Numismatic Bibliography 2008-2013
Bibliography of Islamic Numismatics 2008-2013
Version June 2, 2015
Editor-in-chief: Stefan Heidemann, Hamburg (stefan.heidemann"AT"
Contributor al-Andalus (4): Alberto Canto García, Madrid (alberto.canto"AT"
Contributor Eastern Europe and Caucasus (11), Golden Horde (12), Central Asia (13): Vladimir Nastich, Moscow (vnn@"AT"
in collaboration with Simon Gundelfinger, Hamburg (simon.gundelfinger"AT"
Hamdanids, Nasir al-Dawla, Mosul, 330 H / 9941-2 CE Oriental Coin Cabinet Jena
00. Introduction
01. History of the Discipline, General Catalogues, and General Debates
02. Pre-Reform Coinage
03. The Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphate, and Its Regional Successors until the Buwayhids
04. Al-Andalus
05. North Africa and Muslim Sicily
06. Egypt and Bilād al-Shām (From the Fāṭimids/Saljūqs to the Mamlūks)
07. Arabian Peninsula, Yemen and East Africa (Post-Classical Period)
08. Pre-Ottoman Anatolia
09. The Ottoman Empire
10. Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan (from the Seljūqs to the 19th Century)
11. Eastern Europe and the Caucasus (from the Saljūqs to the 19th Century)
12. Golden Horde and its Successors
13. Central Asia
14. Islamic India
15. Modern Machine Struck Coinage
16. Archaeological Coin Finds in the Eastern Mediterranean
17. Metrology
18. Sigillography
In 2015 the International Numismatic Commission will publish a new Survey of Numismatic Research covering the years 2008 to 2013. The following bibliography is work in progress, and will be amended over time. Naturally, still titles have to be added and properly evaluated. This webbased bibliography attempts to be as comprehensive as possible for the period 2008 to 2014, while the final printed version will be trimmed to fit in the format of the Survey.
Please feel free to notify the editor-in-chief, Stefan Heidemann, of any missing reference to a book, journal article, or book chapter or electronic publication within the scope of this bibliography. The bibliography 2014 to 2019 is also in preparation, and we are grateful to receive any note on new publications. It will be much appreciated if this notification could be accompanied by the publication itself or by a pdf.
AJN | American Journal of Numismatics |
JONS | Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society |
NC | The Numismatic Chronicle |
NCirc | Numismatic Circular |
RBN | Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie |
RN | Revue numismatique |
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., Evgeniĭ Aleksandrovich Pakhomov (1880-1965) [Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Pakhomov (1880-1965), a Bio-Bibliographical Survey], EV 30 ( Moscow, 2013), pp. 310-329.
- Album, Stephen, Checklist of Islamic Coins, Third Edition (Santa Rosa, 2011).
- Alteri, Giancarlo, Giuseppe Simonio Assemani tra manoscritti e monete orientali, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.) 3rd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Numismatica antica e medieval, Studi 3) (Trieste, 2012), pp. 341-357.
- Barrio Martín, J., Pardo Naranjo, A. I., Gutiérrez Neira, C., Canto García, Alberto J., Escudero Ramírez, C., Aplicación de la tecnología LASER en un conjunto de monedas de plata de procedencia Andalusí, Medina, V. et al. (eds.), Actas del 18. Congreso Internacional de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales, Granada, 9.-11. noviembre 2011 (Granada, 2011), pp. 54-58.
- Bauden, Frédéric, Catalogo delle monete islamiche del Museo Bottacin (Quaderni del Bollettino del Museo Civico di Padova 9) (Padua, 2011). French edition: Catalogue des monnaies islamiques du du Musée Bottacin (Padua, 2011).
- Bauden, Frédéric, La collection des monnaies islamiques du Musée Bottacin (Padoue), Présentation et evaluation, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Polymnia, Numismatica antica e medievale 1) (Trieste, 2010), pp. 231-257.
- Bresc, Cécile, L'intriguant «carré dans le cercle», un exemple de diffusion d'un type monétaire, dans le monde musulman du xiiie siècle, Annales islamologiques 45 (2011), pp. 243-253.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Ibn Jaldún y la moneda, Hesperia culturas del Mediterráneo, 12 (Año V)/1, Especial Yemen, (2009), pp. 201-207.
- Canto García, Alberto J., La colleción de moneda andalusí de la Hispanic Society, la historia interminable, Panorama Numismático, Revista digital publicada por la Associación Española de Numismáticos Profesionales (2012).
- Deyell, John, Reflections on "Obverse" and "Reverse" in Numismatics, JONS 208 (Summer 2011), pp. 11-14.
- Diler, Ömer, Islamic Mints, İslâm darp yerleri, 3 vols. (Istanbul, 2009) [Review, Wilkes, Tim, NCirc 217/5 (December 2009), p. 211].
- Dovudī, Davlatkhoja, Kalontarin markazi sikkashinosii islomī dar Avrupo, ki doroi 60 hazor sikka meboshad [The Largest Centre of Islamic Coin Research in Europe, Containing 60 Thousand Coins], Akhbori osorkhonai millii Jumhurii Tojikiston ba nomi Kamoliddin Behzod 7 (2008), pp. 97-102.
- Fenina, Abdelhamid, L'influence des juristes sur la frappe et l'usage de la monnaie en Occident islamique, monnaie competée à la monnaie pesée, Charpentier, Agnès, Terrasse, Michel (eds.), 711-2011, treize siècles d'histoire partagées, essai de bilan et perspectives de venir (L'Homme et la societé 6) (Tlemcen, 2013), pp. 79-98.
- Gariboldi, Andrea, Sasanian Coins and History, The Civic Numismatic Collection of Milan, (Costa Mesa, Calif., 2010). [including the history of the Islamic Collection].
- Gulecki, Demitry, Kalekcyĭnaya Spadchyna Vyalikaga Knyastva, Mapy, Gravyury, Manety, Pyachatki [A Collection of the Heritage of the Grand Duchy, Maps, Engravings, Coins and Seals], (Minsk, 2008).
- Haque, Russel, The ABJAD System and Its Use on Coins, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 70 (2008), pp. 110-115.
- Heidemann, Stefan, Zwischen Theologie und Philologie, Der Paradigmenwechsel in der Jenaer Orientalistik 1770 bis 1850, Der Islam 84 (2008), pp. 140-184.
- Heidemann, Stefan, Das Orientalische Münzkabinett Jena, Lorke, Ariane, Walther, Helmuth G. (eds.), Schätze der Universität. Die wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Lichtgedanken Texte zum Jenaer Universitätsjubiläum 4), (Jena, 2009), pp. 93-104.
- Heidemann, Stefan, Calligraphy on Islamic Coins, Frembgen, Jürgen Wasim (ed.), The Aura of Alif, The Art of Writing in Islam (Munich et al., 2010), pp. 161-172. German edition: Kalligraphie auf islamischen Münzen, Die Aura des Alif - Schriftkunst im Islam, (Munich et al., 2010), pp. 161-172.
- Heidemann, Stefan, Johann Gustav Stickel und Carl Haussknecht. Münzsammeln im 19. Jahrhundert, Victor, Kristin (ed.), Carl Haussknecht. Ein Leben für die Botanik (Beiträge aus den Sammlungen der Universität Jena 2), (Jena, 2013), pp. 60-65.
- Heidemann, Stefan, Gitler, Haim, Paul Balog and the Sylloge Project of the Israel Museum, Heidemann, Stefan, Gitler, Haim (eds), Sylloge of Islamic Coins in the Israel Museum, Egypt, vol. 3, The Mamlūks 1248-1517 (Polymnia Numismatica Antica e Medievale. Documenti 2), (Trieste, 2011), pp. 13-21.
- Ilisch, Lutz, Der arabische Münzfund von Stegen/Stegna (1722) und das gelehrte Milieu Preußens 1719-1725, Dethlefs, Gerd, Pol, Arent, Wittenbrink, Stefan (eds.), Nummi docent! Münzen - Schätze - Funde, Festschrift für Peter Ilisch zum 65. Geburtstag am 28. April 2012 (Osnabrück, 2012), pp. 363-382.
- Kravcov, Konstantin V., Vostochnaya numizmaticheskaya kollekciya grafov Stroganovykh [The Oriental Numismatic Collection Belonging to the Dukes of Stroganoff], (eds. not indicated), Stroganovy - sobirateli drevnosteĭ. Sokrovishcha Ermitazha v Permskom kraevom muzee (St. Petersburg, 2010), pp. 7-8.
- Kravcov, Konstantin V., Monety Blizhnego i Srednego Vostoka i Sredneĭ Azii [The Coins of Near and Middle East and Central Asia], Bol'shakov, Andreĭ O., Stepanova, Elena V. (eds.), "Zvuchat lish' pis'mena…" K 150-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika N.P.Likhacheva, Katalog vystavki. Gosudarstvennyĭ Ermitazh (St. Petersburg, 2012), pp. 540-557.
- Kravtsov (Kravcov), Konstantin V., R.R. Vasmer and His Hand-written Catalogue of Tabarestān Drachms, Arjomand, Saïd Amir (ed.), Journal of Persianate Studies 6 (2013), pp. 143-152.
- Krotkov, Aleksandr A., Aleksandr Avgustinovich Krotkov (1866-1945?) i ego numizmaticheskiĭ arkhiv [Alexander Avgustinovich Krotkov (1866-1945?) and His Numismatic Archive], NZO 3 (2013), pp. 136-146.
- Maier Allende, Jorge, Catálogo del Gabinete de Antigüedades, 4: Documentos, 5: Noticias de antigüedades de las actas de sesiones de la Real Academia de la Historia, part 1 (1738-1791) , (Publicaciones del Gabinete de Antigüedades de la Real Academia de la Historia), (Madrid, 2011).
- Martín Escudero , Fátima, El primer proyecto de publicación de un catálogo de moneda andalusí en España: Discurso y Tablas de Medallas Árabes de Miguel de Casiri, Documenta et Instrumenta, 8 (2010), pp. 145-180.
- Martín Escudero, Fátima, Artigues Ferragut, Juan, Real Academia de la Historia (ed.), Diccionario biográfico español, vol. V (Madrid, 2011), pp. 715-716.
- Martín Escudero, Fátima, Banqueri, José Antonio, Real Academia de la Historia (ed.), Diccionario biográfico español, vol. VI (Madrid, 2011), pp, 702-704.
- Martín Escudero, Fátima, Casiri de Gartia, Miguel, Real Academia de la Historia (ed.) Diccionario biográfico español, vol. VII (Madrid, 2011), pp. 248-250.
- Martín Escudero, Fátima, El Levante peninsular en la formación y consolidación de los estudios de Numismática andalusí Arabistas, hallazgos, colecciones y coleccionistas, Torres, Julio (ed.), XIV Congreso Nacional de Numismática: ars metallica, monedas y medallas, Nules-Valencia, 25 - 27 de octubre de 2010 (Madrid, 2012), pp. 853-876.
- Miller, Peter N., Peiresc and the Study of Islamic Coins in the Early Seventeenth Century Cunnally, John, Appendix I, Identification of the Islamic Coins in ms. c.10.31, pages 276-83, Heidemann, Stefan, Appendix II, Identification of the Other Islamic Coins in ms. c.10.31, Stahl, Alan M., Oberfranc, Gretchen (eds.), The Rebirth of Antiquity, Numismatics, Archaeology and Classical Studies in the Culture of the Renaissance (Princeton, 2009), pp. 101-173.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Persian Legends on Islamic Coins, from Traditional Arabic to the Challenge of Leadership, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Polymnia, Numismatica antica e medievale 1) (Trieste, 2010), pp. 165-190.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Svidetel'stvuyut monety (byl li zapret na izobrazheniya zhivyx sushchestv v islame?) [The Coins Bear Witness (Whether the Prohibition to the Images of Beings Did Exist in Islam?)] [Part 1], Sovremennyĭ Islam 1 (8) (Moscow, 2012), pp. 48-52.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Svidetel'stvuyut monety (byl li v islame zapret na izobrazheniya zhivyx sushchestv?) [The Coins Bear Witness (Whether the Prohibition in Islam to the Images of Beings Did Exist?)], Part 2, Sovremennyĭ Islam 2 (9) (Moscow, 2012), pp. 48-51.
- Nedashkovskaya, Nadezhda I., Nedashkovskiĭ, Leonard F., U istokov izucheniya zolotoordynskikh drevnosteĭ i metodologii kompleksnykh slavyanovedcheskikh issledovaniĭ: numizmatika na stranicakh «Izvestiĭ» Obshchestva arkheologii, istorii i ĕtnografii pri Kazanskom universitete [At the Origins of the Study of Golden Horde Antiquities and the Methodology of Comprehensive Slavic Studies: Numismatics in the «Proceedings» of the Archaeological, Historical and Ethnographic Society at the Kazan University], NZO 3 (2013), pp. 128-135.
- Nedashkovskiĭ, Leonard F., Khristian Martin Fren (1782-1851): k 225-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya [Christian Martin Fraehn (1782-1851): Towards the 225th Anniversary], RA 1 (2008), pp. 117-122.
- D'Ottone, Arianna, La collezione di monete arabe dei Musei Capitolini, Storia e materiali, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Polymnia, Numismatica antica e medievale 1) (Trieste, 2010), pp. 258-274.
- D'Ottone, Arianna, Un secondo nucleo di dirham della Collezione Stanzani nei Musei Capitolini, Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 111 (2010), pp. 141-156.
- D'Ottone, Arianna, L'eredità Stanzani e la storia dell'onomina collezione attraverso i documenti d'Archivio della Pontificia Insigne Accademia di Belle Arti e Lettere dei Virtuosi al Pantheon, Annali della Archivio della Pontificia Insigne Accademia di Belle Arti e Lettere dei Virtuosi al Pantheon 10 (2010), pp. 193-207.
- D'Ottone, Arianna, Ludovico Stanzani, Freemason Architect and Coin Connoisseur, Notes on His Biography and Collection, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.) 3rd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Numismatica antica e medieval, Studi 3) (Trieste, 2012), pp. 191-209.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Georg Yakob Ker (1692-1740), pervyĭ issledovatel' numizmatiki Zolotoĭ Ordy [Georg Jacob Kehr (1692-1740), the First Researcher of Golden Horde Numismatics], ZC 2 (2009), pp. 199-208.
- Paghava, Irakli, Pataridze, Maia, Toiler in the Field of Georgian-Anatolian and Georgian-Arabic Numismatic Relations (in Memory of Mary Antadze), JONS 217 (Autumn 2013), pp. 1-2.
- Parvérie, Marc, Un nouveau solidus bilingue frappé en Ifrîqiya en 98 de l'Hégire », Cahiers numismatiques 197, (septembre 2013), pp. 49-55.
- Petrov, Pavel N. Metod poshtempel'nogo analiza vostochnykh monet dlya utochneniya ikh atribucii [A Method of Die Analysis of Oriental Coins for Clarifying their Definition], Mirgaleev, Il'nur M. (ed.), NZO 1 (Kazan', 2011), pp. 7-27.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Some Aspects of Medieval Oriental Numismatics as a Historical Source (1-2), Mirgaleev, Il'nur M. (ed.), Golden Horde Review, Scientific Journal 1 (2013), pp. 177-206; Scientific Journal 2 (2013), pp. 191-216.
- Ramaḍān, ʿĀṭif Manṣūr Muḥammad, al-Nuqūd al-islāmiyya wa-ahammiyyatuhā fī dirāsat al-tārīkh wa-l-āthār wa-l-ḥaḍāra al-islāmiyya (Cairo, 2008).
- Ramaḍān, ʿĀṭif Manṣūr Muḥammad, Rumūz al-arqām wa-l-taqāwīm ʿalā l-nuqūd fī l-ʿaṣr al-islāmī (Cairo, 2009).
- Ramaḍān, ʿĀṭif Manṣūr Muḥammad, al-Mahdī wa-l-Mahdawiyya ʿalā l-maskūkāt al-islāmiyya, dirāsa tārīkhiyya li-āthār fikrat al-Mahdī al-muntaẓar ʿalā l-nuqūd fī l-ʿaṣr al-islāmī (Cairo, 2013).
- Schultz, Warren C., Recent Developments in Islamic Monetary History, History Compass 9/1 (2011), pp. 71-83.
- Sinha, Sutapa, History of the Coin Collection of the Bengal Sultans in the British Museum, Bhandare, Shailendra, Garg, Sanjay (eds.), Felicitas, Essays in Numismatics, Epigraphy and History in Honour of Joe Cribb (Mumbai, 2011), pp. 347-364.
- Smirnova, Nataliya M., Vostochnye monety iz sobraniya MGU v kollekcii GMII [Oriental Coins from the Collection of Moscow State University in the Collection of State Museum of Fine Arts], Egorov, Dmitriĭ L. (ed.), Ot paleolita do srednevekov'ya, Sbornik nauchnykh stateĭ (Moscow, 2011), pp. 159-165.
- STORM, Maria Louise, Islamiske mønter i Davids Samling, Nordisk Numismatisk Medlemsblad 4 (Nov. 2010), pp. 151-153.
- Wang, Helen, Famous and Not-So-Famous People Associated with the Royal Asiatic Society, Bhandare, Shailendra, Garg, Sanjay (eds.), Felicitas, Essays in Numismatics, Epigraphy and History in Honour of Joe Cribb (Mumbai, 2011), pp. 413-490.
- al-Zahranī, Ḍayf Allāh Yaḥyā, Dār al-sikka nashaʾatuhā .. aʿmāluhā .. idāratuhā / Minting House, its Emergence, Work, Management, Abjadiyyāt / Abgadiyat 5 (2010), pp. 355-378 (arab.).
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., Novoe v gruzino-sasanidskoĭ numizmatike: Vtoroĭ izvestnyĭ tip monet Gurgena I [A Novelty of Georgian Sasanid Numismatics: The Second Known Coin Type of Gurgen I], Koshelenko, Gennadiĭ A., Smirnova, Nataliya M., Kovalenko, Sergeĭ A. (eds.), NiE 18 ( Moscow, 2011), pp. 187-190.
- Amini, Amin, Dashkov, Sergeĭ B., «Sasanidskaya» drakhma s imenem Abu Khalida: novoe imya v sasanidskoĭ numizmatike? [A "Sasanian" Drachm with the Name of Abu Khalid: a New Name in Sasanian Numismatics?], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), NCh 2012 goda (Moscow, 2012), pp. 16-21.
- Bacharach, Jere L., Signs of Sovereignty, the Shahāda, Qurʾanic Verses, and the Coinage of ʿAbd al-Malik, Muqarnas 27 (2010), pp. 1-30.
- Banaji, Jairus, Late Antique Legacies and Muslim Economic Expansion, Haldon, John (ed.), Money, Power and Politics in Early Islamic Syria (Farnham, Surrey, 2010), pp. 165-180.
- Bernardi, Giulio, Un tremisse di transizione con croce trasformata in palma stilizzata (sec. VII), Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.) 3rd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Numismatica antica e medieval, Studi 3) (Trieste, 2012), pp. 55-57.
- Castrizio, Daniele, Ritrovamenti di monete arabo-bizantine dagli scavi d'Antinopoli d'Egitto, Note preliminary, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Polymnia, Numismatica antica e medievale 1) (Trieste, 2010), pp. 22-33.
- Fedorov, Michael N., The Bukhar Khudat Type Drachms and Black Dirhems in Money Circulation of Mediaeval Central Asia, Central Asiatic Journal, 54 (2010), pp. 27-52.
- Foss, Clive, Arab-Byzantine Coins, an Introduction, With a Catalogue of the Dumbarton Oaks Collection ( Washington, D.C., 2008), [Review, Callegher, Bruno, INR 4 (2009), pp. 173-178].
- Foss, Clive, Muʿāwiya's State, Haldon, John (ed.), Money, Power and Politics in Early Islamic Syria (Farnham, Surrey, 2010), pp. 75-96.
- Foss, Clive, An Arab-Byzantine Coin Type with a Pahlavi Inscription, a New Solution, JONS 210 (Winter 2012), pp. 11-12.
- Foss, Clive, Arab-Byzantine Coins, Money as Cultural Cobtinuity, Evans, Helen C. with Ratliff, Brandie (eds.), Byzantium and Islam. Age of Transition 7th-9th Century (New York, 2012), pp. 136-143. [exhibition catalogue].
- Foss, Clive, ʿAbdallah ibn al-Zubayr and His Coinage, JONS 216 (Summer 2013), pp. 11-17.
- Gariboldi, Andrea, Aspetti di economia monetale nei documenti di Monte Mug, con una appendice sui ritrovamenti di monete sasanidi, arabo-sasanidi e umayyadi in Tagikistan, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.) 3rd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Numismatica antica e medievale, Studi 3) (Trieste, 2012), pp. 14-54.
- Gariboldi, Andrea, Un ripostiglio di monete dei Bukharkhudat di Sandžar-šakh (Tagikistan), Asolati, Michele, Gorini, Giovanni (eds.), I ritrovamenti monetali e i processi storico-economici nel mondo antico (Numismatica patavina 12), (Padova, 2012), pp. 327-346.
- Goodwin, Tony, A Standing Caliph Fals Issued by ʿAbd ar-Rahmān at Sarmīn, Oddy, W. Andrew (ed.), Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East, vol. 2, Proceedings of the 12th Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table, held at Gonville and Gaius College, Cambridge on the 4th and 5th April 2009 (London, 2010), pp. 41-43.
- Goodwin, Tony, Die Links Between Standing Caliph Mints in Jund Qinnasrīn, Oddy, W. Andrew (ed.), Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East, vol. 2, Proceedings of the 12th Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table, held at Gonville and Gaius College, Cambridge on the 4th and 5th April 2009 (London, 2010), pp. 35-40.
- Goodwin, Tony, A Mint Striking Early Dated (?) Arab-Byzantine Coins, NCirc 119/1 (March 2011), pp. 8-11.
- Goodwin, Tony, The Chronology of the Umayyad Imperial Image Coinage Progress Over the last 10 Years, Goodwin, Tony (ed.), Arab-Byzantine Coins and History, Papers Presented at the Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 10th and 11th September 2011 (London, 2012), pp. 89-107.
- Goodwin, Tony, Sinjār, a New Standing Caliph Mint in Syria?, JONS 211 (Spring 2012), pp. 18-19.
- Goodwin, Tony, The Standard Terminology in SICA 1, Goodwin, Tony (ed.), Arab-Byzantine Coins and History, Papers Presented at the Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 10th and 11th September 2011 (London, 2012), pp. 185-186.
- Goodwin, Tony, Two More Standing Caliph Fulus Without Mint Name, JONS 217 (Autumn 2013), p. 7.
- Gyselen, Rika, Notes numismatiques Sassanide et Arabo-Sassanide, Studia Iranica 37 (2008), pp. 119-128.
- Gyselen, Rika, Arab-Sasanian Copper Coinage, 2nd Revised Edition (Vienna, 2009), [Review, Tyler-Smith, Susan, NC 170 (2010), pp. 521-523].
- Haldon, John, Greater Syria in the 7th Century, Context and Background, Haldon, John F. (ed.), Money, Power and Politics in Early Islamic Syria (Farnham, Surrey, 2010), pp. 1-20.
- Heck, Gene W., First Century Islamic Currency, Mastering the Message from the Money, Haldon, John F. (ed.), Money, Power and Politics in Early Islamic Syria (Farnham, Surrey, 2010), pp. 97-124.
- Heidemann, Stefan, Auf der Suche nach dem Ausdruck für Islam und Reich, Fansa, Mamoun Bollmann, Beate (eds.), Die Kunst der frühen Christen in Syrien. Zeichen, Bilder und Symbole vom 4. bis 7. Jahrhundert. Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung im Landesmuseum Natur und Mensch Oldenburg (Schriftenreihe des Landesmuseums Natur und Mensch 60), (Oldenburg, 2008), pp. 204-205 [exhibition catalogue].
- Heidemann, Stefan, The Standing Caliph Type, the Object on the Reverse, Oddy, W. Andrew (ed.), Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East, vol. 2, Proceedings of the 12th Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table, held at Gonville and Gaius College, Cambridge on the 4th and 5th April 2009 (London, 2010), pp. 23-34.
- Heidemann, Stefan, The Evolving Representation of the Early Islamic Empire and Its Religion on Coin Imagery, Neuwirth, Angelika, Sinai, Nicolai, Marx, Michael (eds.), The Qurʾan in Context, Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qurʾanic Milieu (Leiden et al., 2010), pp. 149-195. As abridged version: The Development of the Representation of the Early Islamic Empire and Its Religion on Coin Imagery, Fuess, Albrecht, Hartung, Jan-Peter (eds.): Court Cultures in the Muslim World, Seventh to Nineteenth Centuries (London et al., 2011), pp. 30-35.
- Hoyland, Robert G., Numismatics and the History of Early Islamic Syria, Oddy, W. Andrew (ed.), Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East, vol. 2, Proceedings of the 12th Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table, Held at Gonville and Gaius College, Cambridge on the 4th and 5th April 2009 (London, 2010), pp. 81-93.
- Humphreys, Michael, The 'War of Images' Revisited, Justinian II's Coinage Reform and the Caliphate, NC 173 (2013), pp. 229-244.
- Ilisch, Lutz, ʿAbd al-Malik's Monetary Reform in Copper and the Failure of Centralization, Haldon, John (ed.), Money, Power and Politics in Early Islamic Syria (Farnham, Surrey, 2010), pp. 125-146.
- Ilisch, Lutz, Zeiler, Manuel, Eine seltene frühmittelalterliche Münze der Umayyaden aus Schwerte, Archäologie in Westfalen-Lippe, vol. 4. (2012), pp. 73-74.
- Jonson, Trent, The Earliest Dated Islamic Solidi of North Africa, Goodwin, Tony (ed.), Arab-Byzantine Coins and History, Papers Presented at the Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 10th and 11th September 2011 (London, 2012), pp. 157-167.
- Karukstis, Charlie, Was the Pseudo-Byzantine Coinage Primarily of Municipal Origin?, Holmes, Nicholas (ed.), Proceedings of the XIVth International Numismatic Congress, Glasgow 2009, vol. 2 (Glasgow, 2011), pp. 1477-1491.
