5th International Conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash
“Compilation of Traditional and New Aspects of Mt. Kailash and Surrounding Pilgrimage Sites”
University of Hamburg, March 21-22, 2020: postponed to March 25 - 27, 2022.
Due to the spreading of the coronavirus, the University of Hamburg cancels this event! The conference is postponed to a new date and will be performed online as Zoom-conference. If needed, install the Zoom-software from https://zoom.us/download or, if you already have installed the Zoom-software, check for an update under https://support.zoom.us/hc/de/articles/201362233-Wo-lade-ich-die-neueste-Version-herunter-
Khyentse Center for Tibetan Buddhist Textual Scholarship
Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies
supported by the
Numata Center for Buddhist Studies
organized by the Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group of Bulgaria, Germany and Russia
Aims of the Conference
Mt. Kailash in the far west of Tibet is one of the holiest mountains in the world, revered by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Bönpo. During the last two decades, also Westerners set out for this remote region. Improved infrastructure and more liberal issuing of permits let their number and very much that of Indian pilgrims increase on a large scale. This requires new rules and regulations to preserve the landscape of Mt. Kailash and neighbouring sites.
A number of travel guides cover the topic of Mt. Kailash travels. However, many aspects of this exceptional geographical region are outlined just marginally in many of them. These include Lake Manasarovar, Lake Raksas Tal, Tirthapuri and the historical Guge Kingdom, as well as the sources of the four big rivers Brahmaputra, Karnali (headstream of the Ganges), Sutlej and Indus. Also the religious backgrounds, legends and iconographic properties are not dealt with in detail in these guides.
Besides the traditional rules for Tibetan and Indian pilgrims to Mt. Kailash, during recent years new observations and explorations were made and new regulations put into force. The aim of this conference is to compile both traditional and new aspects of the phenomenon of Mt. Kailash and the surrounding area of pilgrimage sites, their interpretation and comparison with old scriptures and tantric vision. Data on Mt. Kailash and the sacred lakes will be introduced and systemized. The knowledge of the sacred regions of Tibet will be shared, the cooperation in further scientific investigation discussed.
Conference Language: English
Download the Conference Poster(PDF) here.
List of Speakers
Ian A. Baker, PhD | Great Britain |
Dr. Sergei Balalaev | Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Russia |
Ajitkumar Benadi | Jain Association International, Germany |
Dr. Ram Prasad Bhatt | University of Hamburg, Germany |
Dmitry Ermakov | Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bon, UK |
Susan Griffith-Jones | Great Britain / India |
Minka Hauschild | Germany |
Dr. Christoph Klein | Switzerland |
Galina Kotovskaya | Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Russia |
Niraj Kumar | Society for Asian Integration, India |
Dr. Diana Lange | University of Hamburg, Germany |
Prof. Pierre Mercier | Canada |
Alexey Percsukov | Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Estonia |
Marwin Schwarzbach | Stiftung Sowa Rigpa, Boppard, Germany |
Viktor Shcherbakov | Russia |
Prof. Dr. Dorji Wangchuk | University of Hamburg, Germany |
Dr. Wolfgang Woellmer | Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Germany |
Program of the online-Conference
with 5 minutes for questions after each presentation.
The indicated times refer to CET (MEZ), which is UTC+1, check www.timeanddate.com
Attention! During the night of March 26 to 27 we switch to CEST (MESZ) = UTC+2.
A conference program PDF file is available here for download.
