Special Exhibition Starting on 19.04.2024: "Traces of Empires in the Philippines"
13 April 2024, by AAI Webmaster
Photo: Olga Sukhina & Lara Hemken | UHH, copped
Grand Opening of Special Exhibition:
"Traces of Empires in the Philippines"
Opening speeches:
– Prof. Dr. Silke Segler-Meßner, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
– Dr. Antje Nagel, Head of the University Museum
– Prof. Dr. Elsa Clavé, Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia, Asia-Africa-Institute
Date and time:
Friday, 19 April2024,
at 17:00 CEST/MESZ (5:00 p.m.)
Universität Hamburg
Agathe Lasch Lecture Hall (in the temporary-exhibition section of the University Museum)
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Hauptgebäude (Main Building)
20146 Hamburg
Special exhibition open to public (see below)! – Registration required for grand opening only!
On this special exhibition:
On 15 February 1898, a US naval vessel sank in Havana Harbor, Cuba. This event marked the beginning of a conflict between Spain and the United States. In less than a year, the Spanish Empire collapsed, while a United States empire was born, expanding across the Pacific towards the Philippines.
The exhibition "Traces of Empires" invites visitors to reflect upon the long-term impact of these colonial events and the legacy of the Spanish and American empires in the Philippines. It thus opens a window into the concerns of contemporary Filipino society and Filipino diaspora in Germany.
The exhibition was created by master’s students in Austronesian studies for a project seminar. It is the result of a collaborative project between the Department of Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia and the University Museum.
The exhibition is part of an international collaboration with Sulo: The Philippine Studies Initiative at New York University, USA; the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, UK; and Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines, organized in commemoration of the Spanish-American War and its global impact.
We thank the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Germany and the Hamburg Society for Austronesian Studies (HGA) for their support.
You are invited to a reception and a tour of the exhibition after the official welcome.
Please let us know by 10 April 2024 whether you will attend the event: tracesofempires"AT"uni-hamburg.de.
Dr. Antje Nagel, head I Prof. Dr. Elsa Clavé, project head I Lara Hemken, exhibition design I Olga Sukhina, graphics
Student curators: Happy Yulfarida Arini, D Wira Atmaja, Dea Mentari Dini, Laura Hirsch, Emmanuela Hellen Kustanti, Carina Lang, Astrid Martz, Anna Mazur
Information on this special exhibition can also be found on the Department of Souteast Asia Studies' Instagram account and on our flyer.
Museum opening hours:
Tue, 10 am–2 pm |Thu, 3–7 pm | Sat, 2–6 pm | Closed on holidays and on 24 and 31 December.
Access is available for wheelchair users and baby strollers.