Prof. Dr. Kerstin Fooken

Foto: Kerstin Fooken
Film und Populärkultur Japans
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- Japanischer Film
- Japanische Populärkultur
Curriculum vitae
seit 03.2022 | Juniorprofessorin für Japanologie, Asien-Afrika-Institut Universität Hamburg |
2020 – 2022 | JSPS International Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Waseda Universität Tokyo |
2018 – 2020 | Associate Lecturer in Japanese Studies, Birkbeck, University of London |
01 – 08.2020 | Associate Lecturer in Japanese Studies, Oxford Brookes University |
2018 | PhD, Film Studies, SOAS, University of London |
02 – 06.2017 | JSPS Pre-doctoral Research Fellow, Waseda Universität Tokyo |
04 – 06.2015 | Visiting Research Fellow, Waseda Universität Tokyo |
10 – 12.2014 | Visiting Research Fellow, Waseda Universität Tokyo |
2005 – 2013 | Arbeit im Kultur- und Non-Profitbereich in London und Chicago |
2005 | MA, Japanese Studies, SOAS, University of London |
2004 | BA, Japanese, SOAS, University of London |
Funding and awards
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 2020–2022
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Pre-Doctoral Research Fellowship, 2017
- SOAS Research Scholarship, SOAS, University of London, Full PhD Scholarship, 2013–2016
- Japan Research Centre, SOAS, University of London, Fieldwork Travel Grant, 2015
- Santander Mobility Award, SOAS, University of London, Fieldwork Travel Grant, 2015
- Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, UK, Fieldwork Travel Grant, 2015
- Japan Foundation Endowment Committee, UK, Fieldwork Travel Grant, 2014
- Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK, Postgraduate Award, 2004
The Sound of Lost Silent Films – Using 78rpm Records for Japanese Film Histories Without Films, in R. Zöllner, T. Ito, S. Yukawa (eds.) forthcoming 2022. The Sound of History. Toward the Utilization of Historical Audio Media in Japanese Studies. München, Iudicium.
Ushinawareta musei eiga no oto – Eiga sakuhin wo tomonawanai nihon eigashi ni okeru SP rekōdo no shiyō (Yaku: Y. Irikura) in R. Zöllner, T. Ito, S. Yukawa. (eds.) forthcoming 2022. Nihon kenkyū ni okeru shiryō toshite no SP rekōdo. Online repository der Universität Bonn.
Inabata and the Lumières – Exploring the Transnational Foundations of Cinema in Japan, in M. Centeno Martín and N. Morita (eds.) 2020. Japan Beyond Its Borders: Transnational Approaches to Film and Media. Tokyo: Seibunsha, 187–201. (Submitted for peer-reviewed re-publication)
The Star, the Rebel, the Artist – The Narratives of Okada Yoshiko (in Chinese translation), in Dianying Yanjiu (Film Studies), Shanghai, 7/2019, 104–114.
The Photoplay in Japan: Münsterbergs Buch zwischen der Bewegung für den reinen Film und dem philosophischen Kunstdiskurs, in Montage AV: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Geschichte audiovisueller Kommunikation, 1/2018, 69–79.
City Girls: Ozu und die frühen Stars des japanischen Films am Beispiel von Woman of Tokyo (1933), in A. Becker (ed.) 2018. Yasujirō Ozu und die Ästhetik seiner Zeit. Darmstadt: Büchner Verlag, 33–59.
Hybrid Aesthetics in ‘Record-Talkies’ as Home Entertainment during Japan’s Transition from Silent to Sound Film. International conference: Aesthetics of Early Sound Film Revisited: Hybrid Films Between Silent and Sound (c. 1926–1939), University of Zurich, Switzerland, 14.–17. September 2023.
Visionary Shinpa? Sexuality, Family and Female Agency in Naruse Mikio’s Nasanu naka, 1932 als Teil des Panels “New families: alternative visions in Japanese cinema”. 17th International conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS), Ghent, Belgium, 17.–20. August 2023.
Filmkostüme als visuelle Zitate sozial-normativer Frauenbilder: Die Figur des modern girl im japanischen Vorkriegskino als Teil des Panels „Kleidung und normative Ordnungsvorstellungen im frühneuzeitlichen und modernen Japan“, 18. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag (online), 24.–26. August 2022.