Friday, March 25, 2022
17:00 |
OPENING OF THE CONFERENCE Prof. Dr. Dorji Wangchuk, University of Hamburg, Germany Dr. Wolfgang Wöllmer, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Germany |
17:15 |
Hindu Scriptures and Legends of Mt. Kailash and Lake Manasarovar Dr. Ram Prasad Bhatt, University of Hamburg, Germany |
17:40 |
The Importance of Mt. Kailash in the Bon Religion Dmitry Ermakov, Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bon, UK |
18:05 |
The Importance of Mt. Kailash in the Jain Religion Ajitkumar Benadi, Jain Association International, Germany |
18:30 |
Interaction of the 4 Religions in their Beliefs in the Context of Mt. Kailash and Lake Manasarovar Prof. Pierre Mercier, Canada |
18:55 |
Saturday, March 26, 2022
08:30 |
Depiction of Mount Kailāśa (Ti-se) in Tibetan Literature Prof. Dr. Dorji Wangchuk, University of Hamburg, Germany |
08:55 |
Sacred Geography: History of Tibet and the Mt. Kailash Region Ian A. Baker, PhD, UK |
09:20 |
Representation of Mt. Kailash on Tibetan, Chinese and European Maps Dr. Diana Lange, University of Hamburg, Germany |
09:45 |
Landscape Geoglyphs in the Region of Mt. Kailash and the Great Lakes Dr. Sergei Balalaev, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Russia |
10:10 |
10:55 |
The Organic Pilgrimage, a Spiral of Consciousness as Described in The Tibetan Book of the Dead Susan Griffith-Jones, Great Britain / India |
11:20 |
The Meaning of the Kora of Mt. Kailash for Western Visitors Minka Hauschild, Germany |
11:45 |
The Magical Duel Between Milarepa and Naro Bönchung: Who Really Won? Dmitry Ermakov, Foundation for the Preservation of Yungdrung Bon, UK |
12:10 |
“Existential Spinning”, the Meaning Behind the Clockwise and Anti-clockwise Kora Susan Griffith-Jones, Great Britain / India |
12:35 |
Pilgrimage as Terrestrial Representation of GeometricaI Imagination: Inner and Outer Pilgrimage in the Kālachakra Corpus Niraj Kumar, Society for Asian Integration, India |
13:00 |
14:30 |
Access of Mt. Kailash and Overview of the Koras Dr. Wolfgang Wöllmer, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Germany |
14:55 |
Tourism Development in Tibet in Recent Years Alexey Percsukov, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Estonia |
15:20 |
The Tibetan Medical and Astro Institute Mt. Kailash in Darchen Dr. Christoph Klein, Switzerland |
15:45 |
Sowa Rigpa – The Science of Healing and Holy Mount Kailash Marwin Schwarzbach, Stiftung Sowa Rigpa, Germany |
16:10 |
16:55 |
The Kora of Mt. Kailash Minka Hauschild, Germany |
17:20 |
Geometrical Features of the Relief in the Region of Mt. Kailash Dr. Sergei Balalaev, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Russia |
17:45 |
The Kora of Lake Manasarovar and Raksas Tal Galina Kotovskaya, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Russia |
18:10 |
Research of the Lake Gyuma Tso in the Region of Mt. Kailash Dr. Sergei Balalaev, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Russia |
18:35 |
19:20 |
Video: Tibet, Place that Changes Lives Alexey Percsukov & Viktor Shcherbakov, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Estonia |
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Attention! Switch to daylight saving time CEST (MESZ) = UTC+2.
08:30 |
The Sources of the Four Great Rivers: Sacral and Physical Geography Dr. Sergei Balalaev, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Russia |
08:55 |
Tirthapuri and Gurugyam and Khyunglung Minka Hauschild, Germany |
09:20 |
Tsaparang and the Guge Kingdom Dr. Christoph Klein, Switzerland |
09:55 |
Piyang and Dungkar Dr. Wolfgang Wöllmer, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Germany |
10:10 |
10:55 |
The Inner Kora of Mt. Kailash and the Secret Dakini Path Dr. Sergei Balalaev, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Russia . |
11:20 |
Other Inner Kora Paths Dr. Wolfgang Wöllmer, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Germany |
11:45 |
The Basis of the Four Faces of Mt. Kailash: a Sacral Landscape Galina Kotovskaya, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Russia |
12:10 |
The Spiral Kora Dr. Wolfgang Wöllmer, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Germany |
12:35 |
Exploration of the Internal Mandala of Mt. Kailash Alexey Percsukov, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Estonia |
13:00 |
14:30 |
The Psychophysical Body Image Represented in Mt. Kailash Minka Hauschild, Germany |
14:55 |
The Dancing Ground of Śiva: Kailash in Hindu Tradition and Imagination Ian A. Baker, PhD, UK |
15:20 |
The Chakrasamvara Mandala and the Faces of Mt. Kailash Dr. Wolfgang Wöllmer, Phenomenon of Kailash Research Group, Germany |
15:45 |
Mt. Kailash in the Kālachakra Tantra Niraj Kumar, Society for Asian Integration, India |
16:10 |
The Physics of ‘Rainbow Body’ Susan Griffith-Jones, Great Britain / India |
16:35 |
17:20 |
Environmental Problems International Research Group of the Kailash Phenomenon |
Organization of Participation
Registration of participation: Participation is free of charge. If you want to take part in this conference online and receive the Zoom-link, the Conference Booklet with the abstracts of the presentations and personal information about the speakers, your registration is needed. Please register as early as possible to support the organization on https://www.conferences.uni-hamburg.de/event/83/ or on the application form (pdf) including the signed Declaration of Consent, according to the EU Directive for Protection of Data Privacy, and send it as e-mail attachment to kailash-conference.aai"AT"uni-hamburg.de .