- Karukstis, Charlie, The Use of Pellets on Various Arab-Byzantine Issues, Goodwin, Tony (ed.), Arab-Byzantine Coins and History, Papers Presented at the Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 10th and 11th September 2011 (London, 2012), pp. 125-129.
- Milstein, Rachel, A New Source for the Monetary Reform of 'Abd al-Malik, Israel Numismatic Journal 16 (2007-8), pp. 172-175.
- Morrisson, Cécile, Un lot de monnaies byzantines et arabo-byzantines du Cabinet des Médailles provenant de Syrie, Bulletin de la Société Française de numismatique 64e année vol. 5 (May 2009), pp. 90-95.
- Naĭmark, Aleksandr, Mednyĭ chekan Kesha v VIII v. [Copper Coinage of Kesh in the 8th Century], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), NCh 2011 goda (Moscow, 2011), pp. 12-15.
- Naĭmark, Aleksandr, Vizantiĭskie anonimnye follisy iz Fergany i Semirech'ya [Anonymous Byzantine folles from Ferghana and Semirechye], Shiryakov, Igor'V. (ed.), NCh 2012 goda (Moscow, 2012), pp. 31-40.
- Oddy, W. Andrew, Constantine IV as a Prototype for Early Islamic Coins, Oddy, W. Andrew (ed.), Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East, vol. 2, Proceedings of the 12th Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table, held at Gonville and Gaius College, Cambridge on the 4th and 5th April 2009 (London, 2010), pp. 95-109.
- Oddy, W. Andrew, The Coinage of Abila in the Early Umayyad Period, Aram Periodical 23, the Decapolis (2011), pp. 337-346.
- Oddy, W. Andrew, Symbolism and Design on the Early Umayyad Coinage, Goodwin, Tony (ed.), Arab-Byzantine Coins and History, Papers Presented at the Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 10th and 11th September 2011 (London, 2012), pp. 109-123.
- Oddy, W. Andrew, Mansfield, Steve .J., The 'Year 20 Mint' Revisited, JONS 214 (Winter 2013), pp. 4-11, See also Oddy, W. Andrew, Mansfield, Steve J., Postscirpt on the 'Year 20' Mint, JONS 215 (Spring 2013), pp. 43-44.
- Phillips, Marcus, Single Figure Coins of Tiberias/Tabariya with Bilingual Legends, Oddy, W. Andrew (ed.), Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East, vol. 2, Proceedings of the 12th Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table, held at Gonville and Gaius College, Cambridge on the 4th and 5th April 2009 (London, 2010), pp. 61-77.
- Phillips, Marcus, The Import of Byzantine Coins to Syria Revisited, Goodwin, Tony (ed.), Arab-Byzantine Coins and History, Papers Presented at the Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 10th and 11th September 2011 (London, 2012), pp. 39-72.
- Pottier, Henri, Schulze, Ingrid, Schulze, Wolfgang, Pseudo-Byzantine Coinage in Syria Under Arab Rule (638-c. 670), Classification and Dating, RBN 154 (2008), pp. 87-155.
- Ramadan, Tareq, A Brief Note on a "Skinny" Standing Caliph Arab-Byzantine Coin Presumably from Amman, JONS 209 (Autumn 2011), pp. 13-14.
- Ramadan, Tareq, An Arab-Byzantine Imperial Figure Coin Bearing the Mint Name "Ludd" in Arabic, a "New Type?", JONS 203 (Spring 2010), pp. 45-46.
- Ramadan, Tareq, An Arab-Byzantine Standing Imperial Figure Coin from Jund al-Urdun Inscribed with the Word "Fils", JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 46-47.
- Ramadan, Tareq, A Rare Arab-Byzantine Hybrid Coin of Damascus, an Intriguing "Mule" Bearing a Standing Emperor Obverse and a Sphere Through Pole-On-Steps Reverse, JONS 203 (Spring 2010), pp. 43-44.
- Ramadan, Tareq, The Standing Caliph Coins of Aylah-Filastin, JONS 203 (Spring 2010), pp. 3-6.
- Ramadan, Tareq, A Brief Note on a "Skinny" Standing Caliph Arab-Byzantine Coin Presumably from Amman, JONS 209 (Autumn 2011), pp. 13-14.
- Ramadan, Tareq, A Short Note on an Unusual Arab-Byzantine Standing Caliph Coin of Yubna-Filastin, JONS 208 (Summer 2011), pp. 46-47.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Die neuesten "Standing Caliph"-Münzen, Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft 48/3 (2008), pp. 124-130.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum, Israel, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Antiquity Authority, Jerusalem, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Kadman Numismatic Pavilion at the Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv (Vienna, 2009), [Review, Tyler-Smith, Susan, NC, 170 (2010), pp. 516-521; Sears, Stuart D., INR 5 (2010), pp. 167-174]. [includes Arab-Sasanian coinage]
- Schindel, Nikolaus, A Lead Tessera and Its Potential Importance for Understanding the Reverse Image of Malik's "Standing Caliph" Coins, JONS 209 (Autumn 2011), pp. 12-13.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, A New Mint for 'Abd al-Malik's "Standing Caliph" Fulus?, JONS 210 (Winter 2012) pp. 9-11.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, A "Standing Caliph" Fals Without Mint Name, JONS 216 (Summer 2013), pp. 7-8.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Two Enigmatic Iranian Coins from Late Antiquity, JONS 216 (Summer 2013), pp. 9-11 [Arab-Sasanian coins].
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Hahn, Wolfgang, Imitations of Sicilian Folles of Constantine IV from Bilad al-Sham, Israel Numismatic Journal 17 (2009-10), pp. 213-232.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Hahn, Wolfgang, Notes on Two Arab-Byzantine Coin Types from Seventh Century Syria, NC 170 (2010), pp. 322-330.
- Schulze, Ingrid, New Fakes of Standing Caliph Coins, Oddy, W. Andrew (ed.), Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East, vol. 2, Proceedings of the 12th Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table, held at Gonville and Gaius College, Cambridge on the 4th and 5th April 2009 (London, 2010), pp. 45-48.
- Schulze, Ingrid, The al-wafā lillāh Coinage, A Study of Style (Work in Progress), Oddy, W. Andrew (ed.), Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East, vol. 2, Proceedings of the 12th Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table, held at Gonville and Gaius College, Cambridge on the 4th and 5th April 2009 (London, 2010), pp. 111-121.
- Schulze, Ingrid, The Standing Caliph Coins of Damascus, New Die Links, New Questions, JONS 204 (Summer 2010), pp. 3-6.
- Schulze, Ingrid, New Fakes, an Update, Goodwin, Tony (ed.), Arab-Byzantine Coins and History, Papers Presented at the Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 10th and 11th September 2011 (London, 2012), pp. 183-184.
- Schulze, Ingrid, Ugly Square Flan Coins, Another Consistent Group Within the Byzantine-Arab Transitional Coinage, Goodwin, Tony (ed.), Arab-Byzantine Coins and History, Papers Presented at the Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 10th and 11th September 2011 (London, 2012), pp. 81-87.
- Schulze, Ingrid, Schulze, Wolfgang, The Standing Caliph Coins of al-Jazīra, Some Problems and Suggestions, NC 170 (2010), pp. 331-353.
- Schulze, Wolfgang, The Byzantine 'Eagle' Countermark, Re-Attributed from Egypt to Palestine, INR 4 (2009), pp. 113-120.
- Schulze, Wolfgang, Symbolism on the Syrian Standing Caliph Cooper Coins, a Contribution to the Discussion, Oddy, W. Andrew (ed.), Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East, vol. 2, Proceedings of the 12th Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table, held at Gonville and Gaius College, Cambridge on the 4th and 5th April 2009 (London, 2010), pp. 11-21.
- Schulze, Wolfgang, The Syrian 'Orans Figure' Copper Coins, Goodwin, Tony (ed.), Arab-Byzantine Coins and History, Papers Presented at the Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 10th and 11th September 2011 (London, 2012), pp. 131-144.
- Schulze, Wolfgang, The Byzantine-Arab Transitional Coinage of Ṭarṭūs, NC 173 (2013), pp. 245-259.
- Schulze, Wolfgang, Oddy, W. Andrew, Terminology for the Transitional Coinage Struck in 7th Century Syria After the Arab Conquest, Goodwin, Tony (ed.), Arab-Byzantine Coins and History, Papers Presented at the Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 10th and 11th September 2011 (London, 2012), pp. 187-200.
- Sims-Williams, Nicholas, The Arab-Sasanian and Arab-Hephthalite Coinage, a View from the East, de la Vassière, Étienne (ed.),Islamisation de l'Asie central, processus locaux d'acculturation du VIIe au XIe siècle, Cahiers de Studia Iranica 39 (Paris, 2008), pp. 115-130.
- Treadwell , Luke, ʿAbd al-Malik's Coinage Reforms, the Role of the Damascus Mint, RN 165 (2009), pp. 357-382.
- Treadwell, Luke, Byzantium and Islam in the Late 7th Century AD, a 'Numismatic War of Images'?, Goodwin, Tony (ed.), Arab-Byzantine Coins and History, Papers Presented at the Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 10th and 11th September 2011 (London, 2012), pp. 145-155.
- Trombley, Frank R., Some Greek and Bilingual Arab-Byzantine Bronze Coins of Damascus and Ḥimṣ-Emesa, some New Examples of Iconography and Paleography, with Reference to some Bzyantine Issues of the late 6th and 7th Centuries, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.) 3rd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Numismatica antica e medieval, Studi 3) (Trieste, 2012), pp. 58-76.
- Vorderstrasse, Tasha, New Evidence for Coin Circulation in Byzantine and Early Islamic Egypt, Oddy, W. Andrew (ed.), Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East, vol. 2, Proceedings of the 12th Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table, held at Gonville and Gaius College, Cambridge on the 4th and 5th April 2009 (London, 2010), pp. 57-60.
- Vorderstrasse, Tasha, Coinage and the Monetary Economy in 7th Century Nubia, Goodwin, Tony (ed.), Arab-Byzantine Coins and History, Papers Presented at the Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 10th and 11th September 2011 (London, 2012), pp. 169-181.
- Walmsley, Alan, Coinage and the Economy of Syria-Palestine in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries AD, Haldon, John (ed.), Money, Power and Politics in Early Islamic Syria (Farnham, Surrey, 2010), pp. 21-44.
- Weber, Ernst Günther, Arabo-Sasanidische Drachmen (Bremer Beiträge zur Münz- und Geldgeschichte 8) (Bremen, 2013). [Review: Schindel, Nikolaus, Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft 54,1, (2014), pp. 68-73].
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- ‛AṬāʾ Allāh, Sa‛īd ‛Abd al-Fattāḥ, Mulāḥaẓāt ḥawla sikka nuqūd al-fahriyyin wa-l-khawārij bi-Ifrīqiya (128-142 h/745-759 m) fī ḍawʾ majmū‛a jadīda [Notes on Minting of the Coins of Fahrites and Kharijites in Ifriqiya (ah 128-142 / ce 745-759) in the Light of a New collection], Mishkāt 3 (2008/9), pp. 139-200.
- Bacharach, Jere L., The Inscriptions on ʿAbd al-Malik's All-Epigraphic Coinage, Abjadiyyāt / Abgadiyat 5 (2010), pp. 110-115.
- BACHARCH, Jere, ANWAR, Sherif, The Prestige of Muslim Coins: An Eighth Century English Imitation of a Muslim Dinar, al-Abhath 58-59 (2010-11) [2013], pp. 13-20.
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- Bernardi, Giulio, ArabicGold Coins, The First Essay of a Corpus I, from the First issue to the beginning of the Buwayhid Domination(Polymnia, Numismatica Antica Medievale, Documenti, 1) (Trieste, 2010) [Review, Canto García, Alberto J., Panorama Numismático, Revista digital publicada por la Associación Espa ñ ola de Numismáticos Profesionales (2012) , accessed Jan. 10, 2015].
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- Ghodbane, Mohamed, Un fals umayyade rare au nom d'Atrabulus, Tripoli, étude du type, de conjoncture et d'atelier, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.) 3rd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Numismatica antica e medieval, Studi 3) (Trieste, 2012), pp. 77-100.
- Gomzin, Andreĭ A., «Opisanie kuficheskikh monet X veka... » V.V. Grigor'eva. Osobennosti prochteniya i ispol'zovaniya v numizmaticheskoĭ literature XIX-XX vv. ["A Description of Kufic Coins of the 10th Century..." by V.V. Grigoryev: Peculiarities of reading and use in the numismatic literature of the 19-20th Centuries], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), NCh 2011 goda (Moscow, 2011), pp. 34-37.
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- Gomzin, Andreĭ A., Vostochnoe monetnoe serebro IX - nachala XI v. v Srednem i Nizhnem Pooch'e [Oriental Coin Silver of the 9th - Early 11th Century from the Middle and Lower Oka River Basin. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis on history] (Moscow, 2013).
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- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Y., Nastich, Vladimir N., Monety syrdar'inskikh oguzov IX в. [Coins of the Oghuz of Syrdaria, 9th Century], Klyashtornyĭ, Sergeĭ G. et al. (eds.), Tyurkologicheskiĭ Sbornik 2011-2012 (Moscow, 2013), pp. 80-91.
- Goncharov Eugeniĭ Yu., Nastich, Vladimir N., Novye numizmaticheskie pamyatniki IX v. iz vostochnogo Priaral'ya (novootkrytyĭ chekan gosudarstva Syrdar'inskikh oguzov) / New Numismatic Artefacts of the 9th Century from the Eastern Greater Aral Sea (A Newly Found Coinage of Syr Darya Oghuz State), Paghava, Irakli K., Bezpal'ko, Vladislav V. (eds.), RASMIR-I (Kiev, 2013), pp. 26-30, 132-135.
- Guruleva, Vera V., Kuleshov, Vyacheslav S., Yurchenko, Tat'yana V., Monety iz Slavyanskogo (Anastasievskogo) klada [Coins from the Slavyansky (Anastasievsky) hoard], Koshelenko, Gennadiĭ A., Smirnova, Nataliya M., Kovalenko, Sergeĭ A. (eds.), NiE 18 (Moscow, 2011), pp. 136-186.
- Heidemann, Stefan, Numismatics, Robinson, Chase (ed.), The New Cambridge History of Islam , vol. 1, the Formation of the Islamic World, Sixth to Eleventh Centuries (Cambridge, UK, 2010), pp. 648-663, 775-779, pl. 16.1-16.41.
- Heidemann, Stefan, The Circulation of North African Dirhams in Northern Mesopotamia, the Dirham Hoard of Tall al-Bīʿa/al-Raqqa (t.p.q. 186/802), RN 167 (2011), pp. 451-470.
- Ilisch, Lutz, Reichswährung und Regionalwährung nach der Münzreform ʿAbd Al-Maliks im islamischen Osten, Korn, Lorenz, Orthmann, Eva, Schwarz, Florian (eds.), Die Grenzen der Welt, Arabica et Iranica ad honorem Heinz Gaube (Wiesbaden, 2008), pp. 167-179.
- Ilisch , Lutz, Arabische Kupfermünzen an der Ostsee, Numismatisches NachrichtenBlatt 61,8 (2012), pp. 296-302.
- al-Imām, ʿIwaḍ Muḥammad, Darāhim nādira li-Abī Kālījār al-Buwayhī (399-440H/1008-1017M), nashr wa-dirāsa wa-taḥlīl / Rare Dirham of Abu Kalijar the Buyid (AH 399-440/CE 1008-1017), Publishing, Study and Analysis, Abjadiyyāt / Abgadiyat 5 (2010), pp. 241-259 (arab.).
- Jafar, Yahya, The Accession of Harun al-Rashid, JONS 197 (Autumn 2008), p. 20.
- Jafar, Yahya, Hazarsap b. Banghir, JONS 197 (Autumn 2008), pp. 20-21.
- Jafar, Yahya [Yahya Jaffar], The Uqaylids of Ukbara, JONS 195 (Spring 2008), pp. 7-14.
- Jafar, Yahya, Two Buwayhid Rebels, JONS 197 (Autumn 2008), pp. 21-22.
- Jafar, Yahya, Some ʿAlid Revolts, JONS 199 (Spring 2009), pp. 3-5.
- Jafar, Yahya, A Dirhem of the Mizyadis, JONS 199 (Spring 2009), pp. 9-10.
- Jafar, Yahya, The Mint of al-Maʿshūq, JONS 198 (Winter 2009), pp. 47-48.
- Jafar, Yahya, A New Abbasid Mint, JONS 204 (Summer 2010), pp. 6-7, See also JONS 207 (Spring 2011) pp. 5-6.
- Jafar, Yahya, Some Buyid Coins, JONS 205 (Autumn 2010), pp. 12-19.
- Jafar, Yahya, An Unusual Abbasid Dinar, JONS 208 (Summer 2011), pp. 14-15.
- Kalinin, Vadim, About some Unknown Dīnārs of Fāʾiq al-Hass, General and Governor Under the Sāmānids, JONS 214 (Winter 2013), pp. 14-16.
- Kamoliddin, Sh., S. Medal'on Mansura ibn Nukha [A Medallion (with the name) of Mansur b. Nuh], Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 16 (2008), pp. 113-119.
- Khan, Nikolaĭ A., O postuplenii kuficheskikh dirkhemov v Central'nuyu Evropu v IX - nachale X vv. [Inflow of Kufic Dirhams into Central Europe in the 9th - Early 10th Centuries], Stratum plus 6 (2009), pp. 299-309.
- Kovalev, Roman, Kaelin, Alexis C. Circulation of Arab silver in medieval Afro-Eurasia: preliminary observations, History Compass 5, 2 (2007), pp. 560-580.
- KOVALEV, Roman, The Production of Dirhams in the Coastal Caspian Sea Provinces of Northern Iran in the Tenth-Early Eleventh Centuries and their Circulation in the Northern Lands, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 19 (2012), pp. 133-183.
- KOVALEV, Roman, Were there Direct Contacts Between Volga Bul??ria and Sweden in the Second Half of the Tenth Century? The Numismatic Evidence, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 20 (2013), pp. 67-102.
- Kravcov, Konstantin V., K voprosu o khronologii pravleniya maloizvestnogo ‛abbasidskogo namestnika Tabaristāna Raukha b. Khatima (po narrativnym i numizmaticheskim istochnikam) [Towards the Problem of Dating the Rule of a little-known ‛Abbasid Governor of Tabaristan, Rawh b. Hatim (According to Narrative and Numismatic Sources), Dobrovol'skaya, Lidiya I. (ed.), Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha 48 , Materialy i issledovaniya Otdela numizmatiki (St. Petersburg, 2009), pp. 98-104.
- Kravcov, Konstantin V., O nachale emissii tabaristanskikh drakhm [On the Beginning of Issue of Tabaristan Drachms], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 15 VNK (Moscow, 2009), pp. 56-58.
- Kravtsov (Kravcov), Konstantin V., An Obscure Period in the History of Tabaristan (760s ad): Analysis of Written and Numismatic Sources, JONS 209 (Autumn 2011), pp. 5-6.
- Kuleshov, Vyacheslav S., O rasprostranenii zolotykh kuficheskikh monet VIII v. v Vostochnoĭ Evrope [Apropos of the Distribution of Gold Kufic Coins of the 8th Century in Eastern Europe], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 15 VNK (Moscow, 2009), pp. 59-61.
- Kuleshov, Vyacheslav S., Shumilovskiĭ klad [The Shumilovo hoard], Koshelenko, Gennadiĭ A., Smirnova, Nataliya M., Kovalenko, Sergeĭ A. (eds.), NiE 18 (Moscow, 2011), pp. 191-231.
- Kuleshov, Vyacheslav, New Information on Grafitti on Umayyad Coins from the Great Timeryovo Hoard in the Hermitage Collection, Reports of the State Hermitage Museum 70 (2013), pp. 156-158.
- Kuleshov, Vyacheslav S., Plavinskiĭ, Nikolaĭ A., Nakhodki serebryanykh kuficheskikh monet VIII-X vv. v raĭone Brilevskogo polya: popytka interpretacii [Findings of Silver Kufic Coins from the 8-10th Centuries in the Area of Brilevskoe Pole: an attempt of interpretation], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 17 VNK (Moscow, 2013), pp. 41-43.
- Kuleshov, Vyacheslav S., Plavinskiĭ, Nikolaĭ A., Sidorovich, V.M., Gorovlyanskie klady ili Gorovlyanskiĭ klad? [Hoards from Gorovlyany or the Gorovlyany Hoard?], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 17 VNK (Moscow, 2013), pp. 98-100.
- Laptev, A., Monety v saltovskikh pamyatnikakh Verkhnego Podoncov'ya (Verkhne-Saltovskiĭ IV-ĭ katakombnyĭ i Netaĭlovskiĭ gruntovyĭ mogil'nik) / Coins In Saltiv Monument Sites on the Upper Donets Basin (4th Verkhniy Saltiv catacomb and Netailivka ground necropolis), Paghava, Irakli K., Bezpal'ko, Vladislav V. (eds.), RASMIR-I (Kiev, 2013), pp. 114-124, 163.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., A Dirham of the Ruler of Darband, Maymūn bin Aḥmad (bin ʿAbd al-Malik bin Hāshim), JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 11-12.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Unikal'nyi dirkhem dinastii Khashimidov Derbenda 80-kh gg. X veka [A Unique Dirham of the Hashimid Dynasty of Darband from the 80s of the 10th Century], Numizmatika 2 (25) (May 2010), pp. 14-15.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Kozhevin, Aleksandr E., Numizmaticheskie nakhodki rubezha X-XI vv. s Arbuzovskogo selishcha (Ul'yanovskaya obl.) [Numismatic Finds of the Turn of the 10-11th Centuries from Arbuzovskoe Settlement, Ulyanovsk District], Savinov, D. (ed.), Sluchaĭnye nakhodki: Khronologiya, attribuciya, istoriko-kulturnyĭ kontekst (St. Petersburg, 2008), pp.183-188.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Sotnikov, Alekseĭ V., Shpilev Andreĭ G., Klad arabskikh i vizantiĭskikh monet 70-kh godov X v. iz derevni 1-e Krasnikovo Kurskoĭ obl. [A Hoard of Arabic and Byzantine Coins of the 70s of the 10th Century from Krasnikovo 1st Village, Kursk District], Zaĭcev, Vasiliĭ V. (ed.), SNVE 3 (Moscow, 2009), pp. 6-16.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Trost'yanskiĭ, Oleg V., Orlov, Aleksandr S., Dva klada konca X v. s vostochnymi i evropeĭskimi monetami s territorii Severo-Zapadnoĭ Rusi [Two Hoards of the Late 10th Century with Oriental and European Coins from the Area of North-Western Rus'], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), NCh 2011 goda (Moscow, 2012) pp.44-53.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Trushin, Igor' D., Kozhevin, Aleksandr E., Monetnyĭ kompleks s Arbuzovskogo selishcha Ul'yanovskoĭ oblasti (Х - nachalo XI vv.) [The Coin Complex from Arbuzovskoe Settlement, Ulyanovsk District (10th - early 11th centuries)], NZO 1 (2011), pp. 139-153.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Trushin, Igor' D., Kozhevin, Aleksandr E., Russko-Yurtkul'skiĭ klad pervoĭ poloviny X veka [The Russian Yurtkul Hoard from the First Half of the 10th Century], Rudenko, K.A. (ed.), Issledovaniya po srednevekovoĭ arkheologii Evrazii (Kazan', 2012), pp. 172-182.
- Lemberg, E.M., Oboznachenie monetnogo dvora Barka na dirkhemakh, otchekanennykh v provincii Ifrikiĭa v 170 / Identification of Barqa (برقة) Mint at Dirhams struck in Ifriqiya Province in 170 ah, Paghava, Irakli K., Bezpal'ko, Vladislav V. (eds.), RASMIR-I (Kiev, 2013), pp. 18-25, 127-131.
- Leuthold, Enrico, Jr., Richerchi sui Dirham Umayyadi (Milan, 2008).
- Leuthold, Enrico, Jr., Mubaraka, Altre ricerche sui Dirham Umayyadi (Milan, 2010).
- Mosanef, Farbod, A Coin of Kaykhusraw b. Marzubān, the Forgotten Sallārid, JONS 206 (Winter 2011), pp. 8-10.
- Mosanef, Farbod, Saffar, M.T., An Umayyad Dirham of Tokharistan, JONS 217 (Autumn 2013), p. 8, [see also JONS 218 (Winter 2014), p. 7].
- Mukhtar, U., Sasanian Traditions on Early Post Reform Umayyad Dirhams, Egyptian Journal of Archaeology and Restoration Studies 2,1 (2012), pp. 51-59.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Early Islamic Copper Coinage of Transoxiana, a Generic Survey Focused on Newly Discovered Coin Types, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), 3rd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Numismatica antica e medieval, Studi 3) (Trieste, 2012), pp. 144-190.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., A Survey of the Abbasid Copper Coinage of Transoxiana, Download from Academia, 80 pp.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Djaparidze, Gotcha I., Unikal'nyĭ dirkhem Umm Dzha'far (Zubaĭdy), 181/797-98 g. [A Unique Dirham of Umm Ja‛far (Zubayda), ah 181/797-98 ad], Djaparidze, Gotcha I. (ed.), Researches into the History of Georgia and the Near East 1 (Tbilisi, 2012), pp. 285-293.
- Naymark, Aleksandr, Treadwell, Luke, An Arab-Sogdian Coin of AH 160, an Ikhshid in Ishtihan?, NC 171 (2011), pp. 359-366.
- NICOL, Norman D., Sylloge of Islamic Coins in the Ashmolean, vol. 2, Early Post-Reform Coinage (Oxford, 2009).
- NICOL, Norman D., Sylloge of Islamic Coins in the Ashmolean, vol. 3, Early 'Abbasid Precious Metal Coinage (to 218AH) (Oxford, 2012).
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- Paghava, Irakli, Turkia, Severian [Severiane], The Umayyad Fulūs Minted in the Name of Marwan b. Muḥammad (the Deaf) in Georgia and Elsewhere in South Caucasus, JONS 201 (Autumn 2009), pp. 16-18.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Neopublikovannyj klad zolotyh vizantijskih i musul'manskih monet iz Arheologicheskogo muzeja Gjandzhi [An Unpublished Gold Hoard of Byzantine and Islamic Coins from the Archaeological Museum of Ganja], Sovremennoe sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija muzeev, Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii (Baku, 2011), pp. 81-82.