Migrating Fashions, Mobile Bodies—‘Modern Girls’ in Japanese Silent Cinema. International conference: Women and the Silent Screen XI: Women, Cinema, and World Migration, Columbia University in the City of New York, 1.–5. Juni 2022 sowie Women and the Silent Screen XI Online, 7.–8. Juni 2022.
‘Queering’ Gender and the Nation: Modern Girls as Mobile Bodies in Japanese Silent Cinema. Interdisciplinary conference: Fabrics in Motion: Mediality and Materiality of Textiles in Early 20th Century Film and Media Culture, Universität zu Köln, 31. Mai–2. Juni 2022.
Starring Voices—New Perspectives on Female Japanese Silent Film Stars’ Work in Early Sound Media als Teil des Panels “The Voice, the Smile, the Face, and the Kiss: Approaches to Star Studies from the Periphery” (Argentina, India, Japan, Mexico), Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) (online), 31. März–3. April 2022.
Okada Yoshiko’s Self-Produced ’Record Talkie’ Edo Komoriuta (1930) and Women’s Intermedial Work Beyond the Japanese Studio System. International symposium: Performing Intermediality—New Perspectives on Women’s Creative Contributions to Pre-War Japanese Film Culture, Waseda University, Tokyo (online), 12. Dezember 2021
Ushinawareta musei eiga no oto—Eiga sakuhin wo tomonawanai nihon eigashi ni okeru SP rekōdo no shiyō. Workshop-Reihe: Shellac Records as Historical Sources for Japanese Studies, Universität Bonn (online), 6. Februar 2021
Inabata and the Lumières—Exploring the Transnational Foundations of Cinema in Japan. International symposium: Japanese Transnational Cinema, Birkbeck University of London, 23.–24. Mai 2019
Okada Yoshiko and the Intermedial Commodification of Japanese Silent Film Stars. British Association for Japanese Studies Conference, Sheffield, 5.–7. September 2018
The Star, the Rebel, the Artist—The Narratives of Okada Yoshiko. International conference: Women and the Silent Screen IX, Shanghai, 16.–18. Juni 2017
Eiga ni natta Tsubakihime. Invited talk and Q&A at the interdisciplinary and inter-university Opera Research Group based at Waseda University Tokyo, 7. Juni 2017
Okada Yoshiko and Natsukawa Shizue—A Clash of Two Modernities on the Japanese Silent Screen. Second Annual Centre for Film Studies Postgraduate Symposium, SOAS University of London, 31. Mai–1. Juni 2016
Camille in Crisis—Adapting La Dame aux Camélias to the Japanese Silent Screen. International symposium: Text and Film in Interaction, Berlin, 25.–26. Februar 2016
City Girls—Ozu and the Early Stars of Japanese Film. International symposium: Yasujirō Ozu and the Aesthetics of his Time, Frankfurt, 29.–30. Januar 2016
Symposium organiser
“Performing Intermediality – New Perspectives on Women’s Creative Contributions to Pre-War Japanese Film Culture,” in partnership with the Society for Studies of Theatre and Film Arts, Waseda University Tokyo (online) 12. Dezember 2021
“Japanese Transnational Cinema,” principal organiser Marcos Centeno Martín, in partnership with SOAS, University of London, Waseda University, Tokyo, supported by the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation and the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, held at Birkbeck, University of London, 23.–24. Mai 2019
“Crossing Boundaries: Cinema’s Conventions, Personas and Public Spaces,” Second Annual Centre for Film Studies Postgraduate Symposium held at SOAS, University of London, including documentary film screening with Q&A as part of the SOAS Centenary Season in collaboration with the Bertha DocHouse cinema London, 31. Mai – 1. Juni 2016
zusammen mit Jun. Prof. Dr. Nadeschda Bachem (Universität Bonn): Kawaii-Kultur, K-Pop, Karaoke: Soziopolitische Dynamiken in Japan und Korea im Spiegel von Populärkultur, Sommerakademie der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes 2022
JSPS Science Dialogue
invited talk and Q&A at Toyama Prefectural High School: Inabata Katsutarō, the Lumière Brothers and How Cinema Came to Japan. 24. Januar 2022