Workshop Belonging in South and North Korean popular culture: diverse perspectives
30. August 2023, von AAI Webmaster
Foto: UHH/Korea
Belonging in South and North Korean popular culture: diverse perspectives
Universität Hamburg, Asien-Afrika-Institut, Korean studies, August 30th-31st 2023
The categories of nation and nationalism have been major terms under which the construction
of belonging has been explored, especially in earlier film studies. Looking at North and South
Korean popular culture, the construction of a sense of belonging is diverse. While there have
already been some contributions to gender or ideology and propaganda, other
representations of the sense of belonging such as to region, nature, physical or social
characteristics of communities are still scarce. The cause for diversity might also be based on
the different development within the two states. What are the contexts to a certain sense of
belonging? What are the modes of representation?