Book (as Author):
2024. Greek Captives and Mediterranean Slavery, 1260–1460 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2024) [Open Access].
Book (as Editor):
(In Press). With H.-L. Hagemann (eds), Between Rebels and Rulers in the Early Islamicate World: Power, Contention and Identity (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press) [Open Access].
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
2022. ‘Scotland’s “Vagabonding Greekes”, 1453–1688’, Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies 46, pp. 81–97 [Open Access].
2018. ‘The Mongol Invasions between Epistolography and Prophecy: The Case of the Letter “Ad flagellum”, c.1235/6–1338’, Traditio 73, pp. 117–77.
2016. ‘Pisan Perspectives: The Carmen in victoriam and Holy War, c.1000–1150’, The English Historical Review 131, pp. 983–1009.
Chapters in Multi-Author Volumes:
(Forthcoming). ‘Between Greek Revolution and Jamaican Rebellion: Thomas Gordon as Philhellene and Slave Owner«, in M. Sotiropoulos (ed.), Philhellenism and the Greek Revolution of 1821: Towards a Global History (Abingdon: Routledge).
(Forthcoming). ‘Captives, Slaves, and Latin Categories of Greekness’, in N. Gaul, M. Carr and Y. Stouraitis (eds), The Post-1204 Byzantine World: New Directions and Novel Approaches. Papers Read at the 51st Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Edinburgh, 13–15 April 2018 (Abingdon: Routledge).
(Forthcoming). ‘A Probably Spurious Crusading Letter of 1441 to John II of Cyprus (Vat. lat. 10688)’, in G. Christ (ed.), Commerce and Crusade: The Mamluk Empire and Cyprus in a Euro-Mediterranean Perspective (Leuven: Peeters).
(In Press). ‘Taxation, Rebellion and Withdrawal in Early ʿAbbāsid Armenia, 754–775 CE/136–158 AH’, in H.-L. Hagemann and A. C. Grant (eds), Between Rebels and Rulers in the Early Islamicate World: Power, Contention and Identity (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press) [Open Access].
(In Press). With H.-L. Hagemann, ‘Introduction: Approaching Rebellion in the Early Islamicate World’, in H.-L. Hagemann and A. C. Grant (eds), Between Rebels and Rulers in the Early Islamicate World: Power, Contention and Identity (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press) [Open Access].
2024. ‘Thomas Gordon and the Ghost of Tripolitsa: A Study in Private Conflict and Public Relations’, in R. Beaton and N. Gaul (eds), The Greek Revolution of 1821: European Contexts, Scottish Connections (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press), pp. 250–74.
2023. ‘Gottlose Korsaren. Erzählungen aus der spätmittelalterlichen Ägäis’, in R. Hank, H. Leppin and M. Plumpe (eds), »Alle, die mit uns auf Kaperfahrt fahren«: Piratengeschichten auf den Meeren der Welt (Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag), pp. 49–72.
2022. With M. Carr, ‘The Catalan Company as a military diasporic group in medieval Greece and Asia Minor’, in G. Christ, P. Sänger and M. Carr (eds), Military Diasporas: Building of Empire in the Middle East and Europe (550 BCE–1500 CE) (Abingdon: Routledge), pp. 176–93.
2019. ‘Byzantium’s ashes and the bones of St Nicholas: Two translations as turning points, 1087–1100’, in M. Kinloch and A. MacFarlane (eds), Trends and Turning-Points: Constructing the Late Antique and Byzantine World (Leiden: Brill), pp. 247–65.
Reviews and Shorter Publications:
2023. Review: S. B. Dadoyan, Islam in Armenian Literary Culture: Texts, Contexts, Dynamics (Leuven: Peeters, 2021), in Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations 34, pp. 193–4.
2023. Review: W. St Clair, Who Saved the Parthenon? A New History of the Acropolis before, during and after the Greek Revolution (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers), in Historische Zeitschrift 316, pp. 685–6.
2021. Article: ‘The Scottish Ladies Society for Promoting Education in Greece: Philanthropy and Empire in the “Athens of the North”’, History Scotland (Nov./Dec. 2021), pp. 42–4.
2021. Exhibition Catalogue: With N. Gaul, I. G. Brown and R. Beaton, Edina/Athena: The Greek Revolution and the Athens of the North, 1821–2021 (Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh) [Open Access].
2021. CD Booklet: ‘Ronald Center and His String Quartets’, Ronald Center: Chamber and Instrumental Music, Volume Two: Complete String Quartets [TOCC 0533] (London: Toccata Classics).
2021. Review: T. Sinclair, Eastern Trade and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages: Pegolotti’s Ayas–Tabriz Itinerary and its Commercial Context (Abingdon & New York: Routledge, 2019), in Al-Masāq 33, pp. 89–92.
2021. Review: D. Valérian, Ports et réseaux d’échanges dans le Maghreb médiéval (Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2019), in Al-Masāq 33, pp. 352–4.
2020. Review: H. Barker, That Most Precious Merchandise: The Mediterranean Trade in Black Sea Slaves, 1260–1500 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019), in Al-Masāq 32, pp. 357–60.
2019. Review: G. Scalia (ed.), A. Bartola (comm.) and M. Guardo (trans.), Enrico Pisano: Liber Maiorichinus de gestis Pisanorum illustribus (Florence: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2017), in The English Historical Review 134, pp. 957–9.