Bodhisattvas Compassion Described in the Mahāyāna-sūtrālaṁkāra.” In: Wisdom, Compassion, and the Search for Understanding. The Buddhist Studies Legacy of Gadjin M. Nagao. Edited by Jonathan A. Silk. Honolulu 2000, pp. 138. [A 114/1, B 88/4],
- NEGI, Thakur Sain / TRIPATHI, Ram Shankar. 2001. Hevajratantram with Muktāvalīpañjikā of Mahāpaṇḍitācārya Ratnākaraśānti. Varanasi 2001. (Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series XLVIII). [A 135/12, A 140/9, A 140/16, A 994/6, A 1263/32, B 112/7, E 260/2],
- OBERLIES, Thomas. 1989. Studie zum Cāndravyākaraṇa . Eine kritische Bearbeitung von Candra IV.4.52–148 und V.2. Stuttgart 1989. (Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien, 38). [A 52/3, A 52/14, A 53/1, A 53/2, B 31/15, B 34/25, B 35/11, B 35/13, B 35/20, B 35/24],
- OBERLIES, Thomas. 1992. “Verschiedene neu-entdeckte Texte des Cāndravyākaraṇa und ihre Verfasser (Studien zum Cāndravyākaraṇa II).” Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik. Band 16/17. Reinbek 1992, pp. 161–184. [A 18/6, A 54/7, B 34/27, B 35/31, B 35/3, B 35/13, B 35/20, B 35/30, B 460/15, B 460/16, B 460/17, C 2/9],
- OKADA, Mamiko. 1993. Dvāviṃśatyavadānakathā. Ein mittelalterlicher buddhistischer Text zur Spendenfrömmigkeit. Nach zweiundzwanzig nepalesischen Handschriften kritisch herausgegeben von Mamiko Okada. Bonn 1993. (Indica et Tibetica, 24) [A 120/4, A 929/2, B 96/7, C 17/2, D 46/11, D 59/5, D 69/8, H 318/41],
- OKANO, Kiyoshi. 1998. Sarvarakṣitas Mahāsaṃvartanīkathā. Ein Sanskrit-Kāvya über die Kosmologie der Sāṃmitīya-Schule des Hīnayāna Buddhismus. Sendai 1989. (Tohoku-Indo-Tibetto-Kenkyūsho-Kankakai Monograph Series, 1) [A 38/12, A 132/7, A 922/2, B 97/8, E 492/42, E 493/10],
- OLIVELLE, Patrick. 2005. Manu’s Code of Law: a critical edition and translation of the Mānava-Dharmaśāstra by Patrick Olivelle. With the editorial assistance of Suman Olivelle. Oxford University Press. New York 2005. pp. 1031. ISBN 0-19-517146-2., [C 44/4 ?],
- PANDEY, Janardan Shastri. 1998. Yoginīsañcāratantram with Nibandha of Tathāgataraksita and Upadeśānusāriṇīvyākhyā of Alakakalaśa. Varanasi 1998. (Rare Buddhist Text Series 21). [A 43/11, A 47/20, A 48/5, A 1279/2, E 652/11, E 1476/5],
- PANDEYA, Ramchandra. 1971. Madhyānta-Vibhāga- Śāstra. Containing the Kārikā-s of Maitreya, Bhāṣya of Vasubandhu, and Tīkā by Sthīramatī. Delhi 1971. [A 38/10],
- PANT, Mahes Raj. 2000. Jātarūpa’s Commentary on the Amarakoṣa. For the first time critically edited together with an Introduction, Appendices and Indices. Part I: Introduction; Part II: Text. Delhi 2000. [A 1031/10 = B 266/15, C 121/1],
- PATEL, Prabhubhai Bhikhabhai. 1949. Cittaviśuddhiprakaraṇa of Āryadeva. Sanskrit and Tibetan Texts. Edited by Prabhubhai Bhikhabhai Patel, with a Foreword by Vidhuśekhara Bhattacharya. Calcutta 1949. (Viśva-Bharati Studies No. 8). [A 936/5, B 24/21],
- PREISENDANZ, Karin. 1994. Studien zu Nyāyasūtra III.1 mit dem Nyāyatattvāloka Vācaspati Miśras II. Teil 1, 2. Stuttgart 1994. (Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien, 46.12). [A 33/11, A 59/5],
- ROSPATT, Alexander von. 200?. (unpublished habilitation thesis) [?] ,
- ROSPATT, Alexander von. 2001. “A Historical Overview of the Renovations of the Svayambhūcaitya at Kathmandu.” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. XII. Wiesbaden 2001, pp. 195–241. [A 969/13, B 100/22, E 1743/3, E 1744/2, E 1874/2, E 1849/11; esp. p. 236],
- ROSPATT, Alexander von. 2009. "The Sacred Origins of the Svayambhūcaitya and the Nepal Valley. Foreign Speculation and Local Myth." In: Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. XIII. Kathmandu 2009, pp. 33-91. [A 923/3, A 923/4, C 27/7, E 1134/2],
- ROTH, Gustav. 1980. “Symbolism of the Buddhist Stūpa according to the Tibetan version of the Caitya-vibhāga-vinayodbhāva-sūtra, the Sanskrit treatise Stūpa-lakṣaṇa-kārikā-vivecana, and a corresponding passage in Kuladattas Kriyāsaṃgraha.” In: The Stūpa. Its Religious, Historical and Architectural Significance. Edited by Anna Libera Dallapiccola in collaboration with Stephanie Zingel-Avé Lallemant. Wiesbaden 1980, pp. 183–209. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung, Südasien-Institut, Universität Heidelberg, Band 55) [A 936/13; esp. pp. 193–195],