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- Ramadan, Tareq, An Umayyad Post-Reform Coin of Aylah, a Concise Commentary, JONS 205 (Autumn 2010), pp. 10-12.
- Rostom, A. The Coinage of the Revolutionaries During the Ziyārid Period, Egyptian Journal of Archaeology and Restoration Studies 3,1 (2013), pp. 65-71.
- Sears, Stuart D., The Revolt of al-Ḥārith ibn Surayj and the Countermarking of Umayyad Dirhams in Early Eighth Century CE Khurāsān, Cobb, Paul M. (ed.), The Lineaments of Islam, Studies in Honor of Fred McGraw Donner (Leiden et al., 2012), pp. 379-405.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, The Balkh 93 AH Fulus Revisited, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Polymnia, Numismatica antica e medievale 1) (Trieste, 2010), pp. 70-89.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Umayyad Copper Coinage in the Name of Marwan II. b. Muḥammad from the Caucasus, Additional Comments, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 8-11.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Countermarks on Umayyad Post-Reform Copper Coins, INR 7 (2012), pp. 159-166.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Umayyad Lead Coins, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.) 3rd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Numismatica antica e medieval, Studi 3) (Trieste, 2012), pp. 262-279.
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- Tiguncev, Yuriĭ G., O nakhodke monetovidnykh brakteatov-podvesok, podrazhayushchikh kuficheskomu dirkhemu [On the Finding of Coin-Like Bracteate Pendants Imitating a Kufic Dirham], Numizmaticheskiĭ al'manakh 2 (43) (2011), pp. 2-3.
- Treadwell, Luke, The Copper Coinage of Umayyad Iran, NC 168 (2008), pp. 331-381, pl. 44.
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- TREADWELL, Luke, The Die-Engraver of Balkh (290/902-302/914), Porter, Venetia, Rosser-Owen, Mariam (eds.), Metalwork and Material Culture in the Islamic World, Art, Craft a Text, Essays Presented to James W. Allan (London, 2012), pp. 99-113.
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- Vardanyan, Aram R., On the Coinage of Daysam ibn Ibrahīm in Adherbayjān and Armenia in the 10th Century AD, JONS 197 (Autumn 2008), pp. 11-20.
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- Canto García, Alberto J., Monedas egipcias en al-Andalus, Fundación El Legado Andalusí (ed.), Ibn Jaldún, entre al-Andalus y Egipto, Exposición en el Palacio Emir Taz (Cairo, 2008), p. 149.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Tesoro de monedas hallado en la Pita [Alhama de Murcia], López de Guereño Sanz, María Teresa (ed.), Alfonso X el Sabio, Sala San Esteban, Murcia, 27 octubre 2009-31 enero 2010 [exhibition catalog] (Murcia, 2010), p. 89.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Matriz de cobre de una moneda árabe, Almagro-Gorbea, Martín, Maier Allende, Jorge (eds.), Corona y Arqueología en el siglo de las luces [exhibition catalog] (Madrid, 2010), pp. 302-303.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Madrid y las colecciones de moneda andalusí, una historia interminable, Gil Flores, Daniel (ed.), De Mayrit a Madrid, Madrid y los árabes del siglo IX al siglo XXI (Madrid, 2011), pp. 174-183.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Las monedas y la conquista, Zona Arqueológica 15/1 (2011), pp. 133-143.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Felús al-Andalus, Museo Arqueológico Regional de Madrid (ed.), 711, Arqueología e Historia entre dos mundos [exhibition catalog] (Madrid, 2012), p. 168.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Felús con casco, Museo Arqueológico Regional de Madrid (ed.), 711, Arqueología e Historia entre dos mundos [exhibition catalog] (Madrid, 2012), p. 170.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Felús con casco a la derecha, Museo Arqueológico Regional de Madrid (ed.), 711, Arqueología e Historia entre dos mundos [exhibition catalog] (Madrid, 2012), p. 169.
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- Canto García, Alberto J., Hallazgos de moneda Andalusí y documentación / Discovery of al-Andalus Coins and Documentation, Muñoz Serrulla, María Teresa (ed.), La Moneda, Investigación numismática y fuentes archivísticas (Madrid, 2012), pp. 18-58.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Al-Andalus: dinero, monedas y medios de intercambio, Histoire et Archéologie de l'Occident Musulman (VII-Xve Siècle): Al-Andalus, Mahgreb, Sicile), Villa 4 (2012), pp. 67-80.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Monedas árabes, Almagro-Gorbea, Martín, Maier Allende, Jorge (eds.), Corona y Arqueología en el siglo de las luces [exhibition catalog] (Madrid, 2010), pp. 304-305.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Monedas egipcias en al-Andalus, Fundación El Legado Andalusí (ed.), Ibn Jaldún, entre al-Andalus y Egipto, Exposición en el Palacio Emir Taz (Cairo, 2008), p. 149.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Precinto de reparto lícito, Museo Arqueológico Regional de Madrid (ed.), 711, Arqueología e Historia entre dos mundos [exhibition catalog] (Madrid, 2012), p. 165.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Camacho Cruz, Cristina, Hallazgos monetarios, de época califal, en las excavaciones de los arrabales de Córdoba, Arévalo González, Alicia (ed.), XIII Congreso Nacional de Numismática, "Moneda y Archeología", Cádiz 22-24 de octubre de 2007, vol. 1 (Cádiz, 2008), pp. 825-844.
- CANTO GARCÍA, Alberto J., CRESSIER, Patrice (eds.), Minas y metalurgia en al-Andalus y Magreb occidental, Explotación y poblamiento, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 102 (Madrid, 2012).
- Canto García, Alberto J., Martín Escudero, Fátima, El tesoro de monedas árabes de Carmona y una rectificación de A. Vives Escudero , Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueologia de la UAM 37-38, (2012), pp. 723-748.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Rodríguez Casanova, Isabel, Colección de láminas de inscripciones y monedas árabes de la Real Academia de la Historia, Almagro-Gorbea, Martín, Maier Allende, Jorge (eds.), Corona y Arqueología en el siglo de las luces [exhibition catalog] (Madrid, 2010), pp. 300-301.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Rodríguez Casanova, Isabel, Dirham de al-Mutawakkil ibn Hud, López de Guereño Sanz, María Teresa (ed.), Alfonso X el Sabio, Sala San Esteban, Murcia, 27 octubre 2009-31 enero 2010 [exhibition catalog] (Murcia, 2010), p. 85.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Rodríguez Casanova, Isabel, Dirham de Muhammad ibn Hud, López de Guereño Sanz, María Teresa (ed.), Alfonso X el Sabio, Sala San Esteban, Murcia, 27 octubre 2009-31 enero 2010 [exhibition catalog] (Murcia, 2010), p. 85.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Rodríguez Casanova, Isabel, La moneda en época de Alfonso X, López de Guereño Sanz, María Teresa (ed.), Alfonso X el Sabio, Sala San Esteban, Murcia, 27 octubre 2009-31 enero 2010 [exhibition catalog] (Murcia, 2010), pp. 76-82.
- Canto García, Alberto J., Salvatierra, Vicente, Al-Andalus, de la Invasión al Califato de Córdoba, Historia de España 3 er Milenio (Madrid, 2008), 268 pp.
- Casal García , María Teresa, Martín Escudero, Fátima, Canto García, Alberto J., El arrabal de Saqunda, feluses y materiales aparecidos en las últimas excavaciones arqueológicas, Arévalo González, Alicia (ed.), XIII Congreso Nacional de Numismática, "Moneda y Archeología", Cádiz 22-24 de octubre de 2007, vol. 2 (Cádiz, 2008), pp. 845-867.
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- Doménech Belda, Carolina, Numismática y arqueología medieval, la moneda de excavación y sus aportaciones, Arévalo González, Alicia (ed.), XIII Congreso Nacional de Numismática, "Moneda y Archeología", Cádiz 22-24 de octubre de 2007, vol. 1 (Cádiz, 2008), pp. 707-736.
- Doménech Belda, Carolina, El proceso de islamización en el Sharq al-Andalus a través de los registros monetales, Sénac, Philippe (avec la participation de Pierre Toubert) (ed.), Villa 3, Histoire et Archéologie des sociétes de la Vallée de L'Ebre (VIIe-XIe siècles) (Toulouse, 2010), pp. 275-293.
- Doménech Belda, Carolina, La moneda islámica en la provincia de Alicante, Ramón Sanchez, Julio J. (ed.), Monedas, Todas las caras de la historia, collecciones numismáticas del MARQ (Alicante, 2010), pp. 44-57.
- Doménech Belda , Carolina, Las monedas del castillo de Castalla, Menéndez Fueyo, José Luís, Bevià i García, Marius, Mira Rico, Juan Antonio, Ortega Pérez, José Ramon (eds.), El Castell de Castalla, Arqueología, Arquitectura e Historia de una fortificación medieval de frontera, MARQ Museo Arqueológico de Alicante 8 (Alicente, 2010), pp. 167-169.
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- Domínguez Rojas , Salud M., La Ceca nazarí, una propuesta teórica de la construcción y una función constatada, Miscelánea de estuios árabes y hebraicos, Sección Árabe-Islam 58 (2009), pp. 55-75.
- Fontenla Ballesta , Salvador, Nuevas aportaciones a la numismática del rey Lobo de Murcia, OMNI, Revue Numismatique / Revista Numismática 6 (4/2013), pp. 143-145.
- Francés Vaño, David, Un felús inèdit cordovès de l'any 230 AH, Acta numismàtica 38 (2008), pp. 87-90
- Frances Vañó, David, Noves aportacionsa la numismàtica andalusí, El Quinzet, Revista del Associació Numismàtica I Filatèlica Xúquer 1 (2008), pp. 43-48.
- Francés Vaño, David, Aportació a la numismàtica andalusí, nova llegenda en moneda d'Al-Mutasim Abu Yahyà Muhammad (443-484H), Almeria, El Quinzet, Revista del Associació Numismàtica I Filatèlica Xúquer 2 (2009), pp. 89-91.
- Francés Vañó, David, Unes fraccións inédites de Muhammad ibn Sad, el rei Llop (542-547H), Acta numismàtica 39 (2009), pp. 55-62.
- Francés Vaño, David, Un mig dirhem inèdit de Sa'd al-Dawla Hassan b. Muyahid de Dènia (430-432 AH / 1038-1040 dC), Acta numismàtica 40 (2010), pp. 39-43.
- Francés Vaño, David, En este país se lee poco, aportación a la cronología de los dírhames de ʿIzz al-Dawla, de la Taifa de Alpuente, OMNI, Revue Numismatique, Revista Numismática 3 (7/2011), pp. 56-58.
- Francés Vaño, David, La moneda Handusí en al-Andalus (Montpellier, 2012). [Reviews, Canto García, Alberto J., Panorama Numismático, Revista digital publicada por la Associación Española de Numismáticos Profesionales (2013) [; accessed Feb. 2, 2015]; Wasserstein, David, INR 8 (2013), pp. 165-173; Gaspariño Garcia, S., Revista Numismática OMNI nº 6 (2013), pp. 264-266.]
- Francés Vañó, David, Reconsideració des les atribucions d'un tresoret de la taifa d'Alpont, Acta numismàtica 43 (2013), pp. 71-77.
- Francés Vaño, David, Gaspariño García, Sebastián, A vueltas con las Taifas, ¿Moron?, OMNI, Revue Numismatique / Revista Numismática 6 (4/2013), pp. 118-126.
- Francés Vaño, David, Gaspariño García, Sebastián, Sobre al-Muʿizz b. Zīrī, al-Rašīd, Sulaymān, la fitna y una extraña moneda, Gaceta Numismática 184 (2012), pp. 39-68.
- Francés Vaño, David, Pérez Sánchez, Jaime, Rodríguez Pérez, Ramón, Los feluses con nombre Jalaf, nuevas aportaciones, OMNI, Revue Numismatique / Revista Numismática 7 (12/2013), pp. 128-134.
- Francés Vaño, David, Rodríguez Pérez, Ramón, Una aproximación al felús aglabí y su contexto en el al-Andalus, Numisma 254 (2010), pp. 41-59.
- Francés Vaño, David, Rodríguez Pérez, Ramón, Nuevas evidencias en torno a los feluses de ʿAbd al-Rahman II, Gaceta Numismática 181 (2011), pp. 39-46.
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- Grassi, Vincenza, Notes on Ideology and Religious Beliefs in the Islamic and Norman Coinages Circulating in Sicily, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Polymnia, Numismatica antica e medievale 1) (Trieste, 2010), pp. 111-126.
- El Hadri, Mohamed, Monnaies et relations diplomatiques sous les derniers Zayyānides de Tlemcen. Quelques remarques sur des problèmes d'attribution, Annales Islamologiques 41 (2007), pp. 131-147, 330-331.
- El Hadri, Mohamed, Monnaies merinides et zayyanides au cabinet des monnaies, medailles et antiques de la BnF, RN 165 (2009), pp. 383-419.
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- Ḥasan, ʿAlī Ḥasan ʿAbdallāh, Dīnār murābiṭ nādir ḍuriba fī madīnat Fās sanat 479 h / A Rare Almoravid Dinar Struk [sic!] in the City of Fez in 479 AH, Abjadiyyāt / Abgadiyat 5 (2010), pp. 260-266 (arab.).
- Hohertz, Edmund, A Hafsid Hoard of Square Coins, JONS 208 (Summer 2011), pp. 15-18.
- Ibrahim, Tawfiq, The First Evidence of the Establishment of a Mint in Miknāsa, Two Unpublished Almoravid Coins, a Dirham and a Dinar, of the Year 494/1100, Holmes, Nicholas (ed.), Proceedings of the XIVth International Numismatic Congress, Glasgow 2009, vol. 2 (Glasgow, 2011), pp. 1821-1825.
- Liétard, Ludovic, New Mint Names for a Marinid Half Dirham Type, JONS 207 (Spring 2011), pp. 10-11.
- Liétard, Ludovic, A New Type for Marinid or Early Wattasid Silver Coinage, JONS 207 (Spring 2011), pp. 12-13, [See also JONS 208 (Summer 2011), p. 10].
- Liétard, Ludovic, A New Denomination (1/8 Dirham) and a New Half Dirham
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- Pellicer i Bru, Josep, Un dirham de Fās del siglo X h./XVI dC. con grafía especial, Gaceta Numismática 172 (2009), pp. 25-33.
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- Pérez Sánchez, Jaime, Francés Vañó, David, Rodríguez Pérez, Ramón, Revisión de tres feluses africanos que se han venido relacionando con el hecho de la conquista árabe de Hispania, OMNI, Revue Numismatique / Revista Numismática 7 (12/2013), pp. 135-141.
- Pérez Sánchez, Jaime, Francés Vañó, David, Rodríguez Pérez, Ramón, Reappraisal of Three African Fals Which Have Been Associated with the Event of the Arab Conquest Spain, OMNI, Revue Numismatique / Revista Numismática, Special Issue 1, las monedas hispano-musulmanas (5/2014), pp. 211-217.
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- Farhi, Yoav, A Fāṭimid Coin Die from Israel, INR 6 (2011), pp. 187-190.
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- Kravcov, Konstantin V., Ismailizm v pamyatnikakh prikladnogo iskusstva. Steklyannye vesovye giri epokhi Fatimidov [Ismailism in the Monuments of Applied Arts. Glass Weights of the Fatimid Time], (eds. not indicated), Ismaili Traditions and Spirituality of the People of the Pamirs in the Works of Russian scholars (St. Petersburg, 2011), pp. 34-36.
- Metcalf, Michael, Crusader Numismatics, How Immobilized Types are Classified, How Chronologies are Revised and Verified, and How Coins are Attributed to Their Mints, INR 3 (2008), pp. 175-188.
- Nicol, Norman, D., Some Additions to a Corpus of Fāṭimid Coins, Žnidarec, Jasmina, Appendix, A New Mint in Ifriqiya, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), 3rd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Numismatica antica e medieval, Studi 3) (Trieste, 2012), pp. 101-113.
- Parvérie, Marc, Un pseudo-besant du royaume de Jérusalem, Cahiers numismatiques 187 (mars 2010), pp. 35-40.
- Phillips, Marcus, Fifteen Coins from the Kessab Hoard (1932), NC 168 (2008), pp. 438-442, pl. 48-49.
- Phillips, Marcus, Helmet Pennies in the Name of Bohemond of Antioch from the 'van Nerom' Hoard, NC 168 (2008), pp. 434-437, pl. 46-47.
- Sammut, Joseph C., Azzopardi, Emmanuel, A Unique Medieval Fatimid Gold Coin of Malta, Treasures of Malta 16 (2009), pp. 9-12.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Gegossene Münzen der Kreuzfahrerzeit, Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft 50,2 (2010), pp. 156-161.
- Schultz, Warren, C., The Silver Coinage of the Mamluk Caliph and Sultan al-Musta'in bi'llah (815/1412), Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Polymnia, Numismatica antica e medievale 1) ( Trieste, 2010), pp. 210-219.
- Schultz, Warren C., The Mamlūk Mints in Egypt and the Islamic Monetary Tradition, Heidemann, Stefan, Gitler, Haim (eds), Sylloge of Islamic Coins in the Israel Museum, Egypt, vol. 3, The Mamluks 1248-1517 (Polymnia Numismatica Antica e Medievale. Documenti 2), (Trieste, 2011), pp. 22-32.
- Schultz, Warren C., Mamlūk Minting Techniques, the Manufacture of Dirham Flans, 1250-1412, INR 8 (2013), pp. 175-183.
- Schulze, Wolfgang, An Anonymous Copper Coin Re-Attributed from Trebizond to Syria, NC 168 (2008), pp. 321-330, pl. 43.
- Tal, Oren, Baidoun, Issa, A Hoard of Mamlūk, Ottoman and Venetian Coins (Fifteenth to Sixteenth Centuries) from Apollonia-Arsuf, Israel, NC 170 (2010), pp. 484-493, pl. 25-27.
- Tal, Oren, Kool, Robert, Baidoun, Issa, Hoard Twice Buried?, Fatimid Gold from Thirteenth Century Crusader Arsur (Appolonia Arsuf), NC 173 (2013), pp. 261-292, pl. 43-48.
- Tal , Oren, Kool, Robert, Baidoun, Issa, Ein fatimidischer Goldhort des frühen 12. Jh.s aus der Kreuzfahrerfestung des 13. Jh.s in Arsur, Peilstocker, M., Schefzyk, Jürgen, Burke, Aaron A., Jaffa Tor zum Heiligen Land, Migration und Toleranz am Beispiel einer historischen Hafenstadt (Frankfurt a/M, 2013), pp. 131-133.
- Yūsuf, Asʿad, Qirāʾāt jadīda fī nuqūd ṭūlūniyya nādira / Unique Toulounian Coin, a New Reading, ʿĀdiyāt Ḥalab /Adiyat Halab 11-12 (2008), pp. 99-106 (arab.),
- al-BābaṬīn, Ilhām, Kanz al-Jubayla al-naqdī al-maʿrūḍ fī matḥaf al-waṭanī bil-Riyāḍ / The Jubaila Monetary Treasure Exhibited in the National Museum in Riyadh, Abjadiyyāt / Abgadiyat 5 (2010), pp. 317-327 (arab.).
- Buttrey, Theodore V., A Hoard of Spanish and Spanish American Silver Cobs, NC 168 (2008), pp. 443-446. [found in Yemen]
- Fleisher, Jeffrey, Wynne-Jones, Stephanie, Kilwa-Type Coins from Songo Mnara, Tanzania, New Finds and Chronological Implications, NC 170 (2010), pp. 494-506, pl. 28.
- Ḥamdī, Muḥammad al-Sayyid, Qirāʾa athariyya fī nuqūd al-amīr Abī al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī al-Ṣulayḥī (439-459 h / 1047-1066 m) / A Reading in Prince Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Mohammed bin Ali al-Suleihi's Coins (439-459 AH/1047-1066 AD), Abjadiyyāt / Abgadiyat 5 (2010), pp. 281-316 (arab.).
- Jafar, Yahya, A New Dinar from Sanaʿa, JONS 206 (Winter 2011), pp. 10-11, See also JONS 207 (Spring 2011), pp. 5-6.
- Meloy, John L., Money and Sovereignty in Mecca, Issues of the Sharifs in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 53/5 (2010), pp. 712-738.
- Peli, Audrey, A History of the Ziyadids Through Their Coinage (203-442/818-1050), Weeks L. L. (ed.), Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 38 (Turnhout, 2008), pp. 251-264.
- Peli, Audrey, Monnaies, métal et pouvoir, frappes et techniques monétaires au Yémen (IIe-VIe / VIIIe-XIIe siècles), 2 vols. (Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne, Thèse du doctorat; Paris, 2008).
- Renger, Jochen, Silbermünzen im Jemen, der Maria Theresia Thaler, Jemen-Report, Mitteilungen der Deutsch-Jemenitischen Gesellschaft e.V. 39 (2008), pp. 13-16.
- al-Zaylaʿī, Aḥmad b. ʿAmr, al-Maghzā al-ʿaqadī wa-l-siyāsī li-maḍāmīn nuqūd Banī Mahdī wa-Banī Rasūl min khilāl dirhamayn fiḍḍiyyayn ḍuriban lahumā fī Zabīd / The Political Significance of the Implications of the Coins of Banī Mahdī and Banī Rasūl in Yemen Through Two Silver Dirhams Coined in Zabīd, Abjadiyyāt / Abgadiyat 5 (2010), pp. 182-199 (arab.).
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Mosanef, Farbod, A New Mintname, Malāzkirt, on a Coin of Shāhrukh Tīmūrid, JONS 203 (Spring 2010), pp. 8-9.
- Aykut, Nezihi, Coins of Kaykhusraw I, Sulaimānshāh II and Kaykāwus I, JONS 215 (Spring 2013), pp. 12-22.
- Broome, Michael, A Survey of the Coinage of the Seljuqs of Rūm, ed. by Vlastimil Novák (London, 2011).
- Ilisch, Lutz, Continuity and Transformation of the Lion and Sun Device on Coins of the Jazira from the Artuqid to the Safavid State, Beyazit, Deniz (ed.), At the Crosroads of Empires: 14th -15th Century Eastern Anatolia, Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Istanbul 4 th - 6th May 2007 , (Institut Français des Études Anatoliennes. Varia Anatolica 25) (Paris, 2012), pp. 105-124
- İzmirlier, Yılmaz, Anadolu Selçuklu Paraları / The Coins of Anatolian Seljuqs, (Istanbul, 2010).
- Kolbas, Judith, May, Timothy, Novak, Vlastimil, Anatolian Early 14th Century Coin Hoard (Editio Monographica Musei Nationalis Pragae 9), (Prague, 2011).
- ÖZTÜRK, Hüsnü, PERK, Halûk, Karaman Oǧulları beiliǧi Sikkeleri / Karamanid Coins, vol.2 (h. 741-805 / 1341-1402) (Halûk Perk Müzesi Yayınları Anadolu Sikkeleri Serisi 4) (Istanbul, 2013).
- Perk, Halûk, Öztürk, Hüsnü, Eretna, Kadı Burhanettin ve Erzincan (Mutahhaten) Emirliği Sikkeleri / Eretnid, Burhanid and Amirate of Arzinjan (Mutahharten) Coins (Halûk Perk Müzesi Yayınları 2) (Istanbul, 2008).
- Perk, Khalyuk [Halûk], Oztyurk, Hyusnyu [Öztürk, Hüsnü], Nekotorye monety, chekanennye v Sivase: poslednie gody Il'khanov v Anatolii, Mamlyuki i pod"em dinastii Eretnidov / Some Coins Struck at Sivas: the Last Years of Ilkhanids in Anatolia, Mamluks and the Rising of Eretnid Dynasty, Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 183-194, 223, pl. 15.
- PERK, Halûk, ÖZTÜRK, Hüsnü, Üç Kardeş / Three Brothers, (Halûk Perk Müzesi Yayınları, Anadolu sikkeleri serisi 3, Anadolu sikke monografileri 2) (Istanbul, 2011).
- Sinclair, Tom, Some Conclusions on the Use of Coins on the Ayas-Tabris Route (late 13th and First Half of 14th Century A.D.), Beyazit, Deniz (ed.), At the Crosroads of Empires: 14th -15th Century Eastern Anatolia, Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Istanbul 4 th - 6th May 2007 , (Institut Français des Études Anatoliennes. Varia Anatolica 25) (Paris, 2012), pp. 87-104.
- Teoman, Gültekin, Erek, Üstün, Olcaş, Erol, Seljuq of Rum Figural Dirhams (699-701 AH, 1299-1302 CE) (Izmir, 2009).
- Teoman, Gültekin, Öztürk, Hüsnü, Aydınoǧlu İbrahim Bahadır Bey ve Sikkerleri / Aydinoǧlu İbrahim Bahadır Bey and His Coins, İzmir Nümismatik Derneǧi Bülten / İzmir Numismatic Society Bulletin 1 (2013), pp. 67-73 [Turkish], 144-150 [English].
- Berman, Ariel, A Hoard from the First World War from the Area of Beer Sheva, INR 4 (2009), pp. 145-158. [including Ottoman coins]
- Boele, Kees, Woudsma, Henk T., Financial and Monetary Crisis During the Reign of the Ottoman Sultan, Mahmud II, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 5-7.
- Bölükbaşı, Ömerül Faruk, 18. Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısında Darphane-i Amire (Istanbul, 2013).
- Bubulici, Valeriu, Tentiuc, Ion, Unele descoperiri monetare din cimitirul bisericii Adormirea Maicii Domnului de la Căuşeni, Tyragetia, Arheologie, Istorie Antică, serie nouă 3(18)/1 (2009), pp. 323-330.
- Buyurgan, Tunç, Uslu, Kaan, Osmanlı İmparatorluǧu ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Jeton, Marka ve Fişleri / Ottoman Empire & Turkish Republic Tokens (Istanbul, 2013).
- Damali, Atom, Osmanlı Sikkeleri Tarihi / History of Ottoman Coins, vol. 1, 1. Osman Gazi, 2. Orhan Gazi, 3. Sultan Murad I, 4. Sultan Bayezid I, 5. Sultan Mehmed I, 6. Sultan Murad II, 7. Sultan Mehmed II, 8. Sultan Bayezid II, 9. Sultan Selim I ( Istanbul, 2009). [Review N. Schindel, Nikolaus, Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft Bd. 51,1 (2011), pp. 71-78.]
