Dr. Gökçen Beyinli-Dinç
Photo: UHH/AAI
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Gökçen Beyinli-Dinç is a postdoctoral researcher at Asien-Afrika-Institut, Department of Turcology and her research entitled “Batinism as Neş’e: Reconsidering the Islamic History of Turkey and the Alevis through Abdülbâki Gölpınarlı” is funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung from May to December 2024. In her project, she investigates the historiography of Abdülbâki Gölpınarlı (1900-1982), a leading Turkish author and translator, in order to provide an innovative perspective on Batinism and its relationship with Alevis in Turkey’s history. Previously, from March 2022 to February 2024, she worked in the same department on her project entitled “Mevlid as Lived Religion in Secular Turkey", which was funded by TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey). She is a historian of the Republic of Turkey interested in the stories and experiences of devalued, marginalised or discriminated individuals, communities, places and practices. She has earned her PhD degree in history at Humboldt University-Berlin in 2018 and has worked as a lecturer at Humboldt University and Izmir University of Economics. She has been teaching at Asien-Afrika-Institut since Summer Term 2023. She is the author of two books in Turkish (Elleri Tılsımlı: Modern Türkiye’de Ebelik (4th edition), Alfa Yayınları, 2023 and İslam ve Sair Halk: Laik Türkiye’de Hurafeler, Kadınlar, Türbeler, Kitap Yayınevi, 2021). Her previous, recent and forthcoming articles can be found at her profile at https://www.academia.edu.