- SAITO, Naoki. 2005. Das Kompendium der moralischen Vollkommenheiten. Vairocanarakṣitas tibetische Übertragung von āryaśūras Pāramitāsamāsa samt Neuausgabe des Sanskrittextes. Marburg 2005. ,[A 39/2],
- SAMTANI, N.H.. 1971. Arthaviniścaya-Sūtra and Its Commentary (Nibandhana) (Written by Bhikṣu Vīryaśrīdatta of Śrī-Nālandāvihāra). Critically Edited and Annotated for the First Time with Introduction and Several Indices. Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series. Vol.XIII. Patna 1971. [A 86/4; B 86/2],
- SÄNGER, Anke. 2000. “Drei frühe Editionen des Vāsiṣṭhadharmaśāstra.” Berliner Indologische Studien. Band 13/14. Reinbek 2000, pp. 175–200. [E 248/20, esp. pp. 182–186],
- SCHNEIDER, Johannes. 1996. Sukṛtidatta Pantas Kārtavīryodaya. Ein neuzeitliches Sanskrit-Mahākāvya aus Nepal. Swisttal-Odendorf 1996. (Indica et Tibetica, 27). [A 1365/5, E 1454/4],
- SCHOTERMAN, Jan A.. 1982. Tha Ṣaṭsāhasra Saṃhitā. Chapters 1-5. Edited, translated and annotated by J. A. Schoterman. Leiden 1982. (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina, XXVII) [A 149/4, B 32/6; also mentioned A 44/6, A 150/17, A 200/4, B 25/20],
- SCHOTSMAN, Irma. 1995. Aśvaghoṣa's Buddhacarita. The Life of the Buddha. Sanskrit Text with Word-by-Word Translation, Melodies for Chanting and Verses in English, Grammatical Explanation. Sarnath 1995. [B 24/28],
- SCHREINER, Peter. 1980. Die Hymnen des Viṣṇupurāṇa. Materialien zur Textanalyse des Viṣṇupurāṇa. Tübingen 1980. (unpublished habilitation thesis) [?],
- SFERRA, Francesco. 2006. The Sekoddeśaṭīkā by Nāropā (paramārthasaṃgraha). Critical Edition of the Sankskrit Text by Francesco Sferra. Critical Edition of the Tibetan Translation by Stefania Merzagora. Roma 2006. ,[A 940/6],
- SFERRA, Francesco. 2007. “Newly Discovered Stanzas of the Paramārthasevā by Puṇḍarīka.” Newsletter of NGMCP. No. 5, 2007. [C 13/5, C 17/7, B 30/31],
- SHANKAR, Gauri and HAHN, Michael. 1989. Śivasvāmins Kapphiṇābhyudaya or Exaltation of King Kapphiṇa. Critically edited with an introduction by Gauri Shankar, with an appendix and revised romanized version of cantos i-viii and xix by Michael Hahn. New Delhi 1989. [A 24/12],
- SHASTRI, Losang Norbu. 1990. Chandoratnākara (with Auto-Commentary) of Kalikālasarvajña Ratnākaraśāntipāda. Restored, Translated and Edited by Losang Norbu Shastri, in: Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series, XVIII. Varanasi 1990. [A 20/9],
- STEINER, Roland. 1991. “Preface and Bibliography of the Editions and Translations of the Nāgānanda.” In: The Recensions of the Nāgānanda by Harṣadeva. Vol.1. The North Indian Recension. Edited by Mādhava Candra Ghoṣa Assisted by Kṛṣṇa Kamala Bhaṭṭācārya. With a General Introduction by Michael Hahn and a Preface and a Bibliography of the Editions and Translations of the Nāgānanda by Roland Steiner. New Delhi 1991, pp. 11-21. [B 15/7, B 15/13, B 15/14],
- STEINER, Roland (alias Paffen). 1989. Kritische Edition der Akte IV bis VI der tibetischen Übertragung von Harṣadevas Schauspiel Nāgānanda. Bonn 1989. (unpublished MA thesis) [B 15/7, B 15/13, B 15/14; esp. pp. 127, 128 and ch. 9],
- STEINER, Roland (alias Paffen). 1997. Untersuchungen zu Harṣadevas Nāgānanda und zum indischen Schauspiel. Swisttal-Odendorf 1997. (Indica et Tibetica, 31) [B 15/7, B 15/13, B 15/14; esp. p. 8],
- STRAUBE, Martin. 2006. Prinz Sudhana und die Kinnarī.Eine buddhistische Liebesgeschichte von Kṣemendra. Texte, Übersetzung, Studie. Indica et Tibetica, Vol. 46. Marburg 2006. [B 95/5],
- SUKTHANKAR, V. S.. 1938. “The Oldest Extant Ms. of the Ādiparvan (Epic Studies, VII).” Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. Vol. XIX. Poona 1938, pp. 201–262. [A 28/5],
- ŚĀSTRI, Hara Prasād. 1939. Saundarananda Kāvya of Ārya Bhadanta Aśvaghoṣa . Edited by Haraprasad Shastri. Re-issue with additions by Chintaharan Chakravarti. Calcutta 1939 [First edition: 1910]. (Bibliotheca Indica, Work No. 192). [A 25/3, A 399/2],
