Islamic Studies Lecture Series at AAI
From Nov. 2021 to Jan 2022, the Department of Islamic Studies at the Asia Africa Institute of the Universität Hamburg organized a series of online presentations on its "Recent and Ongoing Research Projects". Below you find videos of several presentations.
Nov. 09, 2021 - Konrad Hirschler: "The Documentary and Bookish Culture of Medieval Jerusalem"
Nov. 16, 2021 - Zahir Bhalloo: "Persian Documents from al-haram al-sharif" (DFG)
Nov. 23, 2021 - Stefan Heidemann: "The Islamic Empire at Work" (ERC Advanced Grant)
Nov. 30, 2021 - Stefan Heidemann and Sabine Panzram: "RomanIslam - Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies" (DFG)
Dec. 07, 2021 - Alba Fedeli: "The Intertwined Wold of Oral and Written Transmission of Sacred Traditions in the Middle East" (AHRC - DFG)
Dec. 14, 2021 - Thomas Eich: "Contemporary Bioethics and the History of the Unborn in Islam (COBHUNI)" (ERC Consolidator Grant)
Jan. 11, 2022 - Hannah-Lena Hagemann: "Social Contexts of Rebellion in the Early Islamic Period (SCORE)" (DFG Emmy Noether Group)
Jan. 18, 2022 - Maxim Romanov: "The Evolution of Islamic Societies (c.600-1600 CE): Algorithmic Analysis into Social History" (DFG Emmy Noether Group)