Monographs and Edited Volumes
2021. The Khārijites in Early Islamic Historical Tradition: Heroes and Villains, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
2020. With Stefan Heidemann, eds., Transregional and Regional Elites: Connecting the Early Islamic Empire, Berlin: De Gruyter.
Articles and Book Chapters
(In Press)."Poet, Scholar, Rebel? ʿImrān b. Ḥiṭṭān (d. 703), Khārijite Revolt and the 'Playbook of Rebellion' in the Umayyad Period", in H.-L. Hagemann and A. Grant (eds.), Between Rebels and Rulers in the Early Islamicate World: Power, Contention and Identity, (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press), pp. 95-118.
(In Press). H.-L. Hagemann and A. Grant (eds.), Between Rebels and Rulers in the Early Islamicate World: Power, Contention and Identity (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press)."
(In Press). with A. Grant. "Introduction: Approaching Rebellion in the Early Islamicate World", in H.-L. Hagemann and A. C. Grant (eds), Between Rebels and Rulers in the Early Islamicate World: Power, Contention and Identity (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press), pp. 1-22.
(In Press)."Taxation, Rebellion and Withdrawal in Early ʿAbbāsid Armenia, 754–775 CE/136–158 AH", in H.-L. Hagemann and A. C. Grant (eds), Between Rebels and Rulers in the Early Islamicate World: Power, Contention and Identity (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press) [Open Access].
(Forthcoming). “al-Nāṭiq bi-l-Ḥaqq, Mūsā b. Muḥammad”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three.
(Forthcoming). “Naṣr b. Shabath al-ʿUqaylī”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three.
(Forthcoming). “al-Ḥasan b. Sahl”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three.
2023. “‘The Caliph Calls You to the Book of God’: Writing to Rebels in the Early Islamic Period”, The Medieval Globe 9/2, pp. 7–29.
2023. “Limits of Empire: The Jazīran North before the 10th Century CE”, Journal of Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies 2.1-2 , pp. 12–58.
2022. “Was Muṭarrif b. al-Mughīra al-Thaqafī a Khārijite? Rebellion in the Marwānid Period”, al-‘Uṣūr al-Wusṭā 30, pp. 445-468.
2020. With Peter Verkinderen, “Kharijism in the Umayyad Period”, in Andrew Marsham, ed., The Umayyad World, London: Routledge, pp. 489-517.
2020. “Muslim Elites in the Early Islamic Jazīra: The qāḍīs of Ḥarrān, al-Raqqa, and al-Mawṣil”, in Hannah-Lena Hagemann & Stefan Heidemann, eds., Transregional and Regional Elites: Connecting the Early Islamic Empire, Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 331-358.
2020. With Katharina Mewes & Peter Verkinderen, “Studying Elites in Early Islamic History”, in Hannah-Lena Hagemann & Stefan Heidemann, eds., Transregional and Regional Elites: Connecting the Early Islamic Empire, Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 17-44.
2019. “Whence Diyār Bakr? An Inquiry into Early Jazīran Administrative Geography”, Der Islam 96/2, pp. 324-344.
2018. Review of Alison Vacca, Non-Muslim Provinces under Early Islam: Islamic Rule and Iranian Legitimacy in Armenia and Caucasian Albania (CUP, 2017), BSOAS 81/2, pp. 342-344.
2018. Review of Adam R. Gaiser, Shurāt Legends, Ibāḍī Identities: Martyrdom, Asceticism, and the Making of an Early Islamic Community (USCP, 2016), Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 29/4, pp. 534-536.
2016. “Challenging Authority: al-Balādhurī and al-Ṭabarī on Khārijism During the Reign of Muʿāwiya b. Abī Sufyān”, al-Masāq 28/1, pp. 36-56.