- TANAKA, Kimiaki. 1998. “Newly Identified Buddhist Tantric Manusript from Nepal.” Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū). Vol. XLVI, No. 2. 1998, pp. 148–152. (in Japanese) [E 920/12],
- TANEMURA, Ryugen. 2007. “Mṛtasugatiniyojana: A Manual of the Indian Buddhist Tantric Funeral.” Newsletter of NGMCP. No. 4. [C47/9],
- THOMI, Peter. 1996. Avadhūtagītā. Sanskrit-deutsch. Ed. Peter Thomi. Wichtrach 1996. (Reihe Texte und Übersetzungen, 4). [A 83/6, A 1329/18, B 60/9, B 60/10, E 411/9, E 418/18, E 541/25 (read 451/25 ?), E 569/17, E 645/1, E 885/4, E 1400/5, E 1212/37, G 80/23, G 87/13, G 93/21, H 118/32],
- TODA, Hirofumi. [?]. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Nepalese Manuscript (XVIII–XXVII).” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XVIII. Tokushima 1990, pp. 1–43. ,
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1984. “A Classification of the Nepalese Manuscripts of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra.” Journal of Cultural and Social Science. Volume XIX. Tokushima 1984, pp. 211–256. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1985. “A Classification of the Nepalese Manuscripts of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra (2).” Journal of Cultural and Social Science. Volume XX. Tokushima 1985, pp. 245–284. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1986. “A Classification of the Nepalese Manuscripts of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra (3).” Journal of Cultural and Social Science. Volume XXI. Tokushima 1986, pp. 179–242. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1986. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. III (60.166.10).” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XII. Tokushima 1986, pp. 148. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1987. “A Classification of the Nepalese Manuscripts of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra (4).” Journal of Cultural and Social Science. Volume XXII. Tokushima 1987, pp. 253–313. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1988. “A Classification of the Nepalese Manuscripts of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra (5).” Journal of Cultural and Social Science. Volume XXIII. Tokushima 1988, pp. 211–269. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1988. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. III (66.1171.12, 79.184.9).” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XIII. Tokushima 1988, pp. 148. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1988. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. III (84.992.11).” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XIV. Tokushima 1988, pp. 156. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1988. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. III (92.1199.7).” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XVI. Tokushima 1988, pp. 156. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1989. “A Classification of the Nepalese Manuscripts of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra (6).” Journal of Cultural and Social Science. Volume XXIV. Tokushima 1989, pp. 253–298. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1989. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Nepalese Manuscript (XXVII).” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XVII. Tokushima 1989, pp. 141. [?],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1990. “A Classification of the Nepalese Manuscripts of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra (7).” Journal of Cultural and Social Science. Volume XXV. Tokushima 1990, pp. 143–174. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1990. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Nepalese Manuscript (VIX).” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XIX. Tokushima 1990, pp. 132. [?],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1991. “A Classification of the Nepalese Manuscripts of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra (8).” Journal of Cultural and Social Science. Volume XXVI. Tokushima 1991, pp. 119–166. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1991. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Nepalese Manuscript (III).” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XX. Tokushima 1991, pp. 120 (with 10 plates). [?],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1991. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Nepalese Manuscript (III–IV).” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XXI. Tokushima 1991, pp. 124. [?],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1992. “A Classification of the Nepalese Manuscripts of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra (9).” Journal of Cultural and Social Science. Volume XXVII. Tokushima 1992, pp. 147–195. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1992. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. (XIVXVI).” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XXII. Tokushima 1992, pp. 141. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1992. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. (VII)” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XXIII. Tokushima 1992, pp. 159. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1993. “A Classification of the Nepalese Manuscripts of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra (10).” Journal of Cultural and Social Science. Volume XXVIII. Tokushima 1993, pp. 163–224. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1993. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. (VIII–IX).” Tokushima Daigaku Kyōyōbu Rinri Gakka Kiyō (Memoirs of the Department of Ethics, College of General Education, Tokushima). Volume XXIV. Tokushima 1993, pp. 151. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1994. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Romanized Text. V (125.5131.11), II (30.46).” Kenkyū hōkoku sho. Volume I. Tokushima 1994, pp. 127. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1995. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Romanized Text V (137.14143.7), XII (267.1273.2).” Kenkyū hōkoku sho. Volume II. Tokushima 1995, pp. 148. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1996. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Romanized Text XII (273.2274.11), XVII (345.1353.5), VI (145.9155.9).” Kenkyū hōkoku sho. Volume III. Tokushima 1996, pp. 148. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1997. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Romanized Text I (24.628.13); Miscellanea.” Kenkyū hōkoku sho. Volume IV. Tokushima 1997 pp. 142. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1998. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Romanized Text I (1.15.6), (6.68.9), II (29.130.8), (33.534.6), (36.1-36.9), (36.1137.2), (37.638.1), (38.839.6).” Kenkyū hōkoku sho. Volume V. Tokushima 1998 pp. 152. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 1999. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Romanized Text. II (Kn. 39.744.4), XV (Kn. 315.1318.8).” Kenkyū hōkoku sho. Volume VI. Tokushima 1999, pp. 150. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 2000. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Romanized Text. XV (Kn.318.8323.6), XIII (Kn.278.8282.8).” Kenkyū hōkoku sho. Volume VII. Tokushima 2000, pp. 149. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 2001. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Romanized Text. XIII (Kn 275.1-276.11, Kn 277.11-278.5, Kn 282.9-283.4, Kn 286.12-287.10, 291.9-296.3).” Kenkyū hōkoku sho. Volume VIII. Tokushima 2001, pp. 149. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 2001. Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Sanskrit Lotus Sutra Manuscript from the National Archives of Nepal (4-21). Romanized Text 1. Edited by Hirofumi Toda. Soka Gakkai 2001. [A 36/5A 37/1],
- TODA, Hirofumi. 2002. “Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra. Romanized Text. XIII (277.110), (285.5286.10), (287.11291.8).” Kenkyū hōkoku sho. Volume IX. Tokushima 2002, pp. 134. [A 36/5A 37/1, A 37/2, A 38/6],