If you need to download the Zoom-software, download it from https://zoom.us/download. If you are not experienced using Zoom, you’ll find detailed instructions on https://www.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/services/weitere/medienkompetenz/videokonferenzen/zoom/zoom-handreichung-studierende-rrz-20200714.pdf, however this is only available in German. If needed, there is an English introduction for using Zoom on https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-Zoom-video-call
Financial Support: If you are willing to support the 5th International Conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash, your donation is greatly appreciated. Please transfer your donation and indicate the reason for payment with Invoice No. 100047602, your name and “Donation for the International Kailash Conference” to the University of Hamburg, at Deutsche Bundesbank, BIC-Swift Code MARKDEF1200, IBAN DE84 2000 0000 0020 1015 34. For donations up to 200 Euro, the transfer voucher is sufficient for your tax declaration. For higher donations you will receive a contribution receipt, when your donation is booked on the conference bank account.
Previous Conferences and selected Literature
Previous Conferences
1st International Conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash “The Phenomenon of Kailas and its Role in Human Evolution”, Moscow, Russia, April 12-13, 2014, see http://en.icr.su/work/conferencies/kailas-2014/index.php
2nd International Conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash “The Phenomenon of Kailas and its Role in the Evolution of Human Development”, Moscow, Russia, March 21-22, 2015, http://en.icr.su/work/conferencies/kailas-2015/index.php
3rd International Conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash “Assembly of Kailas – The Way of the Spiral of Unity”, Varna, Bulgaria, March 18-20, 2016, see http://www.mt-kailash.ru/english-version/press-release-from-01-april-2016-on-the-third-international-conference-dedicated-to-mount-kailash-assembly-on-kailash-path-along-the-spiral-of-unity.html
4th International Conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash “Ancient Knowledge of Kailas”, Darchen, Tibet, May 9, 2017, see http://www.mt-kailash.ru/events/conference/2017-forum-ancient-knowledge-of-kailash-2.html
Selected Literature
- Sergei Balalaev: „The Call of Kailash – Photo Album“, Moscow Publishing House Kodeks, 2010
- Sergei Balalaev: “Studies in the Mt. Kailash Region, Tibet. The Geographical and Traditional Sources of the Indus River”. The Himalayan Journal, Mumbai. India, Vol. 74, 2019
- Dina Bangdel, John C. Huntington: “Iconography and Meditation on Chakrasamvara and Vajravarahi” in “The Circle of Bliss – Buddhist Meditational Art”. The Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, 2003
- Bruno Baumann: “Kailash, Tibets heiliger Berg” (“Kailash – Tibet’s Holy Mountain”). Piper Verlag, Muenchen, 2002, (in German)
- Bruno Baumann: „Der Silberpalast des Garuda“ („The Silver Palace of the Garuda“), Piper Verlag, Muenchen, 2006, (in German)
- Bruno Baumann: „Der Kristallspiegel – Pilgerreise zum heiligen Berg Kailash“ (“The Crystal Mirror – Pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain Kailash”), Nymphenburger Verlag, Muenchen, 2006, (in German)
- Michael Beck: „Tibet – Guge“, Vajra Books, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2018
- John Vincent Bellezza: “Zhang Zhung: Foundations of Civilization in Tibet. A Historical and Ethnoarchaeological Study of the Monuments, Rock Art, Texts and Oral Tradition of the Ancient Tibetan Upland. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Denkschriften, Vol. 368. Wien: Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2008
