Welcome / 歡迎
Welcome to the Department of Chinese Language and Culture (ChinA), Germany's oldest institute for Sinology and, to this day, one of its largest. With three full professors, three lecturers, and a range of additional teaching staff, ChinA provides a sound and manifold introduction to China's language and culture both past and present.
歡迎進入我們的網站!漢堡大學亞非學院中國語言文化系是德國傳統最為悠久,迄今規模最大的漢學研究教學機構之一。 現有正教授三人,語言講師三人,及編外教學人員多名。在此處可以多層次、多角度地深入學習研究中國古今語言及歷史與文化。
The academic program in the Department of Chinese Language and Culture is designed to impart expert knowledge of modern and classical Chinese and well-founded knowledge about Chinese culture and society in a concentrated fashion. It also teaches students how to use this knowledge.
Recent events and publications at ChinA can be found here. / 最近活動
General contact / 聯係方式:
Universität Hamburg
Abteilung für Sprache und Kultur Chinas
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Flügel Ost
20146 Hamburg
E-Mail: china.aai@uni-hamburg.de
Tel.: +49 40 42838-4878
Fax: +49 40 42838-10017
Mr. Philipp Ziefle oversees the department's front office.