Tết festival 2024 and novel presentation (in German): Khuê Phạm – "Wo auch immer ihr seid"
8 February 2024, by AAI Webmaster

Photo: Gregor Gawellek | Universität Hamburg, cropped
We kindly invite you to this lecture and the festivities starting on Thursday, February 8, 2024, at 18:00 h (CET/MEZ).
Tết festival 2024
novel presentation
Khuê Phạm:
"Wo auch immer ihr seid"
Thursday, 08.02.2024
18:00 h
Asien-Afrika-Institut (AAI), room O-121
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Flügel Ost ("East Wing")
20146 Hamburg
The novel presentation will be held in German!
Open to public! – Admission free!
This year, we are celebrating the Tết festival (Vietnamese New Year) a little bit ahead of time: on Thursday, February 8, 2024, from 6 p.m.
At the beginning of our Tết celebration, Ms. Khuê Phạm, journalist from "Zeit," will introduce her successful debut novel "Wo auch immer ihr seid" ("Wherever you are") and invite you to discuss it.
This emotionally and intellectually moving work deals with the question of how powerfully and sustainably the war has torn Vietnamese families apart and condemned them to silence for a long time. For Khuê Phạm, born in Germany to well-off Vietnamese parents, the death of her grandmother, who died in California, becomes the starting point for an exploration of her own family history, which is marked by severe trauma and often repressed conflicts. The trip to California, which the author only undertakes reluctantly and only at the express request of her parents, becomes a touching encounter with unfamiliar relatives but also with the question of her own identity and future.
Afterwards, the Vietnam Studies Department invites you to a carefully prepared party.
We are looking forward to your visit!
The novel presentation will be videotaped and can later be accessed at Lecture2Go (Universität Hamburg).
You can find all this information on our invitation, too.