Südostasien am AAI (2024)9. Juli 2024|SüdostasienAnnouncement: 12.07.2024 – English Talk by Nhã Thuyên: "Up\\rooted: Drifting With and Moving Inward to Poetics of Vietnamese Utterances"Foto: Nhã Thuyên, croppedWe kindly invite you to this talk on Friday, July 12, 2024, at 16:00–18:00 h (CEST/MESZ).28. Juni 2024|SüdostasienAnnouncement: 12.07.2024 – Online Lecture by Jörg Phil Friedrich: "Artificial Intelligence and 'Low Resource Languages': Challenges for Culture and Society"Foto: ahmedgad (Ahmed Gad) | Pixabay, scaledWe kindly invite you to this online lecture in English language on Friday, July 12th, 2024, at 14:00–16:00 h (CEST/MESZ).28. Juni 2024|SüdostasienAnnouncement: 02.07.2024 – Hybrid Lecture by Clotilde Luquiau: "Wildlife in the village, between agents of conflicts and tourism attractions in Sabah, Malaysia"Foto: Clotilde Luquiau, croppedWe kindly invite you to this hybrid (in-place & online) lecture in English language on Tuesday, July 02nd, 2024, at 14:00–16:00 h (CEST/MESZ).18. Juni 2024|SüdostasienAnnouncement – 20.06.2024: The University of the Philippines Concert ChorusFoto: The University of the Philippines Concert Chorus, croppedAnnouncement – 20.06.2024:The University of the Philippines Concert Chorus Organized by:Asia-Africa-Institute, Universität Hamburg,in cooperation with...13. Juni 2024|SüdostasienAnnouncement: 18.06.2024 – Hybrid Lecture by Macario Lacbawan: "Philippines' New Clark City: Non-persons and the Concealing of 18,000 Climate Perverts in a Smart Capital"Foto: Katja Klein; graphics: E. Hellen Kustanti (UHH)We kindly invite you to this hybrid (in-place & online) lecture in English language on Tuesday, June 18th, 2024, at 14:00–16:00 h (CEST/MESZ).8. Juni 2024|SüdostasienAnkündigung: 22.06.2024 – "Mabuhay! Cinema! – Ein Fest der philippinischen Kurzfilme"Foto: Bipolaroid Film FundAnkündigung – 22.06.2024:"Mabuhay! Cinema! – Ein Fest der philippinischen Kurzfilme" Organisation:Fachbereich Austronesistik, Abteilung für Sprachen...4. Juni 2024|SüdostasienAnnouncement: 07.06.2024 – English Online Lecture by Prof. LI Tana: "Maritime Vietnam: From Earliest Time to the 19th Century"Foto: LI Tana, Thomas ENGELBERT, CAO Quang NghiệpWe kindly invite you to this online lecture on Friday, June 07, 2024, at 14:00–16:00 h (CEST/MESZ = 19:00–21:00 gời Việt nam).1. Juni 2024|SüdostasienAnnouncement: 14.06.2024 – Online Lecture by Stefan Hell: "Art, Diplomacy, and the Projection of Power: The Thai Elephant Statues in Singapore, Jakarta, and Ho Chi Minh City"Foto: Stefan Hell (cropped)We kindly invite you to this online lecture in English language on Friday, June 14th, 2024, at 14:00–16:00 h (CEST/MESZ).29. Mai 2024|SüdostasienAnnouncement: 04.06.2024 – Hybrid Lecture by Antoine Laugrand: "Property and Ownership: The case of Mountain Peoples in the Philippines"Foto: Antoine Laugrand | University of Ottawa (cropped)We kindly invite you to this hybrid (in-place & online) lecture in English language on Tuesday, June 4th, 2024, at 14:00–16:00 h (CEST/MESZ).29. Mai 2024|SüdostasienAnnouncement: 01.06.2024 – "Thai Tag 2024"Foto: icon0 com | Pexels (cropped)"Thai Tag 2024"Sustainable Development in Thailand:Social and Cultural Paths Saturday, 01.06.202409:00 – 17:00 o'clock Asien-Afrika-Institut,...Mehr Artikel