- Damali, Atom, Osmanlı Sikkeleri Tarihi / History of Ottoman Coins, vol. 2, 10. Sultan Süleyman I ( Istanbul, 2010).
- Damali, Atom, Osmanlı Sikkeleri Tarihi / History of Ottoman Coins, vol. 3, 11. Sultan Selim II, 12. Sultan Murad III, 13. Sultan Mehmed III ( Istanbul, 2011).
- Damali, Atom, Osmanlı Sikkeleri Tarihi / History of Ottoman Coins, vol. 4, 13. Sultan Mehmed III, 14. Sultan Ahmed I ( Istanbul, 2011).
- Damali, Atom, Osmanlı Sikkeleri Tarihi / History of Ottoman Coins, vol. 5, 15. Sultan Mustafa I, 16. Sultan Osman II, 17. Sultan Murad IV, 18. Sultan İbrahim I, 19. Sultan Mehmed IV ( Istanbul, 2012).
- Damali, Atom, Osmanlı Sikkeleri Tarihi / History of Ottoman Coins, vol. 6, 20. Sultan Süleyman II, 21. Sultan Ahmed II, 22. Sultan Mustafa II, 23. Sultan Ahmed III, 24. Sultan Mahmud I ( Istanbul, 2012).
- Damali, Atom, Osmanlı Sikkeleri Tarihi / History of Ottoman Coins, vol. 7, 25. Sultan Osman III - 26. Mustafa III - 27. Abdülhamid I - 28. Selim III - 29. Mustafa IV ( Istanbul, 2013).
- Dzanev, Georgi, Nikolov, Nikolaĭ, Dve kolektivni nakhodki ot srednovekovni bůlgarski i rannoosmanski moneti [Two Hoards of Medieval Bulgarian and Early Ottoman Coins], Lazarenko, Igor (ed.), Acta Musei Varnaensis 7/1 (Varna, 2008), pp. 373-388.
- Erek, Üstün, Çelebi Mehmed'in Anadolu Birliǧini Yeniden Kurmak İçin İktidar Mücadelesinde Bastırdıǧı Mesaj İçerikli Gümüş Paraları Hakkında Bir İnceleme / An Analysis Related to the Silver Coins that Çelebi Mehmed Struck During the Power Struggle for Reestablishing Anatolian Union, İzmir Nümismatik Derneǧi Bülten / İzmir Numismatic Society Bulletin 1 (2013), pp. 20-49 [Turkish], 98-126 [English].
- Eron, Kamil, Felekabad'da Basılmış Karamanoǧlu Dirhemi / Karamanoǧlu Dirham, Which was Struck in Felekabad, İzmir Nümismatik Derneǧi Bülten / İzmir Numismatic Society Bulletin 1 (2013), pp. 50-52 [Turkish], 127-129 [English].
- Eron, Kamil, Teoman, Gültekin, Ramazanoǧlu Ahmed Bey'e Ait Dirhemler / Dirhams Which Belong to Ramazanoglu Ahmed Bey, İzmir Nümismatik Derneǧi Bülten / İzmir Numismatic Society Bulletin 1 (2013), pp. 53-56 [Turkish], 130-133 [English].
- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Krivenko, Andreĭ V., Maloaziĭskie monety XIII - pervoĭ chetverti XV vv. iz nakhodok v Pruto-Dnestrov'e [Coins of Asia Minor of the 13th - First Quarter of 15th Centuries from the Findings in the Prut - Dniester Area], XIV Simpozion de numismatică. Dedicat a 20-a aniversării leului moldovenesc. 25-29 septembrie 2013 (Chişinău, 2013), pp. 27-29.
- Janjgava, Giorgi, Paghava, Irakli, The Ottoman Silver Coins of the Ṭarāblus Gharb Mint in the Name of Sulaymān II, JONS 201 (Autumn 2009), p. 43.
- [Krivenko] Crivenco, Andrei, A New Obverse Variety of Ottoman Akches During the Reign of Bayezid II, JONS 216 (Summer 2013), pp. 18-21.
- Krivenko [Crivenko], Andreĭ V., Srechkovich [Srećković], Slobodan, Budzhakskiĭ klad: predvaritel'nye rezul'taty issledovaniya / Budjak hoard: The results of preliminary research, Paghava, Irakli K., Bezpal'ko, Vladislav V. (eds.), RASMIR-I (Kiev, 2013), pp. 96-104, 156-161.
- Kumrular, Özlem, False Coinage in the Sixteenth Century Ottoman Empire, Abjadiyyāt / Abgadiyat 5 (2010), pp. 116-121.
- Lazarov, Luchezar, A 16th Century Coin Hoard from Bulgaria (Dobrich, 2008).
- Nicol, Norman, D., The Post-Ottoman Conquest Coinage of Egypt, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Polymnia, Numismatica antica e medievale 1) (Trieste, 2010), pp. 220-230.
- Paghava, Irakli, Osmaluri samq'arosa da sakartvelos urtiertoba akhali numizmaťik'uri monatsemebis mikhedvit [Relationship Between the Ottoman World and Georgia According to Numismatic Data], Zhorzholiani, L., K'vach'adze, M. (eds.), K'onsťanťine Paghava 90 (Tbilisi, 2012), pp. 128-144 (in Georgian).
- Paghava, Irakli, Chronicler's Note on Minting Ottoman Coins in Kakheti (Eastern Georgia), JONS 215 (Spring 2013), pp. 22-23.
- Pfeiffer-Taş, Şule, The Coin Hoard of Ottoman Emir Süleyman in Tire Museum, Hitzlel, Frédéric (ed.), 14th International Congress of Turkish Art, Proceedings, Paris, Collège de France, 19-21 September 2011 (Paris, 2013), pp. 627-641.
- Pfeiffer-Taş, Şule, Schindel, Nikolaus, The Beçin Coin Hoard and Ottoman Monetary History in the late 16th/Early 17 th Century, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 56 (2013), pp. 653-671.
- Rodrigues, M., Schreiner, M., Mäder, M., Melcher, M., Guerra, M., Salomon, J., Radtke, M., Alram, M., Schindel, N., The Hoard of Beçin, Non-Destructive Analysis of the Silver Coins , Applied Physics A 99,2 (2010), pp. 351-356.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, A Rare Ottoman Akce, NCirc 117/4 (September 2009), pp. 164-165.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Some Contemporary Forgeries of Akçes of the Ottoman Sultan Murad IV (1623-1640), JONS 208 (Summer 2011), pp. 18-19.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Ein osmanisches Münzkonvolut aus dem 17.Jhdt., NZ 118 (2011), pp. 441-450.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, A Group of Ottoman Coins of Murad III and Mehmed III, 14. Balkan Peninsula, (Area of Üsküp, Modern Skopje Macedonia)? Vilayet Rumeli, c. 2013, NC 173 (2013), pp. 423-432, pl. 80.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Hollunder, Michael, Eine Partie von handgeprägten Paras und Medinis des osmanischen Sultans Ahmed III. (1703-1730), Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft 51,2 (2011), pp. 118-131.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Hollunder, Michael, Eine Partie osmanischer Akçes des Sultans Murad II. Mitteilungen des Instituts für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 54 (2011), pp. 31-37.
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Pfeiffer-Taş, Şule, Ein Münzkonvolut aus der Regierungszeit des osmanischen Sultans Ahmed I. (1603-1617) im Museum von Tire, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 99 (2009), pp. 249-280.
- Srećković, Slobodan, Dve retke akče kovane u Srbiji za vreme Osmanlija [Two Rare Akches Struck in Serbia During the Ottoman Period], Dinar 30 (2008), p. 12.
- Srećković, Slobodan, Akche / Akches, vol. 6, Murad IV-Ahmed III, AH 1032-1143 (Belgrade, 2009).
- Teoman, Gültekin, Bal, Şevkullah, Orhan Gazi'nin İlk Akçesi / The First Akche of Orhan Ghazi, İzmir Nümismatik Derneǧi Bülten / İzmir Numismatic Society Bulletin 1 (2013), pp. 74-77 [Turkish], 151-154 [English].
- Ünal, Rahmi Hüseyin, Krinzinger, Friedrich, Alram, Michael, Pfeiffer-Taş, Şule (eds.) Der Münzsschatz von Beçin, 2 vols. (Vienna, 2010). [Review Moesgaard, Jens Christian, Nordisk Numismatisk Medlemsblad 2 (May 2012), pp. 78-79.]
- Uslu, Kaan, Beyazit, Fatih, Kara, Tuncay, Osmanlı İmparatorluǧu Madeni Parları / Ottoman Empire Coins 1687-1839 (AH 1099-1255) (Istanbul, 2010).
- Voronov, Yuriĭ I., Rezyume na zolotuyu monetu Aleksandra I, otchekanennuyu shtempelyami 10 rubleĭ 1802 g. v vesovoĭ norme 10 tureckikh zeri makhbubov [A Summary on the Gold Coin of Alexander I Struck with Dies of 10 Rouble 1802 in the Weight Standard of 10 Turkish Zeri Mahbub], Numizmatika 4 (27) (November 2010), pp. 28-30.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Mosanef, Farbod, Coins of Āq Qush, Atābek of Borūjerd, JONS 201 (Autumn 2009), pp. 46-47.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Mosanef, Farbod, The Dīnārs of Amīrān, Atābek of Khūzestān, JONS 199 (Spring 2009), pp. 5-7.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Mosanef, Farbod, A Dinār of Ḥisām al-Dīn Aydoghdī, Atābek of Khūzestān, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 23-24.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Mosanef, Farbod, Coinage of Ṭoghril bin Sunqur, Salghurid Atabeg of Fārs, JONS 204 (Summer 2010), pp. 14-15.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Mosanef, Farbod, Four Remarkable Iranian Civic Copper Coins, JONS 214 (Winter 2013), pp. 16-18.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Mosanef, Farbod, Safavid Coinage of Aresh, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 16-19.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Mosanef, Farbod, The Coinage of Taqī Khān Durrānī, Rebel in Kirmān, JONS 209 (Autumn 2011), pp. 17-18.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Mosanef, Farbod, Anonymous Coins from the Time of Jalāyirid Rebel, Khwāja Marjān, JONS 210 (Winter 2012), pp. 17-19.
- ʿAlā al-Dīnī [Alaedini], Bahrām, Sikkahā-i misī-i Īrān, fulūs-I dawrahā-I Ṣafawī tā Qajar / Persian Copper Coins, from Safavids to Qajar (Tehran, 1391/2012).
- [Anonymous], Some Silver Coins of the Safavid Ruler, Ismaʿil II, JONS 214 (Winter 2013), pp. 33-34.
- Dovudi, Davlatkhodzha, Ilish [Ilisch], Lutz, Monety Badakhshana v sobranii Tyubingenskogo Universiteta [Coins of Badakhshan in the Collection of Tübingen University], Akhbori osorkhonai millii Jumhurii Tojikiston ba nomi Kamoliddin Behzod 8 (2009), pp. 98-116.
- Goron, Stan, Coins of the Safavid Ruler, Muhammad Khudabanda (AH 985-995; 1578-1588 AD), Part 1, JONS 195 (Spring 2008), pp. 46-48, Part 2, JONS 196 (Summer 2008), pp. 45-48.
- [Goron, Stan, Jafar, Yahya], Some Safavid Coins of Baghdad and Mosul, JONS 199 (Spring 2009), pp. 39-40.
- [Goron, Stan], Some Durrani Coins from the Mint of Dera, JONS 203 (Spring 2010), pp. 47-48.
- [Goron, Stan], Some Coins of Ahmad Khan Domboli, JONS 208 (Summer 2011), p. 47.
- Goron, Stan, Some Aspects of Dost Muhammad's Kabul Coinage, JONS 211 (Spring 2012), pp. 32-33.
- Goron, Stan, Some Coins of the Safavid Ruler, Sulṭān Ḥusain (AH 1135-45), Struck at Qazvīn, JONS 211 (Spring 2012), p. 47.
- Grachev, Anton I., O "pravlenii" khana Dzhanibeka v Dzhurdzhane [Apropos of the "reign" of Janibek Khan in Jurjan], NZO 1 (2011), pp. 94-102.
- Heidemann, Stefan, Unislamic Taxes and an Unislamic Monetary System in Seljuq Baghdad, Ismail Safa Üstün (ed.), Islam Medeniyatinde Baǧdat (Medinetü's-Selām) Uluslararasi Sempozyum - International Symposium on Baghdad (Madinat al-Salam) in the Islamic Civilization (M. Ü. Ilâhiyat Fakültesi Vakfı Yayınları 246), (Istanbul, 2011), pp. 493-506.
- Jafar, Yahya, Dinars and History of Badr al-Dīn Lūʾlūʾ of Mosul, JONS 201 (Autumn 2009), pp. 30-41.
- Jafar, Yahya, The Seljuq Period in Baghdad 447-552h, a Numismatic and Historical Study (London, 2011).
- Kashak, Shādiya al-Dusūqī, Al-Nuqūsh al-muṣawwara ʿalā l-fulūs al-nuḥāsiyya l-ṣafawiyya fī ḍawʾ majmūʿat Matḥaf al-Fujayra / Illustrated Drawings on Safavid Copper Fulus, Collection of al-Fajera Museum, Abjadiyyāt / Abgadiyat 5 (2010), pp. 200-240 (arab.).
- Kravcov, Konstantin V., Fals il'khana Khulagu [A Fals of Hulagu Ilkhan], in Yurchenko, Aleksandr G., Elita mongol'skoĭ imperii: vremya prazdnikov, vremya kazneĭ, Trofimov V.Yu. (ed.) (St. Petersburg, 2012), pp. 399-400.
- Kuliev, A. Monety Karakoyunlinskogo sultana Abu Nasr Iskendera (Kara Iskender) 823-841 gg. kh. (1420-1437 gg.n.ĕ.) [Coins of Sultan Abu Nasr Iskender Qara Qoyunlu (Qara Iskender) of 823-841 ah /1420-1437 ce], Gambashidze, Givi (ed.), AEFK 2009 (Tbilisi, 2010), pp. 179-181.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Koĭfman, Aleksandr A., Klad serebryanykh sel'dzhukskikh dinarov i ikh fragmentov serediny XII v. [A Hoard of Silver Seljuq Dinars and Their Fragments from the Middle of the 12th Century], (Ma'alot - Tarshikha, 2008).
- Matthee, Rudi, Floor, Willem, Clawson, Patrick, The Monetary History of Iran, from the Safavids to the Qajars (London et al., 2013).
- McLoughlin, Benedict, Exhibition Report, 'The Splendour of Isfahan, Coins from Iran' NCirc 117,2 (May 2009), pp. 54-55.
- Naḥḥās, Jurj, Dirāsa li-nuqūd ḍarabahā al-Malik al-Nāṣir Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb fī Ḥamāh 564-589 h 1168-1193 m / Étude d'un lot de monnaies frappées à Hama par la roi al-Nassir Salah ed-Din fils d'Ayyoub 1168-1193 de notre ère, ʿĀdiyāt Ḥalab /Adiyat Halab 11-12 (2008), pp. 259-265.
- Nauta, Dick, Notes on the Monetary Situation in Persia as Recorded by a Dutch Trade Mission to the Court of Shah Abbas II, JONS 211 (Spring 2012), pp. 25-31.
- Paghava, Irakli, Sepianebtan sakartvelos urtiertobis isťoriidan, k'akhetis kalaki bazari (zagemi) XVII-XVIII sauk'uneebshi (numizmaťik'uri da tserilobiti monatsemebit) [On the History of the Relations Between the Safavids and Georgia, Bazari (Zagemi), a City in Kakheti in the 17-18th Centuries (According to Numismatic and Written Data)], Akhlo aghmosavleti da sakartvelo 7 (2012), pp. 191-199 (in Georgian).
- [Paghava] Pagava, Irakli, Chekanka sefevidskoĭ monety v vostochnom Prichernomor'e [Safavid Coin Minting in the Eastern Black Sea Area], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 3 (Kiev, 2013), pp. 125-142.
- Paghava, Irakli, Turkia, Severian [Severiane], Janjgava, Giorgi, Some New Denomination Coins of Nādir Shāh Minted in Georgia, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 13-15.
- Paghava, Irakli, Turkia, Severian [Severiane], Akopyan, Alexander V., The Cross-In-Circle Mark on the Silver Coins of the Safavid Ruler, Sulṭān Ḥusayn from the Iravān Mint, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 20-23.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Gumayunov, Segreĭ V., Monety Badakhshana konca XIII - nach. XIV vv. kak istochnik dlya rekonstrukcii istoricheskikh sobytiĭ [The Coins of Badakhshan from the Late 13th - Early 14th Century as a Source for Remodeling of Historical Events], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-IV (Moscow, 2008), pp. 104-105, 214, pl. 6.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Valeev, Rafaĕl' M., Klad khorezmiĭskikh dirkhemov konca XIII v. iz Afganistana [A Hoard of Khwarezmian Dirhams of the Late 13th Century from Afghanistan], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 54-59.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Zheleznyakov, Boris, Monety Persidskogo shakha: Arkheologicheskie nakhodki na gorodishche Zhuantobe [Coins of the Shah of Persia: Archaeological Finds from the site of Zhuantobe], Nomad-Kazakhstan 3/39 (2011), pp. 106-112.
- (Ramaḍān) ʿĀṭif Manṣūr [Atef Mansour], A Rare Dirham in the Name of the Mamluk Sultan al-Mansūr Muhammad Minted in Mawsil (763 AH), Abjadiyyāt / Abgadiyat 5 (2010), pp. 78-83.
- Ramaḍān, ʿĀṭif Manṣūr [Atef M. M. Ramadan], Coinage of al-Ghuzz al-'Irāqiyya and its Relation to the Seljuq Conquest, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Polymnia, Numismatica antica e medievale 1) (Trieste, 2010), pp. 191-199.
- Ramaḍān, ʿĀṭif Manṣūr [Atef Mansour M. Ramadan], Sylloge Numorum Arabicorum Tübingen, Naysābūr, Sabzawār und die Münzstätten in Ǧuwayn, XIVa Ḫurāsān 1 (Tübingen et al., 2012).
- Rostom, A.T., Rare Seljuq Dinār in the Name of Sultān Sinjar and Sultān Mahmūd Minted in Isbahān 522 H., Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 1 (June 2011), pp. 35-38.
- Targadzh [Targac], Iskender, Bragin, Andreĭ O., Mukhammad-Kasim: novoe imya v numizmatike Timuridov [Muhammad Qasim, a New Name in Timurid Numismatics], Kalinin, Vitaliĭ A. (ed.), 16 VNK (St. Petersburg, 2011), pp. 79-81.
- Vardanyan, Aram R., A Contribution to the History of the Oirat Mongols, Some Coins of the Sutayid Rulers of al-Jazira and Southern Armenia, 740-750s / 1340-1350s, JONS 217 (Autumn 2013), pp. 9-15.
- [Younis, Mohammad] Yūnis, Muḥammad, Al-Tadāwul al-naqdī fī madīnat Shīrāz mundhu bidāyat al-dawla al-salghūriyya wa-ḥattā nihāyat al-dawla al-muẓaffariyya (543-790 h/1147-1393 m) , 2 vol. (PhD Thesis, Cairo University 2010).
- Younis, Mohammad, "Malik Mulūk Al-Umarāʾ ملك ملوك الأمراء", New Laqab in Ai-Abā Dīnār, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.) 3rd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Numismatica antica e medieval, Studi 3) (Trieste, 2012), pp. 210-219.
- [Younis, Mohammad] Yunis, Mukhammad, Dinary Isfakhana 512 i voennaya konfrontaciya mezhdu Sandzharom i Makhmudom / Dinars of Isfahan AH 512 and the Military Confrontation between Sanjar and Maḥmūd, Paghava, Irakli K., Bezpal'ko, Vladislav V. (eds.), RASMIR-I (Kiev, 2013), pp. 36-42 [Russian], pp. 137-142 [English].
- Younis, Moḥammad, The Salghurid Coinage of Fārs (Iran), Citing the Mongols: The Varieties of Overlordships, Form and Content (623-685/1226-1286), Journal of The Oriental Society of Australia 45 (2013), pp. 93-115.
Coin Hoards of 'Kufic' coins are in section 3, while discussions on the circulation in Eastern Europe are to be found here.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., A Unique Coin of the Shaddādid Ruler, Ashot ibn Shāwūr, JONS 195 (Spring 2008), pp. 5-6.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Ganja Coins of Georgian Types, AH 1200-1205, Supplement to JONS 197, Caucasian Numismatics, Papers on the Coinage of Kartl-Kakheti (Eastern Georgia), 1744-1801 (Autumn 2008), pp. 47-52.
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., Tipologiya monetnogo chekana Gyandzhi v 1172-1217 [Typology of the Coins of Ganja Struck in 1172-1217 ah], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 15 VNK ( Moscow, 2009), pp. 84-87.
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., K rekonstrukcii marshrutov torgovykh puteĭ kavkazskogo regiona v XIV v.: lokalizaciya monetnogo dvora «Alagir» (=Alagiz =Ĕlegis) [Towards the Reconstruction of Trade Routes of the Caucasian Region in the 14th Century: Localization of the Mint "Alagir" (=Alagiz =Elegis)], Dzhakson, Tat'yana (ed.), Drevneĭshie gosudarstva Vostochnoĭ Evropy. 2009 (Moscow, 2010), pp. 137-152.
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., Dvin v nachale XI - nachale XII v. i novye materialy o ego denezhnom obrashchenii [Dvin in the Early 11th - Early 12th Centuries and New Evidence of its Monetary Circulation], Kalinin, Vitaliĭ A. (ed.), 16 VNK (St. Petersburg, 2011), pp. 60-62.
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., K chteniyu legend na dvukh unikal'nykh gruzinskikh monetakh [Towards the Reading of Legends on Two Unique Georgian Coins], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), NCh 2011 goda ( Moscow, 2011), pp. 19-22.
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., K shaddadidskoĭ numizmatike: chekan Iskandara b. Shavura, pravitelya Dvina [Towards the Shaddadid Numismatics: Coinage of Iskandar b. Shawur, Ruler of Dvin], Gambashidze, Givi (ed.), AEFK 2010 (Tbilisi, 2011), pp. 49-50.
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., O monetnykh nakhodkakh v Zakavkaz'e i na Severnom Kavkaze v 2007-2009 gg. [About Coin Finds in Transcaucasia and Northern Caucasus in 2007-2009], Gambashidze, Givi (ed.), AEFK 2010 (Tbilisi, 2011), pp. 46-48.
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., Serebryanyĭ chekan Gyandzhinskogo khanstva (1747-1814) [Silver Coinage of the Ganja Khanate (1747-1814)], EV 29 (2011), pp. 29-38.
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., Monety armyanskikh knyazhestv perioda zakata Khulaguidskogo gosudarstva (736-758 gg.) [The Coinage of Armenian Principalities from the Time of the Decline of the Hulaguid State (736-758 ah /1335-1357 ce)], Volkov, Ivan V. (ed.), NCh 2013 goda (Moscow, 2013), pp. 52-57.
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., O znakakh monetariev na monetakh Khuseĭna Sefevi (1694-1722), chekanennykh v Irane, Armenii i Gruzii [About the Monneyers' Signs on the Coins of Husayn Safavī (1694-1722) Struck in Iran, Armenia and Georgia], Ivanov, Vladimir B. (ed.), Armeniya - Iran: Istoriya. Kul'tura. Sovremennye perspektivy razvitiya (Moscow, 2013), pp. 5-12.
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., Molchanov, Arkadiĭ A., Monetnyĭ chekan Kubinskogo khanstva konca XVIII - nachala XIX v. [The Coinage of Qubā Khānate from the End of 18th - Beginning of 19th Centuries], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 15 VNK (Moscow, 2009), pp. 83-84.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Molchanov, Arkady A., New Data on the Coinage of the Quba Khanate, JONS 199 (Spring 2009), pp. 17-18.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Mosanef, Farbod, A Dīnār of the Īldegizid Ruler Amīr Amīrān ʿUmar, JONS 198 (Winter 2009), pp. 6-8.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Mosanef, Farbod, Billon Coinage of Shams al-Dīn Eldigüz and His Circle (531-571 H./1136-1176 CE.), Studia Iranica 40 (2011), pp. 69-98.
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., Pagava [Paghava], Irakli, Neopublikovannyĭ fel's Abu Sa‛ida, chekanennyĭ v Barda‛ [An Unpublished Fals of Abu Sa‛id Struck at Barda‛], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), p. 195, 224, pl. 16.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Sahakyan, B., A Small Hoard of Īldegizid Period Coins, JONS 199 (Spring 2009), pp. 10-11.
- Akopyan, Alexander V., Vardanyan, Aram R., A Donative Dirham of the Shirwānshāh Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad (AH 370-81) Struck at Bardaʿa in ah 373 (982/3), NC 169 (2009), pp. 261-267.
- Akopyan, Aleksandr V., Vardanyan, Aram R., Monety Kvirike III, carya Kakheti i Ěreti [Coins of Kvirike III, King of Kakheťi and Hereťi], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 17 VNK ( Moscow, 2013), pp. 43-44.
- Bennett, Kirk, An Unusual Georgian-Hulaguid Dirham of Abaqa, JONS 215 (Spring 2013), pp. 11-12.
- Bogucki, Mateusz, The Beginning of Dirham Import to the Baltic Sea Zone and the Question of Early Emporia, Lund Hansen, Ulla, Bitner-Wróblewska, Anna (eds.), Worlds Apart?, Contacts Across the Baltic Sea in the Iron Age, Network Denmark-Poland 2005-2008, Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskriftselskab Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne (Copenhagen et al., 2010), pp. 351-361.
- Bolduryanu [Boldureanu], Ana I., Vizantiĭskie i islamskie monety iz Alchedarskogo klada [Byzantine and Islamic Coins from Alcedar Hoard], Stratum plus 5 (2010), pp. 301-306.