- TÖRZSÖK, Judit. 2003. “Three Chapters of Śaiva Material Added to the Earliest Known Recension of the Skandapurāṇa.” In: Origin and Growth of the Purāṇic Text Corpus. With Special Reference to the Skandapurāṇa. Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference Held in Helsinki, Finland, 13—18 July, 2003. Edited by Hans T. Bakker. Vol. 3.2. Delhi 2004, pp. 17-41. [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- TRIPATHI, Ram Shankar. 2001. Piṇḍīkrama and Pañcakrama of ācārya Nāgārjuna. Varanasi 2001. (Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series XXV). [B 31/10],
- TUCCI, Giuseppe. 1956. Navaślokī of Kambalapāda, in: Minor Buddhist Texts. Part I and II. Rome 1956. (Serie Orientale Roma IX). [A 936/11],
- VOGEL, Claus. 1974. “The Dated Nepalese Manuscripts of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra .” Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. I. philologisch-historische Klasse, Jahrgang 1974, Nr. 5, pp. 199–204)
- WEZLER, Albrecht (in cooperation with Diwakar Acharya). 2001. “Bhikṣu Haribhadras Vibhaktikārikā. An Unknown Grammatical Text Edited with a Brief Introduction (First Part).” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. XII. Wiesbaden 2001, pp. 243–253. [E 2472/34],
- WIELINSKA-SOLTWEDEL, M.. 2006. ! Critical edition of Viśvarūpas Bhāṣāvṛttipañjikā (on the first adhyāya of the Aṣṭādhyāyī) (Doctoral Dissertation) [A 52/7],
- WITZEL, Michael. 2001. “Medieval Veda Tradition as Reflected in Nepalese Manusripts.” Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. XII. Wiesbaden 2001, pp. 255299. [A 52/2, A 438/32, A 440/27, A 591/2, A 593/14, A 593/15, A 593/16, A 593/19, A 593/20, A 594/14, A 595/14, A 596/4, A 596/7, A 596/8, A 597/10, A 597/31, A 599/4, A 599/9, A 600/4, A 600/5, A 601/6, A 602/5, A 610/23, A 1132/4, A 1136/4, A 1150/10, A 1153/7, A 1153/8, A 1155/7, A 1156/12, A 1156/27, A 1157/5, A 1159/6, A 1161/10, A 1270/9, B 24/54, B 33/17, B 32/26, B 32/29, B 32/32, B 33/28, B 34/4, B 35/32, B 36/1, B 36/31, B 37/10, B 350/5, B 350/6, B 350/7, B 350/8, B 431/4, B 431/10, B 432/19, B 494/4, B 500/8, B 500/9, B 503/3, B 504/23, B 504/35, B 511/4, B 512/12, C 3/8, C 26/11, C 44/8, E 94/31, E 155/39, E 159/20, G 152/2; cf. also pp. 286–292],
- YOKOCHI, Yuko. 2004. The Rise of the Warriors Goddess in Ancient India : A Study of the Myth Cycle of Kauśikī-Vindhyavasinī in the Skanda-purāṇa. Groningen 2004. (Dissertation also published as E-Text by University of Groningen: [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- YOKOCHI, Yuko. 1999. “Mahiṣāsuramardinī Myth and Icon: Studies in the Skandapurāṇa, II.” Indo Shisoshi Kenkyu (Studies in the History of Indian Thought). No.11. Kyoto 1999, pp. 65-103. [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- YOKOCHI, Yuko. 2000. “The Story of the Seven Brahmans in the Harivaṃśa. Studies in the Skandapurāṇa, IV.” In: Harānandalagarī. Volume in Honour of Professor Minoru Hara on his Seventieth Birthday. Ed. by R. Tsuchida and A. Wezler. Reinbek 2000, pp. 525-552. [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- YOKOCHI, Yuko. 2003. “The Relation between the Skandapurāṇa and the Aavantyakhaṇḍa.” In: Origin and Growth of the Purāṇic Text Corpus. With Special Reference to the Skandapurāṇa. Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference Held in Helsinki, Finland, 13—18 July, 2003. Edited by Hans T. Bakker. Vol. 3.2. Delhi 2004, pp. 79-109. [B 11/4, B 12/2, B 12/3],
- YOKOCHI, Yuko. 1999. “The Warrior Goddess in the Devīmāhātmya.” In: Living with Śakti: Gender, Sexuality and Religion in South Asia. Osaka 1999. (Senri Ethnological Studies, 50), pp. 71–113; esp. p. 91, note 1. [A 1157/11, A 1157/12],
- YUYAMA, Akira. 2001. The Mahāvastu-Avadāna in Old Palm-Leaf and Paper Manuscripts. I. Palm-Leaf Manuscripts. II. Paper Manucript. Tokyo 2001. [X 1047/1, X 1028/1],
- ZOTTER, Astrid. 2009. "On the Consecration of the Jalaśayana Nārāyaṇa in the Royal Palace of Kathmandu." In: Journal of the Nepal Research Centre. Vol. XIII. Kathmandu 2009, pp. 93-101. [A 516/6, G 92/14]