- John Vincent Bellezza: „KM-III Exploration Report, a Reconnaissance Mission to Locate the Sri Ashtapad Temple”. University of Virginia, 2009
- Katrin Burri: „Umweltschutz in der Kailashregion“, 2005. (“Environmental protection in the region of Mt. Kailash”) www.kailashprojekte.ch/downloads/UmweltschutzKailashregion.pdf
- Cave Murals in Dungkar: www.himalayanart.org/search/set.cfm?setid=1673&page=1
- Cave Murals in Piyang: www.himalayanart.org/search/set.cfm?setid=1674&page=1
- Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang: „The Ecstatic Dance of Chakrasamvara“, translated by David Gonzales, Dechen Ling Press, Seattle, 2013
- Keith Dowman: „The Sacred Life of Tibet”. Harper Collins Publishers Ltd. 1997
- Lama Anagarika Govinda: “The Way of the White Clouds”. Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., London, 1966
- Lama Anagarika Govinda: „ Die Umrisspausen der Tempelfresken von Tsaparang“, Lama und Li Gotami Govinda Stiftung, München, 1997
- Li Gotami Govinda: „Tibet in Pictures“, Dharma Publishing, Berkeley, 1979
- Jörg Heimbel: "The Ngor Branch Monastery of Go mig (sTeng rgyud) in Spiti: Its Foundation and Place Within the Religious History of Western Tibet". in: MONUMENTA TIBETICA HISTORICA Abteilung III, Band 18 (2). International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies/Andiast, HTBS GmbH 2019
- Toni Huber: “The Holy Land Reborn”. The University of Chicago Press, 2008
- Alex McKay: „Kailas Histories – Renunciate Traditions and the Construction of Himalayan Sacred Geography”. Brill’s Tibetan Studies Library, Leiden, 2015
- Swami Pranavananda: “Kailash – Manasarovar”, 2nd edition, Surya Print Process, New Delhi, 1983
- Mural Writing Team, Tashi Tsering et al: „Complete Works of Tibetan Murals Ali“, Tibet People's Publishing House, Lhasa, 2011
- Giuseppe Tucci, „Indo-Tibetica III, I templi del Tibet Occidentale e il loro symbolismo artistico, parte II, Tsaparang“, Reale Accademia d'Italia, Roma, 1936
- Wolfgang Woellmer: “The Inner and Outer Paths of Mt. Kailash”, Vajra Books, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2014
- Wolfgang Woellmer & Alexey Perchukov: “The Spiral Kora of Mt. Kailash”, The Himalayan Journal, Mumbai, India, Vol. 72, 2017
- Wolfgang Woellmer & Sergei Balalaev: “Ancient Knowledge and Modern Explorations of the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash”, The Himalayan Journal, Mumbai. India, Vol. 74, 2019
- Wolfgang Woellmer & Sergei Balalaev: “Das Phaenomen des heiligen Bergs Kailash in alter Wissenstradition und neuer Erkundung”. Tibet und Buddhismus Nr. 121, Tibetisches Zentrum, Hamburg, Germany, 2019 (in German)
- “Tibet 1:1 500 000, world mapping project Tibet”, Reise-Know-How-Verlag Peter Rump, Bielefeld, Germany
- “Kailash-Trekking-Map 1:50 000” and “Kailash Panorama Map“, Gecko Maps Arne Rohweder, Zurich-Egg, Switzerland
The organization of the 5th International Conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash was generously sponsored by the
- Numata Center for Buddhist Studies, University of Hamburg, Germany
- Garchen Stiftung, Munich, Germany
- Tibetisches Zentrum e.V., Hamburg, Germany
- Gustav Prietsch-Stiftung, Hamburg, Germany
- Deutsche Tibethilfe e.V., German Aid to Tibetans, Hamburg, Germany
Their generosity was an important precondition for the realization of the conference and is greatly appreciated.
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