- Dundua, Giorgi, Vzaimootnosheniya Gruzii s Zolotoĭ Ordoĭ v XIV veke po numizmaticheskim dannym [Interrelation between Georgia and the Golden Horde in the 14th Century according to Numismatic Data], Gambashidze, Givi (ed.), AEFK 2009 (Tbilisi, 2010), pp. 149-150.
- Dundua, Giorgi, Jalaghania, Irene, K'arťuli numizmaťik'uri lek'sikoni [Georgian Numismatic Dictionary] ( Tbilisi, 2009). [in Georgian]
- Dzhavakhishvili, Nikolaĭ, Novye istochniki dlya istorii gruzino-normannskikh vzaimootnosheniĭ (XI vek) [New Sources for the History of Georgian-Norman Relations in the 11th Century], Gambashidze, Givi (ed.), AEFK 2010 ( Tbilisi, 2011), pp. 102-104.
- ELFVER, Frédéric, Axel Adlersperre, Jonas Hallenberg och det öländska myntfyndet 1803, Nordisk Numismatisk Medlemsblad 4 (November 2012), pp. 132-137.
- ELFVER, Frédéric, LANDGREN, Johan, PETTERSON, Mats, Depåfyndet från Stora Wäsby, Hammarby sn, Uppland, Nordisk Numismatisk Medlemsblad 1 (Februar 2011), pp. 3-9.
- Gabashvili, Goga, Rendering the Name of Heraclius II (Numismatic Evidence), JONS 214 (Winter 2013), pp. 18-20.
- Gomzin, Andreĭ A., Fragmentaciya kuficheskikh monet (rezul'taty issledovaniya materialo Gomzin, Andreĭ A., Fragmentaciya kuficheskikh monet (rezul'taty issledovaniya materialov Srednego i Nizhnego Pooch'ya) [Fragmentation of Kufic Coins (the results of research of the materials from the Middle and Lower Oka River)], RA 4 (2011), pp. 64-76.
- Gomzin, Andreĭ A., K voprosu ob osobennostyakh monetnykh kladov posledneĭ chetverti X v. v Pooch'e [Apropos of the Peculiarities of Coin Hoards of the Last Quarter of the 10th Century from the Oka River Basin], Rossiĭskiĭ nauchnyĭ zhurnal 3 (22) (2011), pp. 3-15.
- Gomzin, Andreĭ A., Monety volzhskikh bulgar v Srednem i Nizhnem Pooch'e [Volga-Bulghar Coins from the Middle and Lower Oka River Basin], Chernecov, A.V. (ed.), Arkheologiya drevnerusskogo goroda XI-XV vekov. Problemy istochnikovedeniya, stanovleniya gosudarstvennosti i kul'turogeneza (Moscow, 2011), pp. 16-18.
- Gomzin, Andreĭ A., Karta vostochnoevropeĭskikh kladov kuficheskikh monet X v. i kladov XI-XII vv., soderzhashchikh islamskie monety [The Map of Eastern European Hoards of 10th Century Kufic Coins and the Hoards of 11-12th Centuries Containing Islamic Coins], Makarov, N.A. (ed.), Rus' v IX-X vekakh: arkheologicheskaya panorama (Moscow - Vologda, 2012), pp. 390-393.
- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Vostochnaya numizmatika Khersona (vtoraya polovina XII - pervaya polovina XV vv.) [Oriental Numismatics of Cherson (2nd half of 12th - 1st half of 15th century)], Karpov, S.P. (ed.), Prichernomor'e v srednie veka 7 (St. Petersburg, 2009), pp. 118-132.
- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Denezhnoe obrashchenie v Drevneĭ Rusi. Denezhnaya sistema Russkikh zemel' v XIII-XV vv. [Money Circulation in Ancient Rus'. Monetary System of Russian Lands in the 13-15th Centuries], Shiryakov, Igor' V., Pryazhnikova, L.M. (eds.) Istoriya denezhnogo obrashcheniya Rossii: Den'gi Rossii s drevneĭshikh vremen do nashikh dneĭ, vol. 1 (Moscow, 2011), pp. 21-63.
- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Numizmaticheskie nakhodki kak istochnik dlya izucheniya formorovaniya lokal'nykh finansovykh sistem (Eleckie zemli, XIV - nach. XV vv.) [Coin Finds as a Source for the Study of the Formation of Local Financial Systems (The Lands of Yelets, 14th - Early 15th Centuries)], Lyapin D.A. (ed.), Na stepnom pogranich'e: Verkhniĭ Don v istorii srednevekovoĭ Rossii (Elec, 2011), pp. 11-22.
- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Zaĭcev, Vasiliĭ V., [Glava 1.] Denezhnoe obrashchenie v Drevneĭ Rusi; [Glava 2.] Denezhnaya sistema russkikh zemel' v XIII-XV vv. [Chapter 1. Money Circulation in Ancient Rus'; Chapter 2. Monetary System of Russian Lands in the 13-15th Centuries], Shiryakov, Igor' V., Pryazhnikova, L.M. (eds.) Istoriya denezhnogo obrashcheniya Rossii: Den'gi Rossii s drevneĭshikh vremen do nashikh dneĭ, vol. 1 (Moscow, 2011), pp. 21-48.
- Ilisch, Lutz, Ursachen der Verbreitung von Schatzfunden im Allgemeinen und von Schatzfunden arabischer Münzen im Ostseeraum im Besonderen, Adamczyk, Dariusz, Markt, Macht oder Magie. Warum wurde im frühen Mittelalter Silber deponiert? (6. Joachim-Lelewel-Gespräch, 8. November 2011, DHI Warschau) / Rynek, władza lub magia? Dlaczego deponowano srebro we wczesnym średniowieczu? (6. Debata Lelewelowska, 8 listopad 2011, NIH w Warszawie) , (, accessed, Jan.10, 2014).
- HANSEN, Af Jesper, Sølvskatten fra Herringe fra Dirhem til Danefæ, Nordisk Numismatisk Medlemblad 3 (August 2010), pp.106-116.
- Islamov, Ravil', Osnovanie i razvitie goroda Izmaila v svete numizmaticheskikh nakhodok [Foundation and Development of the town of Izmail in the Light of Numismatic Findings], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 3 (Kiev, 2013), pp. 114-122.
- Janjgava, Giorgi, Paghava, Irakli, Āhar, a New Mint Issuing Ulugh Mangyl Ulus Bek Type Coins, JONS 215 (Spring 2013), pp. 10-11.
- Kovalev, Roman, Khazaria and Volga Bulǧāria as Intermediaries in Trade Relations Between the Islamic Near East and the Rus' Lands During the Tenth to Early Eleventh Centuries: The Numismatic Evidence: Part I, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 18 (2011), pp. 43-156.
- Khromov, Konstantin K., Nakhodki islamskikh mednykh monet vtor.pol. XII - perv.pol. XIII v. na territorii Kievskogo knyazhestva [Findings of Islamic Copper Coins (Second Half of the 12th - First Half of the 13th Century) in the Area of Kiev Principality], EV 30 (2013), pp. 288-298.
- Kuleshov, Vyacheslav S., Khronologiya obrashcheniya monet Khalifata v Vostochnoĭ Evrope (VIII-IX vv.) [Chronology of the Circulation of Caliphate Coins in Eastern Europe (8-9th Centuries)], Kalinin, Vitaliĭ A. (ed.), 16 VNK (St. Petersburg, 2011), pp. 46-48.
- Kuleshov, Vyacheslav S., Novye dannye o kladakh s vostochnymi monetami IX-X vv. na territorii Belarusi [New Evidence of the 9-10th Century Hoards with Oriental Coins in the Area of Belarus'], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), NCh 2012 goda (Moscow, 2012), pp. 40-44.
- Kuleshov, Vyacheslav S., O tipologicheskom i khronologicheskom sootnoshenii khazarskikh runicheskikh dirkhamov i monet Abkhazskogo carstva IX v. [Apropos of the Typological and Chronological Correlation between Khazar Runic Dirhams and Coins of the Abkhazian Kingdom of the 9th Century], Volkov, Ivan V. (ed.), NCh 2013 goda (Moscow, 2013), pp. 40-42.
- Kuliev, A., Monety Karakoyunlinskogo sultana Abu Nasr Iskendera (Kara Iskender) 823-841 gg. kh. (1420-1437 gg.n.ĕ.) [Coins of Sultan Abu Nasr Iskandar Qara Qoyunlu (Qara Iskandar) of 823-841 ah/1420-1437 ce], Gambashidze, Givi (ed.), AEFK 2009 (Tbilisi, 2010), pp. 179-181.
- LAURSEN, René, Dirhemskat fra 800-tallet fundet på Bornholm, Nordisk Numismatisk Medlemsblad 1 (February 2013), pp. 16-19.
- Lazarov, Lůchezar C., Sokrovishche s anonimnymi dirkhemami iz raĭona Balchika (Severo-Vostochnaya Bolgariya) [A Treasure with Anonymous Dirhams from the Vicinity of Balchik, North-Eastern Bulgaria], NZO 1 (2011), pp. 158-167.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Monetnyĭ kompleks XI-XV vv. so srednevekovogo poseleniya u sela Shilovka Ul'yanovskoĭ oblasti [A 11-15th Century Coin Complex from the Medieval Settlement Near Shilovka Village, Ulyanovsk District], NZO 3 (2013), pp. 16-26.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Markov, Dmitriĭ B., Shaddadidy: monety Shavura b. Fadla i ego synoveĭ pri Sel'dzhukakh [The Shaddadids: Coins of Shawur b. Fadl and His Sons under the Seljuqs], Volkov, Ivan V. (ed.), NCh 2013 goda (Moscow, 2013), pp. 47-52.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Starodubcev, Gennadiĭ Yu., Koshelek s 17 severyanskimi rezanami X v. iz Kurskoĭ oblasti [A Purse with 17 Severian Rezanas of the 10th Century from Kursk District], Kalinin, Vitaliĭ A. (ed.), 16 VNK (St. Petersburg, 2011), pp. 53-55.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Trushin, Igor' D., Dirkham dinastii Dzhastanidov na Arbuzovskom selishche X-XI vv. v Ul'yanovskoĭ oblasti [A Dirham of the Jastanid Dynasty from Arbuzovskoe Settlement of the 9-10th Centuries in Ulyanovsk District], Kalinin, Vitaliĭ A. (ed.), 16 VNK (St. Petersburg, 2011), pp. 56-58.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Trushin, Igor' D., Monety yuzhnogo drevnerusskogo denezhnogo obrashcheniya rubezha X-XI vv. na domongol'skikh bolgarskikh pamyatnikakh Ul'yanovskoĭ oblasti [Coins from Southern Russian Ancient Monetary Circulation at the Turn of 9-10th Centuries on the Pre-Mongol Bulghar Sites of Ulyanovsk District], Zaĭcev, Vasiliĭ V. (ed.), SNVE 4 (Moscow, 2012), pp. 6-16.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Trushin, Igor' D., Kozhevin, Aleksandr E., Numizmaticheskie nakhodki na bulgarskikh domongol'skikh pamyatnikakh v Ul'yanovskoĭ obl. [Numismatic Findings on the Pre-Mongol Bulghar Sites in Ulyanovsk District], Rudenko, K.A. (ed.), Issledovaniya po srednevekovoĭ arkheologii Evrazii (Kazan', 2012), pp. 154-171.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Zorin, Aleksandr V., Denezhnoe obrashchenie na territorii kurskikh severyan v IX-X vv. [Money Circulation in the Lands of the Severyans of Kursk in the 9th-10th Centuries], SEES 7 (Doneck, 2009), pp. 575-598.
- Mitchiner, Michael, Georgian-Hulagid Christian Dirhems, JONS 201 (Autumn 2009), pp. 28-29.
- Mitchiner, Michael, The Genoese-Tartar Coinage of Caffa and Krim, a Small Hoard of Silver Aspers, JONS 112 (Summer 2012), pp. 18-21.
- Mubayadzhyan, V.A., Monety, chekanennye v gorodakh Erevane, Gyandzhe i Nakhichevane v period persidskogo vladychestva 1500-1828 gg. / Coins Minted in the Cities Yerevan, Ganja and Nakhichevan during the Persian Domination 1500-1828 ad (Los Angeles, 2012).
- Narozhny, Eugeny I., Narozhnaya, Farida B., Eurasian Coins of the 13th Century from the Northern Caucasus, Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 37/1 (2009), pp. 52-61.
- Narozhnyĭ, Evgeniĭ I., Narozhnaya, Farida B., Numizmaticheskie materialy XIII-XIV vv. iz vysokogornoĭ Ingushetii [Numismatic Material of the 13-14th Centuries from Alpine Ingushetia], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 66-73.
- Novák, Vlastimil, The Kelč Hoard Revised, Fragments of Islamic Silver Coins, With Excursus by Milena Bravermanová (Monumenta Numismatica,1), (Prague, 2010).
- ÖSTERGREN, Majvor, Spillings, The Largest Viking Age Silver Hoard in the World, PETTERSON, Ann-Marie (ed.), The Spillings Hoard, Gotland’s Role in Viking Age World Trade (Lund, 2009), pp. 11-40.
- Oberländer-Târnoveanu, Ernest, Monetnaya chekanka v zone ust'ev Dunaya v konce XIII - nachale XIV v. [The Coin Minting in the Danube Outfall in the Late 13th - Early 14th Centuries], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 38-53.
- Paghava, Irakli, The Indian Summer of Georgian Statehood, Political and Economic Outlines of Kartl Kakheti History, 1744-1801, Supplement to JONS 197, Caucasian Numismatics, Papers on the Coinage of Kartl-Kakheti (Eastern Georgia), 1744-1801 (Autumn 2008), pp. 1-5.
- Paghava, Irakli, A Series of Peculiar Minor Denomination Sirma Coins, Modern Fakes or Contemporary Imitations?, Supplement to JONS 197, Caucasian Numismatics, Papers on the Coinage of Kartl-Kakheti ( Eastern Georgia ), 1744-1801 (Autumn 2008), pp. 20-27.
- Paghava, Irakli, Variants in the Composition and Arrangements of Dates on Sirma Coins, Approach to Die Analysis, Supplement to JONS 197, Caucasian Numismatics, Papers on the Coinage of Kartl-Kakheti (Eastern Georgia), 1744-1801 (Autumn 2008), pp. 13-16.
- Paghava, Irakli, The Yellow Metal Coins Ascribed to Erekle II and the Fate of Georgian Dies of the 17th-18th Centuries, Supplement to JONS 197, Caucasian Numismatics, Papers on the Coinage of Kartl-Kakheti (Eastern Georgia), 1744-1801 (Autumn 2008), pp. 33-37.
- Paghava, Irakli, Avsharianta dinasťiis sapase k'avk'asiis p'ulad mimoktsevashi [The Currency of the Afsharid Dynasty in the Monetary Circulation of the Caucasus], Songulashvili, Avtandil (ed.), Akhali da uakhlesi istoriis sakitkhebi 2/8 (2010), pp. 391-407 (in Georgian).
- Paghava, Irakli, The Minting of Gold Shauris in Eighteenth Century Georgia, Monetary Evidence, JONS 204 (Summer 2010), pp. 15-17.
- Paghava, Irakli, Tbilisuri moneťebis ts'oniti sťandarťi, nominalta sistema da moch'ris ťeknik'a (avsharianta dinasťiis p'eriodi) [The Weight Standard, Denominations' System and Minting Technique of Tiflis Coins (Afsharid Period)], Songulashvili, Avtandil (ed.), Akhali da uakhlesi istoriis sakitkhebi 1/7 (2010), pp. 515-532 (in Georgian).
- Paghava, Irakli, Javakht uplis monetebi, k'omp'leksuri analizi [The Coins of the Lord of the Javakhs, Complex Analysis], Saisťorio k'rebuli 1 (2011), pp. 291-343 (in Georgian).
- Paghava, Irakli, The First Arabic Coinage of Georgian Monarchs, Rediscovering the Specie of Davit IV the Builder (1089-1125), King of Kings and Sword of Messiah, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.) 3rd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Numismatica antica e medieval, Studi 3) (Trieste, 2012), pp. 220-261.
- Paghava, Irakli, Sp'ilendzis ghirebuleba kartl-k'akhetis sameposhi XVIII saukunis mitsuruls ist'oriuli sabutebis mikhedvit (tanadrouli sp'ilendzis sapasis tvitghirebulebis sak'itkhistvis) [Copper Price in the Kingdom of Kartl-Kakheti at the End of the 18th Century According to Historical Documents (On the Issue of the Price of the Contemporary Copper Currency)], Saist'orio k'rebuli 2 (2012), pp. 220-241 (in Georgian).
- Paghava, Irakli, Silver Coinage of David IV the Builder with no Byzantine Title (Attribution, Dating, Significance), Pro Georgia , Journal of Kartvelological Studies 22 (2012), pp. 91-109.
- Paghava, Irakli, A Shaki Hoard of Nukha (Shaki) Khanate Coins, JONS 217 (Autumn 2013), pp. 15-19.
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- Paghava, Irakli, Bebia, Gia, A Group of Unusual Sirma Abazis, Die Analysis, Supplement to JONS 197, Caucasian Numismatics, Papers on the Coinage of Kartl-Kakheti (Eastern Georgia), 1744-1801 (Autumn 2008), pp. 6-12.
- Paghava, Irakli, Bennett, Kirk, New Monetary Material for the Numismatic History of ʿAlī b. Jaʿfar, Jaʿfarid Emir of Tiflis, and its Significance, JONS 213 (Autumn 2012), pp. 11-12.
- Paghava, Irakli, Geradze, Gocha, The Alloy Composition of the Georgian and Ildegizid Coins of the 12th-13th Century, Pro Georgia 23 (2013), pp. 99-109.
- Paghava, Irakli, Gvindjilia, Zurab, Kudin, Sergey, Star in Lieu of Cross, Notes on the Early Georgian-Khulagid Christian Dirhams, JONS 196 (Summer 2008), pp. 7-15.
- Paghava, Irakli, Janjgava, Giorgi, A Unique Half Dirham from the Mint of Nakhjawan with the Ulugh Mangyl Ulus Bek Legend, JONS 207 (Spring 2011), pp. 14-15.
- Paghava, Irakli, Lobzhanidze, Giorgi, Turkia, Severian [Severiane], Countermarking of Copper Coins in Late 18th Century Georgia, Supplement to JONS 197, Caucasian Numismatics, Papers on the Coinage of Kartl-Kakheti (Eastern Georgia), 1744-1801 (Autumn 2008), pp. 38-46.
- Paghava, Irakli, Novák, Vlastimil, Georgian Coins in the Collection of the National Museum-Náprstek Museum in Prague, Annals of the Náprstek Museum 34/2 (2013), pp. 41-82.
- Paghava, Irakli, Pataridze, Maia, In memoriam meri antadze (chaduneli) (kartul-osmaluri da kartul-arabuli numizmaťik'uri k'avshirebis k'vlevis isťoriisatvis / In memoriam Mary Antadze (Chaduneli) (on the research history of Georgian-Ottoman and Georgian-Arabic numismatic relations], Saisťorio k'rebuli 3 (2013), pp.310-315 (in Georgian).
- Paghava, Irakli, Spanderashvili, Roland [Rolandi], Parkosadze, Shalva, The Dikhashkho Hoard of Georgian-Hulagid Christian Dirhams, Preliminary Results, JONS 201 (Autumn 2009), pp. 19-27.
- Paghava, Irakli, Spanderashvili, Roland [Rolandi], Turkia, Severian [Severiane], A New Copper Coin Type of Abū Saʿīd from Georgia (with Georgian Countermarks?), JONS 211 (Spring 2012), pp. 19-22.
- Paghava, Irakli, Turkia, Severian [Severiane], The Cross Motive on Tiflis, Ganja, Nakhjawan and Tabriz Coins Minted in ah 1181-1190, Supplement to JONS 197, Caucasian Numismatics, Papers on the Coinage of Kartl-Kakheti (Eastern Georgia), 1744-1801 (Autumn 2008), pp. 17-19.
- Paghava, Irakli, Turkia, Severian [Severiane], A New Early Coin Type of ʿAlī b. Jaʿfar, Emir of Tiflis, Bearing the Name of the Caliph al-Tāʾīʿ li-llāh, JONS 199 (Spring 2009), pp. 7-9.
- Paghava, Irakli, Turkia, Severian [Severiane], A New Coin Type of the Sayyid, Abū al-Faḍl Jaʿfar III b. ʿAlī, Jaʿfarid Emir of Tiflīs, JONS 206 (Winter 2011), pp. 11-13.
- Paghava, Irakli, Turkia, Severiane, Ghazan mahmudisa da vakhťang III-is moneťebis akhali ťip'i [New Coin Type of Ghazan Mahmud and Vakhtang III], Zhorzholiani L., K'vach'adze M. (eds.), K'onsťanťine Paghava 90 (Tbilisi, 2012), pp. 145-151 (in Georgian).
- Paghava, Irakli, Turkia, Severian [Severiane], A Unique Coin of Abū al-Hayjā, Jaʿfarid Emir of Tiflīs, NC 172 (2012), pp. 205-212.
- Pagava [Paghava], Irakli, Turkia, Severian, Novye dannye o chekanke sefevidskoĭ monety v carstve K'akheti (Gruziya) / New data on Minting the Safavid Currency in the Kingdom of Kakheti (Georgia), Paghava, Irakli K., Bezpal'ko, Vladislav V. (eds.), RASMIR-I (Kiev, 2013), pp. 105-112, 162.
- Paghava, Irakli, Turkia, Severian [Severiane], Lobzhanidze, G., Jalal al-Din Mangubarni's Copper Coin Minted in Georgia Without Marginal Legend, Addendum, JONS 194 (Winter 2008), pp. 7-8.
- Paghava, Irakli, Turkia, Severian [Severiane], Zlobin, Gennadiy, A New Coin Type of Dimitri I, King of Georgia, Addendum, JONS 207 (Spring 2011), pp. 13-14.
- Paghava, Irakli, Varshalomidze, Irine, Qupuri moneťebis gandzi Zoťidan (Guria) [A Hoard of Kufic Coins from Zoti (Achara)] , Baťumis arqeologiuri muzeumi, Shromebi 5 (2013), pp. 60-67, 117-120 (in Georgian).
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- Bugarchev, Alekseĭ I., Monety Mokhshi iz sobraniya Kazanskogo kollekcionera A.F. Likhacheva (1832-1890) [Coins of Mokhshi from the Collection of A.F. Likhachev, Kazan' (1832-1890)], Belorybkin, G.N. (ed.), SGM (Penza, 2010), pp. 49-55.
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- Bugarchev, Alekseĭ I., Stepanov, Oleg V., Klad serebryanykh monet pervoĭ poloviny XV veka iz okrestnosteĭ g. Bilyarska (Tatarstan) [A Hoard of Silver Coins of the 1st Half of the 15th century from the Vicinity of the City of Bilyarsk (Tatarstan)], NZO 3 (2013), pp. 92-97.
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- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Dzhuchidskie tamgi na monetakh g. Madzhar [Juchid Tamghas on the Coins of Majar], Gadzhiev, M.S. (ed.), Noveĭshie otkrytiya v arkheologii Severnogo Kavkaza (Makhachkala, 2012), pp. 306-307.
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- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., "Stremyavidnaya" tamga - tamga Berke? [A Stirrup-like Tamgha: Did It Belong to Berke?], [a supplement to:] Yurchenko, A.G. Zolotaya Orda. Mezhdu Yasoĭ i Koranom. Nachalo konflikta (St. Petersburg, 2012), pp. 196-202.
- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Khan Mubarek-khodzha i ego monety [Mubarak Khwaja Khan and His Coins], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 3 ( Kiev, 2013), pp. 11-15.
- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Monetnyĭ dvor Edil' (Zolotaya Orda, 790-e [The Mint of Edil' (Golden Horde, 790s ah)], Volkov, Ivan V. (ed.), NCh 2013 goda (Moscow, 2013), pp. 64-67.
- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Nemnogo pro akche: kak nazyvalis' monety v Zolotoĭ Orde XV v. [A Remark on Aqche: How the Golden Horde Coins Were Called in the 15th Century], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 17 VNK (Moscow, 2013), pp. 55-56.
- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Kazarov, Aleksandr A., Krivenko, Andreĭ V., Vypuski monetnogo dvora Sakchi al-Makhrusa pri khane Uzbeke, [Khan Uzbek's Coinage at the Saqchi al-Mahrusa Mint], Stratum plus 6 (2011), pp. 59-66.
- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Ruzas, Vincas, XIV a. Aukso ordos monetų kolekcija Lietuvos banko Pinigų muziejuje / Kollekciya monet Zolotoĭ Ordy XIV v. v Muzee deneg Banka Litvy / Collection of Golden Horde Coins of the 14th Century in the Museum of Money of the Bank of Lithuania: A Catalog (Vilnius, 2013). (in Lithuanian, Russian and English)
- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Trost'yanskiĭ, Oleg V., Znaki sobstvennosti na monetakh litovsko-russkogo pogranich'ya. Prichiny poyavleniya ["Signa proprietas" on the Coins of Lithuanian-Russian Borderland: Reasons of Appearance], Deveikienė, Nijolė (ed.), MNK. Tezisy dokladov. Vil'nyus, 23-25 maya 2012 g. Nacional'nyĭ muzeĭ Litvy (Vilnius, 2012), pp. 129-132.
- Grachev, Anton I., O «pravlenii» khana Dzhanibeka v Dzhurdzhane [Apropos of the "reign" of Jani Bek Khan in Jurjan], NZO 1 (2011), pp. 94-102.
- Gumayunov, Sergeĭ V., Monetnyĭ shtempel' s Selitrennogo gorodishcha [A Coin Die from the Site of Selitrennoe], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), p. 144.
- Gumayunov, Sergeĭ V., Lebedev, Valentin P., Obzor madzharskogo chekana khana Tokty [A Survey of the Majar Coinage of Toqtu Khan], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 123-125, 215, pl. 7.
- Hirik, Serhiĭ I., Monetna sprava Kryms'koho Khanatu: ohlyad istoriohrafiï, Sribnyak, Ihor V. (ed.), Ukraïns'ka oriyentalistyka 6 (Kyïv, 2012), pp. 12-16. (in Ukrainian)
- Iskhakov, Damir M., V poiskakh istokov i smysla izobrazheniya dvuglavykh ptic (orlov) na zolotoordynskikh monetakh [In the Search of Origins and Meaning of the Image of Double-Headed Birds (Eagles) on Golden Horde Coins], NZO 3 (2013), pp. 120-127.
