Why Does Music Need Instruments?
26. September 2024, von AAI Webmaster
Foto: Yasemin Gökpinar
On 26 September 2024, Yasemin Gökpinar will have a talk on “Why Does Music Need Instruments? Theory and Practice and al-Fārābī’s Synthesis in the Great Book on Music”. This event is part of “Thinking with Sound: Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī as Music Theorist,” a colloquium series organized and curated by Giulia Accornero (Yale Department of Music).
Yasemin Goekpinar, Acting Professor of Islamic Studies (University of Hamburg)
“Why Does Music Need Instruments? Theory and Practice and al-Fārābī’s Synthesis in the Great Book on Music”
September 26th from 12.00-2.00 EST
Zoom registration required: https://yale.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUpcemuqjwqH9Bvj07CYki0-52B3y311vg7
For more info on this talk: https://www.academia.edu/123985586/Thinking_with_Sound_Ab%C5%AB_Na%E1%B9%A3r_al_F%C4%81r%C4%81b%C4%AB_as_Music_Theorist
For more info on the series: https://yalemusic.yale.edu/news/thinking-sound-abu-nasr-al-farabi-music-theorist
This event is part of “Thinking with Sound: Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī as Music Theorist,” a colloquium series organized and curated by Giulia Accornero (Yale Department of Music).
The series invites all to think through the ephemerality of sound and the mysteries of music with one of the most important medieval philosophers, Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī. How did al-Fārābī reconcile music-theoretical knowledge with embodied feeling, philosophical principles with sensual phenomena, and eternal knowledge with ever-shifting musical practices?”