- Ivanov, Vladimir A., Chetyre monety, kak ĕkvivalent nalichiya gorodov v Bashkirii v ĕpokhu Zolotoĭ Ordy (primer sovremennogo arkheologicheskogo mifotvorchestva po materialam gorodishcha Ufa-II) [Four Coins as an Equivalent of the Existence of Towns in Bashkiria during the Golden Horde Epoch (An Example of Modern Archaeological Myth-Making upon the Evidence from Ufa-II Site)], ZC 5 (2012), pp. 404-414.
- Kazarov, Aleksandr A., Bespalov, Roman A., Pron'skiĭ i Yasnopolyanskiĭ klady dzhuchidskikh monet konca XIV veka [Pronsky and Yasnopolyansky Hoards of Juchid Coins Dated from the Late 14th Century], Voroncov, A.M., Burcev, I.G. (eds.), Pozdnesrednevekovyĭ gorod 3, Arkheologiya i istoriya ( Tula, 2011), pp. 98-106.
- Kazarov, Aleksandr A., Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Krivenko, Andrei V., Vypuski monetnogo dvora Sakchi al-Makhrusa pri khane Uzbeke [Khan Uzbek's Coinage from the Mint of Saqchi al-Mahrusa], Stratum plus 6 (2011), pp. 59-66.
- Kazarov, Aleksandr A., Gorlov, Aleksandr V., Dva novykh tipa monet zolotoordynskogo khana Timura: K voprosu o peremeshchenii shtempeleĭ mezhdu monetnymi dvorami [Two New Coin Types of the Golden Horde Khan Timur: a Problem of Moving the Coin Dies Between Mints], Kalinin, Vitaliĭ A. (ed.), 16 VNK (St. Petersburg, 2011), pp. 77-79.
- Kazarov, Aleksandr A., Krivenko, Andreĭ V., Nakhodki zolotoordynskikh monet Sakchi v Moldove i v Ukraine: novyĭ monetnyĭ dvor Akcha Kerman [Finds of Golden Horde Coins of Saqchi in Moldova and the Ukraine: a Newly Found Mint Aqcha Kerman], Revista Arheologică, Serie Nouă 6/2 (2010), pp. 138-145.
- Kazarov, Aleksandr A., Krivenko, Andreĭ V., Akcha Kerman - novyĭ monetnyĭ dvor Zolotoĭ Ordy / Recently Discovered Juchid Mint Aqcha Kerman, Paghava, Irakli K., Bezpal'ko, Vladislav V. (eds.), RASMIR-I (Kiev, 2013), pp. 91-95, 155.
- Kazarov, Aleksandr A., Reva, Roman Yu., O chekane khana Saĭid-Akhmada I [About the Coinage of Sayid Ahmad Khan I], Volkov, Ivan V. (ed.), NCh 2013 goda (Moscow, 2013), pp. 85-90.
- Kazarov, Aleksandr A., Studitskiĭ, Yaroslav V., Reva, Roman Yu., Monety khana Murtazy, syna Akhmada (80-90-e gody XV v.) [Coins of Murtaza Khan, Son of Ahmad (1480-1490s ad)], Stepanenko, V.P., Yurchenko, A.G. (eds.), Ot Onona k Temze: Chingizidy i ikh zapadnye sosedi (Moscow, 2013), pp. 340-377.
- Kazarov, Aleksandr A., Zaĭonchkovskiĭ, Yuriĭ V., Zaĭcev, Vasiliĭ V., Sevskiĭ denezhno-veshchevoĭ klad vtoroĭ poloviny XIV v. [The Sevsky Hoard of Coins and Jewels Dated from the Second Half of the 14th Century], Zaĭcev, Vasiliĭ V. (ed.), SNVE 4 (Moscow, 2012), pp. 47-73.
- Khromov, Konstantin K., Monety zapadnoĭ chasti Ulusa Dzhuchi, chast' 1. ki Kryma, razdel 1. Serebryanye monety, chekanennye do pravleniya khana Toktu [Coins of the Western part of the Ulus of Juchi. Part I. Yarmaqs of Crimea, Section 1. Silver Coins Struck Before the Reign of Toqtu Khan], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 2 (Kiev, 2007), pp. 4-54.
- Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), Vostochnaya Numizmatika v Ukraine , Sbornik publikaciĭ, Chast' III: Ulus Dzhuchi, Krymskoe khanstvo i sopredel'nye gosudarstva, XIII-XVIII vv. [Oriental Numismatics in the Ukraine. Part 3: The Ulus of Juchi, the Crimean Khanate and Contiguous States, 13-18th Centuries] (Kiev, 2013).
- Khromov, Konstantin K., K probleme interpretacii ĕpiteta „al-Dzhedid" na dzhuchidskikh monetakh [Towards the Problem of Interpretation of the Epithet "al-Djedid" on Juchid Coins], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 3 (Kiev, 2013), pp. 153-157.
- Khromov, Konstantin K., K voprosu ob anonimnykh serebryanykh monetakh nekotorykh gorodov Ulusa Dzhuchi v konce XIV - nachale XV vv. [Apropos of Anonymous Silver Coins of Some Towns of the Ulus of Juchi in the Late 14th - Early 15th Century], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 3 (Kiev, 2013), pp. 34-37.
- Khromov, Konstantin K., O khronologii pravleniya Davlat Berdi (poslednie dzhuchidskie monety Kryma) [On the Chronology of Dawlat Berdi's Reign (the last Juchid coins of Crimea)], Stepanenko, V.P., Yurchenko, A.G. (eds.), Ot Onona k Temze: Chingizidy i ikh zapadnye sosedi (Moscow, 2013), pp.378-416.
- Khromov, Konstantin K., Serebryanye monety s imenem Bek Pulada [Silver Coins with the Name of Bek Pulad], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 3 (Kiev, 2013), pp. 38-44.
- Khromov, Konstantin K., Shekhr Abd - monetnyĭ dvor Abdallakha na Kubani [Shehr Abd, Abdallah's Mint on the Kuban'], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 3 ( Kiev, 2013), pp. 8-10.
- Khromov, Konstantin K., Khromova, Irina K., O nekotorykh znakakh na dzhuchidskikh monetakh [About Some Signets on the Juchid Coins], Volkov, Ivan V. (ed.), NCh 2013 goda (Moscow, 2013), pp. 57-64.
- Khromov, Konstantin K., Khromova, Irina K., Znak «∞« na gruppe dzhuchidskikh monet [The Symbol «∞« on a Group of Juchid coins], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 3 (Kiev, 2013), pp. 16-33.
- Klokov, Vitaliĭ B., Fal'shivye monety v denezhnom obrashchenii gorodov Zolotoĭ Ordy [Counterfeit Coins in the Monetary Circulation of Golden Horde Towns], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 51-54, 211, pl. 3.
- Klokov, Vitaliĭ B., Lebedev, Valentin P., Monetnyĭ kompleks s Carevskogo gorodishcha [A Coin Complex from the site of Tsarevo], SEES 8 (Doneck, 2010), pp. 437-504.
- Klykov, Vadim V., Nakhodka dzhuchidskikh monet pod Stavropolem [A Finding of Juchid Coins near Stavropol], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 104-105.
- Koshevar, Vadim G., O nakhodkakh dzhuchidskikh monet v Chuĭskoĭ doline [Findings of Juchid Coins in the Chu Valley], NZO 1 (2011), pp. 121-123.
- Krivenko, Andreĭ V., Kazarov, Aleksandr A., Dzhuchidskie monety Sakchi iz nakhodok na gorodishche Kosteshty v Moldove [Jujid Coins of Saqchi Found on the Site of Costeşti in Moldova], Stratum plus 6 (2010), pp. 201-209.
- Krivenko, Andreĭ V., Kazarov, Aleksandr A., Dzhuchidskie monety iz nakhodok u sela Orlovka (Odesskaya Oblast' Ukrainy) [Juchid Coins Found near Orlovka Village (Odessa District, Ukraine)], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 25-37.
- Kubankin, Dmitriĭ A., Petrov, Pavel N., Dzhuchidskie monety iz materialov raskopok na Ukekskom gorodische v 2010-2012 gg. v kontekste arkheologicheskikh nakhodok [Juchid Coins in the 2010-2012 Excavation Stuff from the Site of Ukek in the Context of Archaeological Findings], Numizmatika Zolotoĭ Ordy 3 (2013), pp. 55-60.
- Lazarov, Lůchezar, Klad s dzhuchidskimi monetami iz mestnosti "Ravna gora" u s. Obrochishche vblizi Balchika [A Hoard of Juchid Coins from "Ravna Gora" near Obrochishche in the Vicinity of Balchik], SEES 6, Zolotoordynskoe vremya (Doneck, 2008), pp. 407-414.
- Lazarov, Lůchezar, Nepublikuvani dzhuchidski moneti ot fonda na Varnenskiya arkheologicheski muzeĭ [Unpublished Juchid Coins from the Collection of Varna Museum of Archaeology], Lazarenko, Igor (ed.), Acta Musei Varnaensis 7/1 ( Varna, 2008), pp. 403-422.
- Lazarov, Lůchezar, Sokrovishche s anonimnymi dirkhemami iz raĭona Balchika (Severo-Vostichnaya Bolgariya) [A Treasury with Anonymous Dirhams from the Balchik Region (North-Eastern Bulgaria)], NZO 1 (2011), pp. 158-167.
- Lazarov, Lůchezar, Dzhuchidskie monety, chekanennye v Sakchi na territorii sovremennoĭ Bolgarii [Juchid Coins Struck in Saqchi from the Area of Nowadays Bulgaria], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 10-24.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Korpus monet Kryma v sostave Zolotoĭ Ordy (ser. XIII - nach. XV v.) [A Corpus of Coins of the Crimea as Part of the Golden Horde (Middle of 13th - Early 15th Centuries)], Okhotnikov S.B. (ed.), Materialy po numizmatike i arkheologii drevnego Severnogo Prichernomor'ya, Sbornik vestnikov Odesskogo Muzeya numizmatiki, Issues 1-30 (Odessa, 2000; reprinted in 2008), pp. 12-34.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Sud'ba ordynskikh poseleniĭ Volgo-Surskogo mezhdurech'ya v XIV v. po numizmaticheskim dannym [The Destiny of Golden Horde Settlements of the Region Between Volga and Sura Rivers in the 14th Century According to Numismatic Data], SEES 6, Zolotoordynskoe vremya (Doneck, 2008), pp. 401-406.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Tri novykh Krymskikh klada zolotoordynskikh monet [Three New Crimean Hoards of Golden Horde Coins], Vestnik Odesskogo museya numizmatiki 39 (2011), pp. 9-20.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Klad nadchekanennykh pulov iz Vostochnogo Kryma [A Hoard of Countermarked Puls from Eastern Crimea], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 3 ( Kiev, 2013), pp. 45-50.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Begovatov, Evgeniĭ A., Khramchenkova, Rezida Z., Monetovidnye litye podveski Volzhskoĭ Bolgarii [Coin-like Cast Pendants of Volga Bulgaria], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 163-174.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Bugarchev, Alekseĭ I., Gumayunov, Sergeĭ V., Monetnoe obrashchenie Dzhuketau po numizmaticheskim dannym [Coin Circulation in Juketau According to Numismatic Data], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 39-49, 209-210, pl. 1-2.
- Lebedev, V.P., Gumayunov, Sergeĭ V., Obzor chekana zolotoordynskogo monetnogo dvora Mokhshi [A Survey of Coinage of the Golden Horde Mokshi], Stratum plus 6 (2011), pp. 67-90.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Klokov, Vitaliĭ B., Monetnyĭ klad konca XV v. s selishcha Kamennyĭ Bugor bliz razvalin srednevekovogo Saraya [A Late 15th Century Coin Hoard from Kamennyĭ Bugor Settlement Near the Ruins of Medieval Saray], NZO 2 (2012), pp.138-142.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Orlov, Aleksandr S., Klad akche Krymskogo khanstva serediny XVI v. iz-pod Azova [A Hoard of Mid-15th Century Crimean Khanate Aqches from the Vicinity of Azov], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 17 VNK (Moscow, 2013), pp. 58-60.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Pavlenko, Vladimir M., Inozemnye monety v zolotoordynskom Madzhare [Foreign Coins in the Golden Horde Town Majar], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 63-69, 212, pl. 4.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Pavlenko, Vladimir M., Monetnoe obrashchenie zolotoordynskogo goroda Madzhar [Monetary Circulation in the Golden Horde Town Majar], SEES 6, Zolotoordynskoe vremya (Doneck, 2008), pp. 415-486.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Reva, Roman Yu., Vorob'ev Boris S., Klad dzhuchidskikh monet pervoĭ chetverti XV veka iz sela Lebyazh'e (Ul'yanovskaya oblast') [A Hoard of Juchid Coins of the First Quarter of the 15th Century from Lebyazhye Village, Ulyanovsk District], NZO 1 (2011), pp. 89-93, 172-178.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Sitnik, Vladimir G., Kompleks serebryanykh dzhuchidskikh monet iz Nizhnego Dzhulata (Kabardino-Balkariya) [A Complex of Juchid Silver Coins from Nizhny Djulat (Kabardino-Balkaria)], Narozhnyĭ, Evgeniĭ I. (ed.), Materialy i issledovaniya po arkheologii Severnogo Kavkaza 13 (Krasnodar, 2012), pp. 192-210.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Sitnik, Vladimir G., Zaklyuchitel'naya tochka v datirovke redkogo krymskogo pula Dzhanibeka i ego massovogo analoga [A Concluding Remark on the Dating of a Rare Crimean Pul of Jani Bek and its Mass Analogue], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 3 ( Kiev, 2013), pp. 6-7.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Smirnov, Valeriĭ V., Inogorodnie mednye dzhuchidskie monety v denezhnom obrashchenii Kryma [Jujid Copper Coins from Other Towns in the Monetary Circulation of Crimea], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 145-152.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Vinnichek, Vladimir A., Novoe v tipologii monet zolotoordynskogo goroda Mokhshi [New Data on the Typology of Coins from the Golden Horde Town Mokhshi], Belorybkin, G.N. (ed.), SGM (Penza, 2010), pp. 31-38.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Zorin, Aleksandr V., Denezhnoe obrashchenie Kurskoĭ zemli v zolotoordynskoe vremya [Monetary Circulation in Kursk Region During the Golden Horde Period], SEES 6, Zolotoordynskoe vremya (Doneck, 2008), pp. 487-506.
- Lebedev, Valentin P., Zorin, Aleksandr V., Petrov, Pavel N., Novyĭ klad dzhuchidskikh monet iz Shekhovcova pod Kurskom (A New Hoard of Juchid Coins from Shekhovtsovo near Kursk], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 167-170, 217-219, pl. 9-11.
- Makarov, Leonid D., Numizmaticheskie materialy Vyatskoĭ zemli XIV-XV vv. [Numismatic Material from Vyatka Region of the 14-15th Centuries], Rumyanceva, M.F. (ed.), Vspomogatel'nye istoricheskie discipliny v prostranstve gumanitarnogo znaniya (Moscow, 2009), pp. 259-261.
- Markov, Alekseĭ K., Monety dzhuchidov, Zolotaya Orda, tatarskie khanstva [Coins of the Juchids, the Golden Horde, Tatar Khanates] ( Kazan', 2008). [A partial reprint of ‘Inventarnyĭ katalog musul’manskikh monet Imperatorskago Ĕrmitazha’, first issued in 1896].
- Mirzaev, Dzhalaliddin [Dzhaloliddin] Z., Termezskiĭ chekan s imenem Dzhanibek-khana (742-758/1341-1357) v kontekste istoricheskoĭ retrospektivy [A Coin of Termez with the Name of Jani Bek Khan (742-758/1341-1357) in the Context of Historical Retrospective], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 177-179.
- Mukhametshin, Dzhamil' G., Monetnye klady zolotoordynskogo vremeni s Bolgarskogo gorodishcha [Coin Hoards of the Golden Horde Period from Bolgar], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 14-19.
- Mukhametshin, Dzhamil' G., Chistopol'skiĭ klad zolotoordynskikh monet [The Chistopol' Hoard of Golden Horde Coins], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 15 VNK (Moscow, 2009), pp. 66-68.
- Mukhametshin, Dzhamil' G., Monety s Toreckogo poseleniya. K voprosu o denezhnom obrashchenii v Bulgarskom Uluse konca XIV - nachala XV vv. [The Coins from Toreckoe Settlement. Towards the Problem of Money Circulation in the Bulghar Ulus, Late 14th - Early 15th Centuries], NZO 1 (2011), pp. 65-81.
- Mukhametshin, Dzhamil' G., Monety s «Rynochnoĭ ploshchadi» goroda Bolgar [Coins from the «Marketplace» of the Town of Bolgar] , Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 17 VNK (Moscow, 2013), pp. 48-49.
- Mukhametshin, Il'shat D., Numizmaticheskie nakhodki iz Starorytvinskogo (Troshchanogo) selishcha v fondakh Bolgarskogo muzeya-zapovednika [Numismatic Finds from Starorytvinskoe (Troshchanoe) Settlement in the Bolgar Reserve Museum], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 23-25.
- Mukhametshin, Il'shat D., Numizmaticheskiĭ material bolgarskoĭ okrugi [Numismatic Material from the Neighbourhood of Bolgar], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 20-22.
- Nakamura, Masayuki, Dva vida monet Dzhanibeka (Kipchakskoe khanstvo) [Two Coin Types of Jani Bek (the Kipchak khanate)], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 120-123.
- Narozhnyĭ, Evgeniĭ I., Narozhnaya, Farida B., Iz istorii nachal'nogo ĕtapa numizmaticheskikh issledovaniĭ Madzhara (nekotorye diskussionnye aspekty) [From the History of the Initial Period of Numismatic Research of Majar (Some Disputable Aspects)], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 94-103.
- Narozhnyĭ, Evgeniĭ I., Narozhnaya, Farida B., Numizmaticheskie materialy XIII-XIV vv. iz vysokogornoĭ Ingushetii [Numismatic Material of the 13-14th Centuries from Alpine Ingushetia], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 66-73.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Novoe v numizmatike krymskikh Gireev (Kratkiĭ obzor) / Latest Contributions to the Crimean Giray (a Brief Review), Nastich, Vladimir N. (ed.), Spravochnik uchastnika konferencii, Tezisy i rezyume dokladov / Conference Participant's Guide, Abstracts and Summaries of Papers, MNK VII, Bakhchisaray, September 7-13, 2008 (Moscow, 2008), pp. 32-34.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Uldzhaĭtimur-khan: vremya i den'gi (numizmaticheskiĭ obzor) [Uljaytimur Khan, His Time and Money (a Numismatic Survey)]; Appendix: Dzhuchidskiĭ klad iz pos. Novaya Kazanka [A Juchid Hoard from the Village of Novaya Kazanka], EV 28 (2009), pp. 168-186.
- Nechitaĭlo, Valeriĭ V. Katalog monet krymskogo khana Shakhin-Gireya [Catalogue of the Coins of Crimean Khan Shahin Giray] ( Kiev, 2012).
- Nedashkovskiĭ, Leonard F., Klady zolotoordynskikh monet s gorodishcha "Carevskoe" i "Sharenyĭ bugor" i iz ikh okrugi [Golden Horde Hoards from the Sites of "Tsarevskoe", "Shareny Bugor" and their Neighborhood], Vasil'ev, Dmitriĭ V. (ed.), Arkheologiya Nizhnego Povolzh'ya: Problemy, poiski, otkrytiya ( Astrakhan', 2010), pp. 324-328.
- Nicolae, Eugen, Le monnayage de Yangi-şehr / Şehr al-Cedid (1363-1369), Lazarenko, Igor (ed.), Acta Musei Varnaensis 7/1 (Varna, 2008), pp. 423-424.
- Nicolae, Eugen, Ciocanu, M., Klad serebryanykh monet Zolotoĭ Ordy, obnaruzhennyĭ v Ivanche (Orkheĭskiĭ raĭon, Respublika Moldova) [A Hoard of Golden Horde Silver Coins Unearthed at Ivancea, Orhei District, Republic of Moldova], Stratum Plus 6 (2009), pp. 310-319.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Istoriya izucheniya monetnogo obrashcheniya Volzhskoĭ Bolgarii XIII-XV vv. [The History of Research on the Monetary Circulation in Volga Bulgaria, 13-15th Centuries], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 6-13.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Novaya russkoyazychnaya literatura po numizmatike Zolotoĭ Ordy [New Publications in Russian on the Golden Horde], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 153-161.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Novye klady s monetami Zolotoĭ Ordy [New Hoards with Golden Horde Coins], Kileĭnikov, V.V. (ed.), Arkheologicheskie pamyatniki Vostochnoĭ Evropy, mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov 13 (Voronezh, 2009), pp. 206-217.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Numizmaticheskie nakhodki v mogil'nike Mokrinskiĭ I [Numismatic Finds in Mokrinsky I Graveyard], Sdykov, M.N. (ed.), Voprosy istorii i arkheologii Zapadnogo Kazakhstana 1 (Ural'sk, 2009), pp. 276-281.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., O mestopolozhenii Starogo Saraya, Stolicy Zolotoĭ Ordy [About the Localization of Old Sarai, Capital of the Golden Horde], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 15 VNK (Moscow, 2009), pp. 73-74.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Monetnoe obrashchenie na territorii Srednego Povolzh'ya v XV v. (v predelakh sovremennoĭ Respubliki Tatarstan) [Monetary Circulation in the Middle Volga Region in the 15th Century (within the modern Republic of Tatarstan)], Gilyazov, Iskander A. (ed.), Aktual'nye problemy istorii i kul'tury tatarskogo naroda (Kazan', 2010), pp. 238-260.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Novye knigi po numizmatike Zolotoĭ Ordy [New Books about Numismatics of the Golden Horde], Sdykov, M.N. (ed.), Voprosy istorii i arkheologii Zapadnogo Kazakhstana 2 (Ural'sk, 2010), pp. 225-237.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Novye nakhodki vostochnykh monet na territorii drevnerusskikh knyazhestv [New Finds of Oriental Coins in the Area of Ancient Russian Principalities], Makarov, N.A., Koval', V.Yu. (eds.), Rus' i Vostok v IX-XVI vv.: Novye arkheologicheskie issledovaniya (Moscow, 2010), pp. 110-115.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., O monetnom dvore Orda al-Dzhedid [About the Mint of Orda al-Jadid], Sdykov, M.N. (ed.), Voprosy istorii i arkheologii Zapadnogo Kazakhstana 2 (Ural'sk, 2010), pp. 121-128.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Svod monetnykh nakhodok na territorii Volgogradskoĭ oblasti [A Corpus of Ancient and Medieval Coin Finds in Volgograd Region], Sdykov, M.N. (ed.), Voprosy istorii i arkheologii Zapadnogo Kazakhstana 1 (Ural'sk, 2010), pp. 147-190.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., K voprosu o lokalizacii Novogo Gyulistana [About the Localization of New Gulistan], Vasil'ev, Dmitriĭ V. et al. (eds.), Dialog gorodskoĭ i stepnoĭ kul'tur Evrazii na evraziyskom prostranstve (Kazan' - Astrakhan', 2011), pp. 242-247.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., K voprosu o mestopolozhenii Starogo Saraya [About the Localization of Old Saray], ZC 4 (2011), pp. 40-46.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Numismatic Evidence for the Location of Saray, the Capital of the Golden Horde, Holmes, Nicholas (ed.), Proceedings of the XIVth International Numismatic Congress, Glasgow 2009, vol. 2 (Glasgow, 2011), pp. 1869-1872.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., O lokalizacii goroda Dzhenda [About the Localization of Djend], Kalinin, Vitaliĭ A. (ed.), 16 VNK (St. Petersburg, 2011), pp. 75-77.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Goroda Nizhnego Povolzh'ya v ĕpokhu «Velikoĭ zamyatni» [Towns of the Lower Volga Region during the "Great Revolt"], ZC 5 (2012), pp. 229-236.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., K voprosu ob imennykh monetakh Mamaya [Concerning Mamay's Personalized Coins], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 117-119.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Novye materialy po denezhnomu obrashcheniyu Kryma i Kavkaza v srednie veka: nakhodki monet Dzhuchidov i Gireev [New Material about Money Circulation in the Crimea and the Caucasus in the Medieval Time: Findings of Juchid and Giray Coins], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 124-130.
- Pavlenko, V.M., Madzharskiĭ klad dangov konca XIV v. [A Hoard of Dangs from Late 14th Century Majar], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 15 VNK (Moscow, 2009), pp. 68-69.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Klad iz Dev-kesken-kala i voprosy nachala chekanki serebryanykh monet v Dzhuchidskom uluse [The Dev-kesken-kala Hoard and the Starting Point of Silver Coinage in the Ulus of Juchi], ZC 3 (2010), pp. 121-149.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Nazvaniya serebryanykh monet v mongolskikh gosudarstvakh XIII-XIV vv. (k voprosu o monetnoĭ sisteme v Uluse Dzhuchi - predvaritel'noe soobshchenie) [The Denominations of Silver Coins in the Mongol States of the 13th-14th Centuries (About the Monetary System in the Ulus of Juchi - a Preliminary Report], Belorybkin, G.N. (ed.), SGM (Penza, 2010), pp. 39-48.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Nakhodki dirkhemov konca XIII v. iz Dev-kesken-kala [Findings of Dirhams of the late 13th Century from Dev-kesken-kala], ZC 4 (2011), pp. 218-237.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Principy datirovki zakhoroneniĭ po monetam (voprosy metodologii) [Principles of Dating of Graveyards on the Basis of Coins (Methodological Issues)], Molev, E.A. (ed.), Kulturnyĭ sloĭ, Sbornik nauchnykh stateĭ 1 (Nizhniĭ Novgorod, 2012), pp. 60-78.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Batrakov, Oleg A., Klad dirkhamov vremeni Mengu-Timura iz Turkmenistana [A Hoard of Dirhams from the Time of Mengu Timur from Turkmenistan], EV 30 (2013), pp. 243-265.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Bugarchev, Alekseĭ I., Analiz numizmaticheskikh nakhodok dzhuchidskikh monet s territorii Samarskoĭ Luki iz kollekcii Samarskogo oblastnogo istoriko-kraevedcheskogo muzeya im. P.V. Alabina [The Numismatic Analysis of Juchid Coin Found in the territory of Samarskaya Luka from the Collection of the P.V. Alabin Museum of Samara Region Local History], Stashenkov, D.A. (ed.), Srednee Povolzh'e v kontekste srednevekovoĭ rossiĭskoĭ istorii: na perekrestke kul'tur (konec XIII - XIV v.) (Samara, 2012), pp. 153-159.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Bugarchev, Alekseĭ I., Mednye monety iz Dev-kesken-kala [Copper Coins from Dev-kesken-kala], ZC 5 (2012), pp. 237-245.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Bugarchev, Alekseĭ I., Osobennosti denezhnogo obrashcheniya v Bulgarskom vilaĭate v posledneĭ treti XIII - pervoĭ treti XIV vv. [Peculiarities of Monetary Circulation in the Bulghar Vilayat in the Last Third of 13th - First Third of 14th Century], Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury i iskusstv 3, 1 (2012), pp. 117-123.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Kamyshev, Aleksandr M., Nakhodki dzhuchidskikh monet v Kyrgyzstane [Juchid Coin Findings in Kyrgyzstan], NZO 3 (2013), pp. 61-67.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Uskenbaĭ, Kanat Z., Voprosy islamizacii ulusa Dzhuchidov i veroispovedanie khana Tokty (690/1291 - 712/1312-1313 gg.) [About the Islamization of Ulus Juchi and Khan Tokta's Creed (690/1291 - 712/1312-1313)], Sdykov, M.N. (ed.), Voprosy istorii i arkheologii Zapadnogo Kazakhstana 1 (Ural'sk, 2010), pp. 10-54.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Uskenbaĭ Kanat Z., «Sultan spravedlivyĭ, velichie mira i very Toktogu khan» (690/1291 - 712/1312-1313 gg.) (Numizmaticheskiĭ istochnik o rasprostranenii islama v Uluse Dzhuchidov) ["The Just Sultan, Grandeur of World and Faith, Toktogu khan, 690/1291 - 712/1312-13 (a Numismatic Source on the Propagation of Islam in the Ulus of Juchi)], From the River Onon to Thames: Chingizids and Their Western Neighbours (Moscow, 2013), pp. 273-332.
- Pigarev [Pigaryov], Evgeniĭ M., Zolotoordynskie monety iz raskopok i sborov arkheologicheskoĭ ĕkspedicii muzeya-zapovednika na Selitrennom gorodishche v 2003-2005 gg. (k obshcheĭ statistike nakhodok) [Golden Horde Coins from Excavations of the Museum Archeological Expedition on the Site of Selitrennoe in 2003-2005 (towards the general statistics of findings)], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 128-136.
- Pigarev, Evgeniĭ M., Zolotoordynskie monety iz raskopok i sborov arkheologicheskoĭ ĕkspedicii muzeya-zapovednika na Selitrennom gorodishche v 2005-2007 gg. (k obshcheĭ statistike nakhodok) [Golden Horde Coins from Excavations of the Museum Archeological Expedition on the Site of Selitrennoe in 2005-2007 (towards the general statistics of findings)], Vasil'ev, Dmitriĭ V. et al. (eds.), Dialog gorodskoĭ i stepnoĭ kul'tur Evrazii na evraziyskom prostranstve (Kazan' - Astrakhan', 2011), pp. 321-325.
- Piperidi, Konstantin L., Srednevekovye klady Starogo Kryma i ego okrugi [Medieval Hoards of Stary Krym and Its Vicinity], Petrov, P.N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 70-72.
- Piperidi, K.L., Azakskaya Serebryanaya Moneta Timur Kutluga [A Silver Coin of Timur Qutlugh from Azaq], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), p. 74.
- Pivorovich, Viktor B., Monety i klady yuga Ukrainy / Coins and Hoards of Southern Ukraine (Kherson, 2008).
- Pivorovich, Viktor B., K voprosu o chekanke monet Mengli I Gireya na territorii kreposti Balykleya na r. Yuzhnyĭ Bug [Apropos of the Coinage of Mengli I Giray in Balikleya Fortress on the Southern Bug River], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 3 (Kiev, 2013), pp. 76-78.
- Ponomarev, Andreĭ L. The Genoese Treasurers of Caffa - Witnesses of the Golden Horde Crisis and the Byzantine Reform, Lazarenko, Igor (ed.), Acta musei Varnaensis 7/1 (Varna, 2008), pp. 427-445.
- Ponomarev, Andreĭ L., Monetary Markets of Byzantium and the Golden Horde, State of Affairs According to the Account Books of the Genoese Treasurers of Caffa, 1374-1381, Shukurov, Rustam M. (ed.), More i berega, K 60-letiju Sergeya Pavlovicha Karpova (Moscow, 2009), pp. 595-612.
- Ponomarev, Andreĭ L. Pervye dengi Zolotoĭ Ordy [The First Dangs of the Golden Horde], Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Ser. 13, Vostokovedenie 3 (2010), pp. 59-83.
- Ponomarev, Andreĭ L. Klyuchi k dzhuchidskomu chekanu: Tokta, god khidzhry 710 [The Keys to the Juchid Coinage: Toqta Khan, Year 710 of Hijra], NZO 1 (2011), pp. 28-49.
- Ponomarev, Andreĭ L. Russkiĭ rubl' i tatarskiĭ sum v sisteme mer srednevekov'ya [Russian Rouble and Tatar Sum in the System of Measurement of the Middle Ages], Nauchnyĭ Tatarstan, Gumanitarnye nauki 2 (2011), pp. 175-186.
- Ponomarev, Andreĭ L., Barikat i yarmak: Zarozhdenie denezhnoĭ sistemy v Severnom Prichernomor'je v 13 veke [Barikat and Yarmaq: the Genesis of Monetary System in the 13th Century Northern Black Sea Area], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 74-80.
- Ponomarev, Andreĭ L., Khan Kryma Bek-Sufi, ego zakonnye dangi i lzhe-Edigeĭ [Crimean Khan Bek Sufi, His Legal Dangs and the False Edigey], Volkov, Ivan V. (ed.), NCh 2013 goda (Moscow, 2013), pp. 76-84.
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- Reva, Roman Yu., Monety Shibanidov XV veka [The Shibanid Coinage of the 15th Century], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 17 VNK (Moscow, 2013), pp. 56-58.
- Reva, Roman Yu., Novye dannye o monetakh Kutlugkenda, Saraya, Khorezma i drugikh monetnykh dvorov 70-kh gg. XIII v. [New Evidence on the Coins of Qutlughkand, Saray, Khwarizm and Other Mints from the 1270s], EV 30 (2013), pp. 266-287.
- Reva, Roman Yu., Kazarov, Aleksandr A., Ulus Dzhuchi v 817-819 Rekonstrukciya sobytiĭ s uchetom novykh numizmaticheskikh dannykh [Ulus of Juchi in 817-819 ah: A Reconstruction of Events Based on the New Numismatic Data], Khromov, Konstantin K. (ed.), VNU 3 (Kiev, 2013), pp. 60-75.
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- Sizganov, Andreĭ A., Sravnitel'nyĭ poshtempel'nyĭ analiz pulov Khyzr-khana chekanki Gyulistana s Bulgarskogo i Nizhnevolzhskikh gorodishch [Comparative Die Analysis of the Puls of Khizr Khan Struck at Gülistan Mint from the Sites of Bulghar and Low Volga], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 137-141.
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- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Galkin, Lev L., Erzhanov, Alimzhan R., Dva klada khorezmskikh monet konca 780-kh [Two Coin Hoards from Khwarezm (late 780s ah)], EV 30 (2013), pp. 154-175.
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- Goncharov Eugeniĭ Yu., Nastich, Vladimir N., Novye numizmaticheskie pamyatniki IX v. iz vostochnogo Priaral'ya (novootkrytyĭ chekan gosudarstva Syrdar'inskikh oguzov) / New Numismatic Artefacts of the 9th Century from the Eastern Greater Aral Sea (A newly found coinage of Syr Darya Oghuz state), Paghava, Irakli K., Bezpal'ko, Vladislav V. (eds.), RASMIR-I (Kiev, 2013), pp. 26-30, 132-135.
- Grachev, Anton I., A New Mint of ʿAla al-Dīn Muḥammad Khwārizmshāh, JONS 201 (Autumn 2009), pp. 41-43.
- Grachev, Anton I., A Hoard of Silver-Washed Dirhams of Ibrahīm b. Ḥusain Qarakhanid (Second Half of the 12th Century), JONS 204 (Summer 2010), pp. 7-14.
- Grachev, Anton I., Mladshie nominaly v denezhnom obrashchenii pozdnikh Karakhanidov / Minor Denominations in the Money Circulation of the Late Qarakhanids, Paghava, Irakli K., Bezpal'ko, Vladislav V. (eds.), RASMIR-I (Kiev, 2013), pp. 31-35, 136.
- Grachev, Anton I., The Mongol Conquest of Balkh According to Numismatic Sources, JONS 207 (Spring 2011), pp. 15-19.
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- Grachev, Anton I., Petrov, Pavel N., Klad mednykh poserebrennykh dirkhemov Merva vremeni zavoevaniĭ Chingiz-khana [A Hoard of Silver-washed Copper Dirhams of Marw from the Time of Chingiz Khan's Conquests], NZO 1 (2011), pp. 124-138.
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- Ivanov, Nikolai, A group of late Qarakhanid dirhams from Ferghana, JONS 215 (Spring 2013), pp. 6-10.
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- Kamyshev, Aleksandr M., Zoomorfnye izobrazheniya na mednykh monetakh Sheĭbanidov kak prodolzhenie zolotoordynskoĭ tradicii XIV v. [Zoomorphic Images on Sheybanid Copper Coins as the Continuation of the Golden Horde Tradition of the 14th Century], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 175-186.
- Kamyshev, Aleksandr M., Klady mednykh monet Timuridov i Sheĭbanidov / Timurid and Shaybanid Copper Coin Hoards, Nastich, Vladimir N. (ed.) ( Samarkand, 2013), pp. 1-60 (Russian), 61-116 (English), 117-175 (annexes).
- Kanash, A.D., Tekhnologii ochistki serebra i serebrenie monet na srednevekovykh rudnikakh Uzbekistana [The Technology of Silver Affinage and Coin Silvering in the Medieval Mining Camps of Uzbekistan], Rtveladze, Edvard V. (ed.), NCA 8 (2008), pp. 104-107.
- Kenzheakhmet [Kenjeahmet], Nurlan, K voprosu o lokalizacii srednevekovykh gorodov Pulad i Iki-Oguz - Ĕkvius - Shuankhĕ [Apropos of the Localization of Medieval Towns of Pulad and Iki-Oghuz - Equius - Shuanghe], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V ( Moscow, 2008), pp. 197-200.
- Khudyakov, Gennadiĭ A., Novye dannye o monetnom chekane Togryl-khanov Kasana vtoroi poloviny XII veka [New Data on the Coinage of Tughril Khan at Kasan in the Second Half of the 12th Century], Rtveladze, Edvard V. (ed.), NCA 8 (2008), pp. 85-103.
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- Kochnev, Boris D., K istorii bor'by mezhdu Samanidami i Karakhanidami v konce X v. [Towards the History of Rivalry between the Samanids and the Qarakhanids at the End of the 10th Century], MIAK 4 (2009), pp. 104-111.
- Kolbas, Judith, Khalif i khany: an-Nasir li-dini-llakh v monetnoĭ chekanke pri mongolakh / The Caliph and the Khan: al-Nasir li-Din Allah in the Mongol Coinage, Nastich, Vladimir N. (ed.), Spravochnik uchastnika konferencii, Tezisy i rezyume dokladov / Conference Participant's Guide, Abstracts and Summaries of Papers, MNK VII, Bakhchisaray, September 7-13, 2008 (Moscow, 2008), p. 19-20.
- Kolbas, Judith, Tore and Ulush Discovering: the Emergence of a Mongol State Ethos through Coinage, NZO 3 (2013), pp. 35-41.
- Koshevar, Vadim G., K voprosu o sostave monetnogo splava srednevekovykh monet Semirech'ya [Apropos of the Alloy Composition of Medieval Coins Produced in Semirechye], MIAK 3 (2008), pp. 55-67.
- Koshevar, Vadim G., Karakhanidskie monety ser. XI v. iz kladov, naĭdennykh v Talasskoĭ doline [Qarakhanid Coins of the Middle of the 11th Century from Hoards Found in the Talass Valley], Dialog civilizaciĭ 8 (2008), pp. 35-41
- Koshevar, Vadim G., Novye tipy karakhanidskikh monet Kuz Ordu i Barskhana [New Types of Qarakhanid Coins Struck at Quz Ordu and Barskhan], MIAK 3 (2008), pp. 85-89.
- Koshevar, Vadim G., Novye nakhodki karakhanidskikh monet v Issyk-Kul'skoĭ kotlovine [New Finds of Qarakhanid Coins in the Issyk Kul Hollow], Ploskikh, V.M. (ed.), N.M. Przheval'skiĭ i rossiĭskie podvizhniki v izuchenii istorii i kul'tury Central'noĭ Azii 2 (Bishkek, 2009), pp. 73-77.
- Koshevar, Vadim G., Novye numizmaticheskie materialy, kak istochnik dlya utochneniya istorii Karakhanidskogo kaganata [New Numismatic Materials as a Source for Refinement of the History of the Qarakhanid Qaghanate], Asankanov, A.A., Mambetalieva, G.S. (eds.), Etnosocial'nye i etnokul'turnye processy v Central'noĭ Azii: istoriya i sovremennost' (Bishkek, 2009), pp. 122-127.
- Koshevar, Vadim G., Novye tipy karakhanidskikh monet iz chastnykh kollekciĭ [New Types of Qarakhanid Coins from Private Collections], Dialog civilizaciĭ 9 (2009), pp. 32-38.
- Koshevar, Vadim G., O khronologii pravleniya vostochnykh Karakhanidov vo vtoroĭ polovine XI v. [On the Chronology of Ruling of the Eastern Qarakhanids in the Second Half of the 11th Century], MIAK 4 (2009), pp. 121-130.
- Koshevar, Vadim G., Nakhodki monet na territorii Kyrgyzstana: ot drevnosti do srednevekov'ya [Coin Finds in the Area of Kyrgyzstan: from Antiquity to the Middle Ages], Vestnik Mezhdunarodnogo instituta central'noaziatskikh issledovaniĭ 12 (2010), pp. 11-32.
- Koshevar, Vadim G., Sostav monetnoĭ massy v Chatkal'skoĭ doline [The Composition of Monetary Base in the Chatkal Valley], Dialog civilizaciĭ 10 (2010), pp. 45-52.
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- Koshevar, Vadim G., Abasbekov, A.T., Klad karakhanidskikh dirkhamov 2-ĭ pol. XI v. s gorodishcha Sadyr-Kurgan [A Hoard of Qarakhanid Dirhams from the Second Half of the 11th Century from Sadyr Kurgan], MIAK 4 (2009), pp. 112-121.
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- Lebedev, Valentin P., Kozhevin, Aleksandr E., O nakhodkakh zolotykh dinarov dinastii Samanidov na pamyatnikakh Volzhskoĭ Bulgarii [Apropos of the Finds of Gold Dinars of the Samanid Dynasty on the Sites of Volga Bulgharia], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), 15 VNK (Moscow, 2009), pp.63-64.
- Mirzaev, Dzhalaliddin [Dzhaloliddin] Z., Termezskiĭ chekan s imenem Dzhanibek-khana (742-758/1341-1357) v kontekste istoricheskoĭ retrospektivy [A Coin of Termez with the Name of Jani Bek Khan (742-758/1341-1357) in the Context of Historical Retrospective], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 177-179.
- Mirzaev, Dzhalaliddin [Djalaliddin] Z., Kulmamatov, Dusmamat S., Numizmaticheskie terminy denga i altyn v kontekste rossiĭsko-sredneaziatskikh dokumentov / Numismatic Terms denga and altin in the Context of Russian-Central Asian Documents, Nastich, Vladimir N. (ed.), Spravochnik uchastnika konferencii, Tezisy i rezyume dokladov / Conference Participant's Guide, Abstracts and Summaries of Papers, MNK VII, Bakhchisaray, September 7-13, 2008 (Moscow, 2008), pp. 39-40.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., «Posmertnye» monety Kokanda s imenem Malla-khana - regulyarnyĭ chekan Yakub-beka v Kashgare ["Posthumous" Coins of Khoqand with the Name of Malla Khan, a Regular Coinage of Ya‛qub Bek at Kashghar], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), NCh 2009 goda (Moscow, 2009), pp. 16-20.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Avtonomnaya monetnaya chekanka Shakhrisabzskogo bekstva (1747-1870) [Autonomous Coinage of the Shahrisabz Bekdom, 1747-1870], Shiryakov, Igor' V. (ed.), NCh 2011 goda ( Moscow, 2011), pp. 37-44.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Esli na kletke slona napisano "begemot"… Gde chekanilis' monety Kokanda s "posmertnym" imenem Malla-khana? / If Elephant's Cage is Labeled "Hippo"… Who, and where, Struck the Coins of Khoqand with the "Posthumous" Name of Malla Khan?), EV 29 (2011), pp. 174-186.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Latest Contributions to the Numismatic History of Central Asia (Late Eighteenth - Nineteenth Century), Holmes, Nicholas (ed.), Proceedings of the XIVth International Numismatic Congress, Glasgow 2009, vol. 2 (Glasgow, 2011), pp. 1852-1861.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Novoe o monetnom chekane Kesha i Shakhrisabza [New Evidence on the Coinage of Kesh and Shahrisabz], EV 30 (2013), pp. 185-200.
- Nastich, Vladimir N., The Enigmatic "Starvation" Dirham (al-Ūzjand, 610 ah) - a Coinage of the Qarakhitay Gürkhan? <>, 5 pp.
- Pachkalov, Aleksandr V., Kompleks srednevekovykh monet s gorodishcha Mizdakhkan v Khorezme [A Complex of Medieval Coins from the Site of Mizdahqan in Khwarezm], Rtveladze, Edvard V. (ed.), NCA 9 (2010), pp. 104-110.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Eshche raz o monetnoĭ reforme Mas‛ud-beka 670/1271-1272 g. v gosudarstve Chagataidov [Once More about Mas‛ud Bek's Monetary Reform of 670/1271-1272 in the Chaghatayid State], Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, Ser. 2, 1, Istoriya (2008), pp. 201-213.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Chagataidskiĭ monetnyĭ dvor Uzdzhand [The Chaghatayid Mint Uzjand], Shiryakov, I.V. (ed.), 15 VNK (Moscow, 2009), pp. 76-78.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Khronologiya pravleniya khanov v Chagataidskom gosudarstve v 1271-1368 gg. (po materialam numizmaticheskikh pamyatnikov) [The Chronology of Khans' Reign in the Chaghatayid State, 1271-1368 ad (According to Numismatic Evidence)], Klyashtornyĭ, Sergeĭ G. (ed.),Tyurkologicheskiĭ sbornik 2007-2008, Istoriya i kul'tura narodov Rossii i sopredel'nykh stran (Moscow, 2009), pp. 294-319.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Vadzhra na monetakh Chagataidskogo gosudarstva [Vajra on the Coins of the Chaghatayid State], Gilyazov, Iskander A. (ed.), Aktual'nye problemy istorii i kul'tury tatarskogo naroda (Kazan', 2010), pp. 123-141.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Almaty XIII-XV vv. po numizmaticheskim dannym [Almaty in the 13-15th Centuries according to Numismatic Evidence], (eds. not indicated), Almaty: Istoriya tysyacheletiya, "Drevnyaya i srednevekovaya urbanizaciya Evrazii: vozniknovenie, razvitie i vozrast goroda Almaty" 3 (Almaty, 2012), pp. 23-27.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Financing the Silk Road: Medieval Coinage of Central Asia, (eds. not indicated), Arts from the Land of Timur: An Exhibition from a Scottish Private Collection, Exhibition catalogue ( Edinburgh, 2012), pp. 305-321.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Akindinov, Stanislav V., Ob odnoĭ mednoĭ monete 670 goroda Saĭrama [Apropos of a Copper Coin Dated 670 ah from the Town of Sairam], Numizmatika 3 (18) (August 2008), p. 33.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Akindinov, Stanislav V., Two New Central Asian Mints of the First Half of the 14th Century, JONS 200 (Summer 2009), pp. 12-14.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Aleksandrov, Andreĭ S., Chagataidskie dirkhemy s imenem Amira Navruza, bitye v Badakhshane [Chaghatayid Dirhams with the Name of Amir Nawruz Struck in Badakhshan], Numizmatika 1 (28) (February 2011), pp. 8-9.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Alimbaĭ, Nursan (compilers), Oriental Coins from the Collection of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan: The Almaty Hoard of Chaghatayid Coins, Illustrated Scientific Catalogue, Vol.1, book 1 (Almaty, 2013).
- Petrov, Pavel N., Baĭpakov, Karl M., Voyakin, Dmitriĭ A., Numizmaticheskie nakhodki na gorodishche Antonovka (k voprosu o vremeni prekrashcheniya funkcionirovaniya srednevekovogo goroda Kaĭalyk [Numismatic Findings in Antonovka Hillfort (Concerning the End of the Medieval Town Kayalyk)], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 87-93.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Bazylkhan, Napil, Kakabaev, Beĭbitkali S., Burnasheva, Raĭkhan Z., Zholdasbaeva, Dameter, (eds. not indicated), Numizmaticheskoe nasledie Kazahstana: Posvyashchaetsya 15-letiyu nacional'noĭ valyuty - ten'ge [The Numismatic Heritage of Kazakhstan: Dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of National Currency - Tenge] (Almaty, 2008).
- Petrov, Pavel N., Gumayunov, Segreĭ V., Monety Badakhshana konca XIII - nach. XIV vv. kak istochnik dlya rekonstrukcii istoricheskikh sobytiĭ [The Coins of Badakhshan from the Late 13th - Early 14th Century as a Source for Remodeling of Historical Events], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-IV (Moscow, 2008), pp. 104-105, 214, pl. 6.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Kamyshev, Aleksandr M., Akindinov, Stanislav V., Balasagun i Ordu, monetnye dvory vtoroĭ chetverti XIII v. (Novye fakty iz istorii Kyrgyzstana) / Balasaghun and Ordu, Minting Centres of the 2nd Quarter of the 13th Century (New Facts from the History of Kyrgyzstan), EV 29 (2011), pp. 14-28.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Mirzaev, Dzhalaliddin Z., O chem rasskazyvaet klad chagataidskikh dirkhemov iz Termeza [What a Hoard of Chaghatayid Dirhams from Termez Talks About], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 93-102.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Zheleznyakov, Boris, Monety Persidskogo shakha: Arkheologicheskie nakhodki na gorodishche Zhuantobe [Coins of the Shah of Persia: Archaeological Finds from the Site of Zhuantobe], Nomad-Kazakhstan 3/39 (2011), pp. 106-112.
- Petrov, Pavel N., Zholdasov, Tolkin M., Svedeniya o novykh nakhodkakh otrarskikh mednykh poserebrennykh dirkhemov serediny XIII v. [New Data on the Finds of Silver-Washed Copper Dirhams of Otrar from the Middle of the 13th Century], NZO 2 (2012), pp. 81-86.
- Pustovaya, Elena S., Kurs deneg na rynkakh Sredneĭ Azii v 40-70-kh gg. XIX veka [Exchange Rates in the Markets of Central Asia in the 40-70s of the 19th Century], Rtveladze, Edvard V. (ed.), NCA 10 (2011), pp. 119-129.
- Reva, Roman Yu., Kalinin, Vadim A., Atakhodzhaev, Anvar Kh., Numismaticheskie dopolneniya k istorii Khorezma X v. [Numismatic Supplement to the History of Khwarezm in the 10th Century], Kalinin, Vitaliĭ A. (ed.), 16 VNK (St. Petersburg, 2011), pp. 58-60.
- Rtveladze, Edvard V., Monetye nakhodki iz Rabat-i Malika [Coin Finds from Rabat-i Malik], Rtveladze, Edvard V. (ed.), NCA 8 (Tashkent, 2008), pp. 81-84.
- Shpeneva [Shpenyova], Lyudmila Yu., Khuzhanazarov, M., Klad monet iz Rabat-i Malika [A Coin Hoard from Rabat-i Malik], Numizmatika 2 (17) (May 2008), pp. 16-18.
- Shpeneva [Shpenyova], Lyudmila Yu., Klad mednykh monet pervoǐ poloviny XVII v. [A Hoard of Copper Coins from the First Quarter of the 17th Century], Numizmatika 4 (19) (November 2008), pp. 20-23.
- Sidorovich, Sergeĭ V., Zhuyou hanzide buhuala qianbi xinkao [New Research on Bukhara Coins with Chinese Characters], Zhang, Tieshan (transl.), Zhongguo qianbi [Chinese Numismatics] 1 (100) (2008), pp. 21-23 (in Chinese).
- Smagulov, Erbulat A., Nakhodki kladov monet v kontekste arkheologii Turkestana [Findings of Coin Hoards in the Context of the archeology of Turkestan], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-IV ( Moscow, 2008), pp. 106-114, 214, pl. 6.
- Targadzh [Targac], Iskender, Bragin, Andreĭ O., Mukhammad-Kasim: novoe imya v numizmatike Timuridov [Muhammad Qasim, a New Name in Timurid Numismatics], Kalinin, Vitaliĭ A. (ed.), 16 VNK ( St. Petersburg, 2011), pp. 79-81.
- Thierry, François, Onomastic, Title and Chronology of the Türgesh Kaghans, Bhandare, Shailendra, Garg, Sanjay (eds.), Felicitas, Essays in Numismatics, Epigraphy and History in Honour of Joe Cribb (Mumbai, 2011), pp. 401-412.
- Wang, Hailin, Kratkaya istoriya monet Chagataidskogo gosudarstva (territoriya Sin'czyana) [A Brief History of Coins of the Chaghatayid State (Xinjiang Area)], Petrov, Pavel N. (ed.), TMNK IV-V (Moscow, 2008), pp. 180-182, 220-222, pl. 12-14.
- Yih, Tjong Ding, The Numismatic and Non-Numismatic Occurrence of the Central Asian Ornamental Bodom (Almond) Motif, JONS 197 (Autumn 2008), pp. 22-24.
- Yih, Tjong Ding, The Typology of Xinjiang Silver Tenga and Copper Fulus of Yakub Beg (1820-77), NC 169 (2009), pp. 287-329, pl. 34-43.
- Ahamad, Rehan, Verma, Rajesh L., A Half Rupee of Aurangzeb from Mustaqirul Khilafat Akbarabad, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 70 (2008), pp. 107-109.
- Akbar, Mirza Muhammad, Baig, Babar Ahmed, The Fatimids and Their Coins of Multan, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), p. 26.
- Alam, Iftekhar, An Unpublished Coin of ʿAli Mardan Khalji, JONS 195 (Spring 2008), pp. 23-24.
- Alam, Iftekhar, Some Unpublished Coins of the Bengal Sultans, JONS 196 (Summer 2008), pp. 24-26.
- Alam, Iftekhar, A New Title of the Sultan al-Dīn Īltutmish on His Coins Issued from Bengal, JONS 206 (Winter 2011), pp. 19-20.
- [Anonymous], Some French Indian Coins from the David Fore Collection, JONS 216 (Summer 2013), pp. 39-40.
- Balsekar, Dilip P., Daulatabad Mint of Maratha Peshwa, an Interpretation, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 70 (2008), pp. 116-118.
- Bankar, Amol N., Bhandare, Shailendra, The Pune Hoard of Gold Coins, JONS 199 (Spring 2009), pp. 20-29 [containing Venetian Ducats, and Mughal and Durrānī Mohurs].
- Basu, Somenath, Paul, Debasish, A New Date on a Coin of Jalal al-Din Mahmud Shah of Bengal, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 70 (2008), pp. 84-85.
- Bhandare, Shailendra, Jamgaon, Harda and Khachrod, Three New Mints Under the Sindhias of Gwalior, JONS 197 (Autumn 2008), pp. 32-37.
- Bhandare, Shailendra, Making the Most in 'Troubled Times', Jean-Baptiste Filose and His Coinage, JONS 198 (Winter 2009), pp. 16-38.
- Bhandare, Shailendra, Reclaiming 'Royalty', the Earliest Maratha Coinage in the Name of a Mughal Emperor, JONS 200 (Summer 2009), pp. 41-52.
- Bhandare, Shailendra, Important Indian Coins in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, JONS 205 (Autumn 2010), pp. 22-33.
- Bhandare, Shailendra, The 'Nuo Shree Sicca', a Maratha Rupee, JONS 206 (Winter 2011), pp. 29-31.
- Bhandare, Shailendra, Some Recently Discovered Coins of the Sultans of Madura, Gujarat (and Khandesh), JONS 207 (Spring 2011), pp. 31-34.
- Bhandare, Shailendra, The Marathas in Delhi in the 'Panipat' Year, a Numismatic Insight, JONS 209 (Autumn 2011), pp. 18-28.
- Bhandare, Shailendra, Deyell, John, Lingen, Jan, Late-Mughal Zodiac Rupees of Orchha Nagar Mint, JONS 213 (Autumn 2012), pp. 14-17.
- Bhandare, Shailendra, Stevens, Paul, The East-India Company's Copper Coinage at Dholarah and its Circulatory Context, a Study in 'Kachchafication', JONS 213 (Autumn 2012), pp. 17-22.
- Bhattacharyya, Asoke K., Indian Numismatics and Its Cultural Aspects (Delhi, 2010).
- Budgen, Peter, Locally Struck Coinage of the Maldives, a Die Study of the Final Issues, JONS 207 (Spring 2011), pp. 41-46.
- Budgen, Peter, Locally Struck Coinage of the Maldives, Update on Particular Coins, JONS 208 (Summer 2011), pp. 38-39.
- Cawser, Graham, A Fractional al-Hakim Billon Coin of Muhammad bin Tughluq, JONS 198 (Winter 2009), p. 14.
- Cawser, Graham, Mint-Mark Noted on a Copper Falus Coin of the Delhi Sultan, Fīrūz III, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), p. 31.
- Das, Smaran Kr., Sikandrabad, an Obscure Mint Town of Bengal, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 70 (2008), pp. 105-106.
- Deyell, John, A Silver Tanka of Bengal Sultan ʿAlā de Dīn Ḥusain Shāh, Countermarked with the Title of…a Revenue Official?, JONS 211 (Spring 2012), p. 45.
- Deyell, John, New Metallic Assays of Bengal Sultan Silver Tankas, Numismatic Digest 34-35 (2010-12), pp. 119-133.
- Dora, Gurprit Singh, Sikh Coins of Amritsar Mint, a Series Parallel to the Frozen Years Series, JONS 197 (Autumn 2008), pp. 31-32.
- Dora, Gurprit Singh, Coins of the Sikhs, the Leaf Symbol, JONS 198 (Winter 2009), pp. 38-40.
- Dora, Gurprit Singh, Coins of the Sikhs, Mora and Aarsi Myths, JONS 198 (Winter 2009), pp. 40-43.
- Dora, Gurprit Singh, Coins of the Sikhs, the Nanakshahi Couplet, JONS 206 (Winter 2011), pp. 27-28.
- Dora, Gurprit Singh, Coins of the Sikhs, Zarb Sri Ambratsar Jiyo, JONS 207 (Spring 2011), pp. 37-41.
- Dora, Gurprit Singh [Gujral, Gurprit Singh], Coins of the Sikhs, Zarb Sri Ambratsar Jiyo, Gullak 25 (September 2011), pp. 2-5.
- Garg, Sanjay, The Sikka and the Raj, A History of Currency Legislation of the East India Company , 1722-1835 (New Delhi, 2013).
- Gujral, Gurprit Singh [Dora, Gurprit Singh], "Khanda" a Symbol of the Sikhs on Mughal Coins, Gullak 26 (October 2011), pp. 6-7.
- Fishman, Alexander, Previously Unknown Gandharan Punchmarks from a Recent Hoard, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 26-28.
- Ganesh, K., Coins of Sikandar Shāh, the Successor of Aḥsan Shāh, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 34-35.
- Goenka, J.B., Das, Smaran Kr., Note on a Unique Coin of Jalāl al-Dīn Maḥmūd of Bengal, JONS 112 (Summer 2012), pp. 29-30.
- Goncharov, Evgeniĭ Yu., Indiĭskie zolotye monety na territorii Zolotoĭ Ordy: novyĭ vzglyad [Indian Gold Coins in the Golden Horde: a New Opinion], Zaĭcev, Il'ya V. et al. (eds.), "V Indiyu dukha…" (Moscow, 2008), pp. 108-120.
- Goron, Stan, A New Variety of Sikandar bin Ilyās Tanka, JONS 204 (Summer 2010), p. 27.
- Goron, Stan, Stevens, Paul, Another Coin of Firuz Shah Suri, JONS 197 (Autumn 2008), pp. 47-48.
- Goron, Stan, Stevens, Paul, Some Indian Sultanate Coins, JONS 200 (Summer 2009), pp. 63-64.
- [Goron, Stan et al.], Sultans of Bengal, Two Gold Tankas of Shahzada Barbak, JONS 199 (Spring 2009), pp. 38-39.
- Gupta, D. R., Narnaul Dams of Akbar, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 71 (2009), pp. 60-70.
- Haider, Najaf, Minting Technology in Mughal India, Bhandare, Shailendra, Garg, Sanjay (eds.), Felicitas, Essays in Numismatics, Epigraphy and History in Honour of Joe Cribb (Mumbai, 2011), pp. 175-202.
- Handa, Devendra, Some Interesting Mughal Coins, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 71 (2009), pp. 71-76.
- Handa, Devendra, An Interesting Eran-Ujjain Silver Coin, Numismatic Digest 34-35 (2012), pp. ?
- Haque, Russel, Srīhat (Modern Sylhet), a Newly Identified Mint Town of the Sultans of Bengal, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 31-34.
- Haque, Russel, Two Dated Coins of Nasir al-Din Ibrahim, Sultan of Bengal, JONS 203 (Spring 2010), pp. 13-14.
- Haque, Russel, A Unique Scalloped Tanka of the Sultans of Bengal, JONS 215 (Spring 2013), p. 25.
- Haque, Russel, Rhodes, Nicholas, Some Sultanate Coins that Refer to Sylhet, JONS 207 (Spring 2011), pp. 34-36.
- Herrli, Hans, The Rupees of Banda Bahadur, a Comedy of Errors, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 35-40.
- Herrli, Hans, Undiscovered Indian Coins, JONS 206 (Winter 2011), pp. 32-34.
- Herrli, Hans, Ways and By-Ways of Indian Numismatics, Aspects of Money Circulation in the Bengal and Madras Presidencies, JONS 214 (Winter 2013), pp. 20-25.
- Herrli, Hans, Sahrind and Patiala at the Time of Ahmad Shah Abdali, JONS 215 (Spring 2013), pp. 25-29.
- Hussain, Syed Ejaz, Meaning and Message of Art on Bengal Sultans' Coinage, Journal of Bengal Art 11 (2008), pp. 21-37.
- Hussain, Syed Ejaz, Coins and Commerce in Bihar in the Seventeenth Century, some Reflections, Bhandare, Shailendra, Garg, Sanjay (eds.), Felicitas, Essays in Numismatics, Epigraphy and History in Honour of Joe Cribb (Mumbai, 2011), pp. 223-238.
- Jain, Parveen, Maratha Coins of Shahajanabad (Delhi) Mint, Gullak 13 (September 2010), pp. 1-5.
- Jain, Parveen, A New Mint for Indian Princely States, Kotah & Jhalawar "Qilaʿ Shahabad", JONS 204 (Summer 2010), pp. 24-25.
- Jain, Parveen, Early Coins of Shahjahanabad Mint (Delhi) in the Name of Shah Alam II, Gullak 29 (January 2012), pp. 3-7.
- Kathotia, Indra Kumar, Mint Name Bikanir/Bikaner, Reading Rectified, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 71 (2009), pp. 77-78.
- Khan, Zubair, Coins of George Thomas, the Raja of Haryana, Gullak 8 (April 2010), pp. 4-5.
- Khan, Zubair, Delhi Victory of the Marathas and Their Coins, Gullak 27 (November 2011), pp. 1-2.
- Kundu, Binoy Kumar, Forced Currency from Sunargaon, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 70 (2008), pp. 86-87.
- Kundu, Binoy Kumar, Review of Chronology of the Slave-Rule Under Ilyas Shahi Dynasty, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 71 (2009), pp. 58-59.
- Labh, Vijay Lakshmi, The Golden Dragon of Sultan Muhamamd-bin-Tughlaq, a Case Study of Gold Abundance from 1325-1351 A.D., Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 70 (2008), pp. 88-102.
- Labh, Vijay Lakshmi, Was There Scarcity of Precious Metals During the Early Medieval Period?, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 71 (2009), pp. 125-148.
- Liddle, Andrew V., Coins of Jahangir, Creations of a Numismatist, (New Delhi, 2013).
- Lingen, Jan, Bhaunagar, Also a Mint for Gold and Silver?, JONS 200 (Summer 2009), pp. 52-54.
- Lingen, Jan, A Nazarana Mohur of Karauli, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), p. 40.
- Lingen, Jan, Marwar, Jodhpur State, History and Coinage of the Former Indian Princely State of Jodhpur (Mumbai, 2012) [Review, Mitchiner, Michael, JONS 212 (Summer 2012), p. 7].
- Lingen, Jan, Billoo, Munaf, The Dicovery of a Rupee of the Mughal Claimant, Nikusiyar, JONS 207 (Spring 2011), pp. 46-48.
- Lingen, Jan, Lucassen, Jan, Copper Circulation in Northern India in 1830, Numismatic Digest 34-35 (2012), pp. 148-183.
- Lingen, Jan, Stevens, Paul, A Rupee of Allahabad Struck in the Name of Akbar ʿAdil Shah, a New Mughal Emperor for Numismatics, JONS 201 (Autumn 2009), pp. 44-46.
- Mitchiner, Michael, Coin Circulation in Palembang (Sumatra), Until Circa AD 1710 Including Coins Made in Banten, Siak, Kampar, Indragari, Jambi, Palembang and Batavia, JONS 213 (Autumn 2012), pp. 22-38.
- Mitchiner, Michael, Modern Indian Medals of the Bohras, JONS 200 (Summer 2009), pp. 54-59.
- Mitchiner, Michael, Two Medals Commemorating the Imāmate of Karīm, Aga Khan, JONS 200 (Summer 2009), p. 59.
- Mitchiner, Michael, Indian Medals, Tokens, Pictorial Plaques and Pendants, Circa 1800 to 2010, the Rise of Modern India Reflected in Iconography, an Insight into Indian Culture from Mainstream Traditions to the Tribal Art of Rural India (London, 2012) [Review, Bhandare, Shailendra, JONS 218 (Winter 2014), pp. 3-7].
- Mitchiner, Michael, Modern Indian Medals of the Bohras, Numismatic Digest 34-35 (2012), pp. 184-207.
- Mitchiner, Michael, The Circulation of Tin in Palembang (Sumatra), its Monetary and Non-Monetary Functions, Tin and Lead Ingots, Animals and Talismans, JONS 214 (Winter 2013), pp. 25-33.
- Mitchiner, Michael, Yih, Tjong, Coin Circulation in Palembang (Sumatra), Circa AD 1710 to 1825, 1. Sultanate Coins Minted at Palembang, JONS 215 (Spring 2013), pp. 30-43.
- Mitchiner, Michael, Yih, Tjong, Coin Circulation in Palembang (Sumatra), Circa AD 1710 to 1825, 2. Coins Minted for the Mining Communities on Bangka Island, JONS 217 (Autumn 2013), pp. 27-46. [Continuation in JONS 218 (Winter 2014), pp. 33-47.]
- Moin, Danish, Decorative Art on Mughal and Sultanate Coins, Numismatic Digest 34-35 (2012), pp. 134-147.
- Murthy, Narasimha, Reddy, D. Raja, Gold Coins in the Srivari Hundi of Lord Sri Venkateswara (Tirupati, 2013).
- Nasir, Noman, Rhodes, Nicholas, Goenka, J.P., Nāṣir al-Dīn Muḥammad, Sultan (?) of Bengal, JONS 205 (Autumn 2010), pp. 21-22.
- Nene, Ganesh, Discovery of Du-Dandi Maratha Rupee of Rahimatpur Mint, Gullak 29 (January 2012), p. 1.
- Rao, L. S., Khwaja, G. S., Bhirrana Hoard of Medieval Coins, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 70 (2008), pp. 127-128.
- Reddy, D. Raja, Hyderabad Museum Collection of Treasure Trove Coins of Bahmani, Vijayanagar and Yadava Dynasties, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 71 (2009), pp. 105-114.
- Rhodes, Nicholas G., A New Assamese Quarter Rupee and a Dangerous Forgery, JONS 199 (Spring 2009), p. 20.
- Rhodes, Nicholas G., An Interesting Copper Coin of Akbar of Srinagar Mint. JONS 202 (Winter 2010), p. 46.
- Rhodes, Nicholas G., A Quarter Tanka of Shams al-Dīn Muẓaffar of Bengal (AD 1490-93), JONS 202 (Winter 2010), p. 34.
- Rhodes, Nicholas G., Some Coins Countermarked in Tripura, JONS 203 (Spring 2010), pp. 14-16.
- Rhodes, Nicholas G., Some Unusual Coins of Ranbir Singh, Dogra Ruler of Kashmir, JONS 204 (Summer 2010), pp. 23-24.
- Rhodes, Nicholas G., A Copper Coin of Murshidabad, JONS 207 (Spring 2011), p. 37.
- Rhodes, Nicholas G., A Rupee of Aurangzeb with the Mintname 'Tibet-i-Kalān', JONS 208 (Summer 2011), pp. 33-34.
- Rhodes, Nicholas G., Bose, S. K., The Coinage of Jaintiapur, with an Account of the Last Days of the Jaintia Raj (Kolkata, Mumbai, 2010).
- Rhodes, Nicholas G., Bose, S. K., The Coinage of Manipur (Kolkata, 2012).
- Rhodes, Nicholas G., Kathotia, Indrakumar, A British Indian Copper Trial Piece, JONS 199 (Spring 2009), pp. 36-37.
- Rhodes, Nicholas G., Shaw, Uma Shanker, An Unusual Gold Coin of Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad of Bengal, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), p. 47.
- Sharma, R. K., Coinage of Central India, with Special Reference to Early Coins from the Narmada Valley (New Delhi, 2010).
- Singatullina, Al'fira Z., Zolotye indiĭskie monety iz sobraniya Nacional'nogo muzeya Respubliki Tatarstan [Gold Indian Coins from the Collection of the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan], Mirgaleev, Il'nur M. (ed.), Zolotoordynskoe nasledie 1 (Kazan', 2009), pp. 425-435.
- Singh, Jai Prakash, Muhammad Tughlaq and matsyanyāya, Journal of the Numismatic Society of India 70 (2008), pp. 103-104.
- Singh, O.N., Sharma, D.P., A Study of Coins (New Delhi, 2011).
- Stevens, Paul, The Coins of the Ceded and Conquered Provinces of the Bengal Presidency, a Copper Pice of Agra, JONS 196 (Summer 2008), p. 34.
- Stevens, Paul, The Early Years of the Calcutta Mint, 1757-1765, JONS 197 (Autumn 2008), pp. 37-47.
- Stevens, Paul, The Coins of the Ceded and Conquered Provinces of the Bengal Presidency, Saugor (Later Sagar) and Related Mints, JONS 199 (Spring 2009), pp. 29-36.
- Stevens, Paul, The Elusive Madras Arkot Rupee of Muhammad Shah, JONS 200 (Summer 2009), p. 52.
- Sevens, Paul, Secret Marks on the Coins of the Bengal Presidency, Supplement to JONS 205 (Autumn 2010), pp. 44-48.
- Stevens, Paul, John Prinsep's Copper Coinage, Bhandare, Shailendra, Garg, Sanjay, (eds.) Felicitas, Essays in Numismatics, Epigraphy and History in Honour of Joe Cribb (Mumbai, 2011), pp. 365-386.
- Stevens, Paul, A New Pattern Pice from the Benares Mint, JONS 212 (Summer 2012), pp. 30-31.
- Stevens, Paul, The Coinage of the Hon. East India Company, Part 1, the Coins of the Bengal Presidency (London, 2012). [Review, Numismatique Asiatique 7 (September 2013), pp. 60-62].
- Stevens, Paul, Goron, Stan, Some Tankas of the Sultans of Bengal, JONS 198 (Winter 2009), p. 14-15.
- Stevens, Paul, Weir, Randy, The Uniform Coinage of India 1835 to 1947, A Catalogue and Pricelist (London, 2012).
- Tabor, Barry, The Minor Mints of Bhopal State and Their Coinage, JONS 195 (Spring 2008), pp. 24-31.
- Tabor, Barry, The Ranas of Gohad and Their Occupations of Gwalior Fort, a Numismatic Perspective, JONS 196 (Summer 2008), pp. 27-34.
- Tabor, Barry, Another New Mint for the Fish Paisas of the Doab, JONS 198 (Winter 2009), p. 15-16.
- Tabor, Barry, More Sindhia Copper Coins of Bhilsa Mint, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), pp. 41-43.
- Tabor, Barry, Two More Uniface Copper Coins of Bhopal, JONS 202 (Winter 2010), p. 43.
- Tabor, Barry, The 'Kachcha Pice' of Late 18th and 19th Century Malwa, JONS 203 (Spring 2010), pp. 16-36.
- Tabor, Barry, The Coins of the Ratlam State, 1773 to 1857, Introduction and Catalogue, Part 1, Introduction, JONS 205 (Autumn 2010), pp. 35-39.
- Tabor, Barry, Theories of "Kachcha-Ness", JONS 205 (Autumn 2010), pp. 33-35.
- Tabor, Barry, A Speculative Catalogue of Some Ratlam Coins, JONS 206 (Winter 2011), pp. 20-27.
- Tandon, Pankaj, Tentative Attributions of some Gold Fanams of the Eastern Gangas, Numismatic Digest 34-35 (2012), pp. 78-100.
- Thakkar, Praful. Collector's Guide to Chronologies of Sultans, Rulers & Colonial Heads of India, (Cary, NC, 2008).
- Yih, Tjong Ding, Palembang Picis Inscribed "Alamat Sultan", JONS 209 (Autumn 2011), pp. 32-35.
- Curtis, Vesta Sarkhosh, Fascination with the Past, Ancient Persia on the Coins and Banknotes of Iran, Bhandare, Shailendra, Garg, Sanjay (eds.), Felicitas, Essays in Numismatics, Epigraphy and History in Honour of Joe Cribb (Mumbai, 2011), pp. 81-100.
- [Djaroueh, Adnan] Jarwah, ʿAdnān, Ḥalab fī ʿumlāt al-waraqiyya al-sūriyya / Aleppo, Through Syrian Paper Money, ʿĀdiyāt Ḥalab /Adiyat Halab 11-12 (2008), pp. 121-140 (arab.).
- Djaroueh, Adnan, The Syrian Money, The Beginning of the 20th Century to the Present Day, (Beirut, 2011). [Revised and extended volume of the Encyclopedia of Syrian Paper Money, Beirut 2005, now including also the metal coinage]
- Fenina, Abdelhamid, Numismatique et histoire de la monnaie en Tunisie. T. III, La monnaie contemporaine, co-auteur avec Ali Khiri, éd. Banque Centrale de Tunisie, Tunis, 2008.
- Kamyshev, Aleksandr M., Monety o drevnikh monetakh i ne tol'ko… [The Coins about Ancient Coins and More…], Kashtanova, Nataliya Yu. (ed.), Numizmatika 3 (26) (August 2010), pp. 26-27.
- Kayral, Güçlü, Gacıroǧlu, Mehmet, İngiliz Gelibolu Harekatı İşgal Paraları / British Gallipoli Campaign Occupation Paper Notes, İzmir Nümismatik Derneǧi Bülten / İzmir Numismatic Society Bulletin 1 (2013), pp. 57-62 (Turkish), 134-139 (English).
- Kurbanov, Golib N., Pechati i denezhnye znaki Bukhary nachala XX v. [Seals and Currency Notes of Bukhara from the Early 20th Century], Rtveladze, Edvard V. (ed.), NCA 9 (2010), pp. 111-116.
- MuʿṬī, ʿAlī, Tārīkh al-nuqūd al-ʿarabiyya wa-l-islāmiyya, maʿa dirāsa al-mufaṣṣala ʿan al-nuqūd al-lubnāniyya fī ʿahday al-intirāb wa-l-istiqlāl (Beirut, 1429/2008).
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Porochnoĭ strasti olovyannyĭ sled… K voprosu o nauchnoĭ cennosti sovremennoĭ turkmenskoĭ bizhuterii [The Vicious Passion's Stannic Trace… About the scholarly value of modern Turkmenian costume jewellery], Irano-Slavika 1 (15) (2008), pp. 15-16 [a jocular essay about a cast tin copy of the unique commemorative dinar of Mahmud Ghaznavi].
- Nastich, Vladimir N., Metallicheskie bony Murgabskogo Gosudareva imeniya [Payment Tokens of the Murgab Regal Estate] <>, 8 pp.
- Ramadan, Tareq, The State of Palestine Declaration of Independence Commemorative Coins, JONS 211 (Spring 2012), pp. 45-47.
- Shneydor, Neryahu A., The Inscriptions on Modern Palestinian an Israeli Currency, INR 4 (2009), pp. 159-172.
- Asolati, Michele, Ritrovamenti di monete islamiche in Cirenaica dalle indagini archeologiche della Missione Archeologica Italiana a Cirene, Bauden, Frédéric, Appendice, Catalogo, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Polymnia, Numismatica antica e medievale 1) (Trieste, 2010), pp. 34-69.
- Amitai-Preiss, Nitzan, Islamic Coins, Tal, Oren, Taxel, Itamar, Ramla (South), an Early Islamic Industrial Site and Remains of Previous Periods (Salvage Excavation Reports, No. 5) (Tel Aviv, 2008), pp. 219-222.
- Amitai-Preiss, Nitzan, Early Islamic Coins, Taxel, Itamar, Khirbet es-Suyyagh, a Byzantine Monestary in the Judaean Shephelah (Salvage Excavation Reports, No. 6) (Tel Aviv, 2009), pp. 180-182.
- Amitai-Preiss, Nitzan, An Inscribed Glass Weight, Getzov, Nimrod, Avshalom-Gorni, Dina, Gorin-Rosen Yael, Stern, Edna, Syon Danny, Tatcher, Ayelet, Horbat 'Uza: the 1991 Excavations, Vol.2, The Late Periods (Israel Antiquities Authority Reports 42) (Jerusalem, 2009), p.182.
- AMITAI-PREISS, Nitzan, An Inscribed Glass Weight, GETZOV, Nimrod, AVSHALOM-GORNI, Dina, GORIN-ROSEN Yael, STERN, Edna, SYON Danny, TATCHER, Ayelet, Horbat ‘Uza: the 1991 Excavations, Vol.2, The Late Periods (Israel Antiquities Authority Reports 42) (Jerusalem, 2009), p.182.
- Amitai-Preiss, Nitzan, Chapter 11, The Coins, Gutfeld, Oren (ed.), Ramla, Final Report on the Excavation North of the White Mosque (Qedem, Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology 51) (Jerusalem, 2010), pp. 265-285.
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- Amitai-Preiss, Nitzan, Umayyad Lead Sealings, Callegher, Bruno, D'Ottone, Arianna (eds.), The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins (Polymnia, Numismatica antica e medievale 1) (Trieste, 2010), pp. 18-21.
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- Porter, Venetia, Arabic and Persian Seals and Amulets in the British Museum (London, 2010), [Review, Mitchiner, Michael, JONS 209 (Autumn 2011), pp. 11-12].
- Schindel, Nikolaus, Nochmals zu umayyadischen Siegeln und Bullen, Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft 48,3 (2008), pp. 31-39.