Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Denis Nosnitsin

Research Fellow
University of Hamburg
Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies
Alsterterrasse 1
20354 Hamburg
Room: 137
Tel: +49 40 42838-7731
Fax: +49 40 42838-3330
Email: nosnitsin"AT"
Key aspects of activity
- Ge'ez literature
- Codicology
- Manuscript cataloguing
Selected publications
Curriculum vitae
Selected presentations
- December 2009, Tuebingen: Monasticism in Ethiopia
- September 2011, St Petersburg: Hagiographic traditions of Gulo Makeda
- October 2011: Nice: the Making of Ethiopic Book
- March 2012, Princeton: Preserving an African Archive
- April 2012, Hamburg: Historical Background in the Vita of Martyrs of 'Addiqaharsi Paraqlitos
- June 2012, Copenhagen: DomLib/EthioSPARE online catalogue
- October 2012, Arles: Different Books from East Tigray-Layouts, Organization of Text
- October 2012, Arles: Titles, Rubrics, Tables of Contents
- October 2012, Arles: Morphology of Ethiopian Binding
- November 2012, Dire Dawa: Lesser Known Features of the Ethiopian Codex
- February 2013, Princeton: The Birth of an African Literary Form
- July 2013, Hamburg: An Ethiopian Manuscript after its Completion: Typologies of Reuse
- November 2013, Brussels: Ethiopian Manuscript Studies: Yesterday and Today
- June 2014, Mekele: Ethiopian Cultural Heritage: Manuscripts as Artefacts and Issues of Conservation
- July 2014, Hamburg: Emergence and Decline of Manuscript Collections in East Tegray: Problems of Study
- February 2016, Hamburg, with A. Brita: A Field Expierience in Ink Studies: Manuscripts from Northern Ethiopia (East Tigray)
- March 2016, Naples: An Early Medieval Ethiopian Chronological Treatise: Presentation of the Document
- January 2017, Milan: Hagiographic Traditions of Gulo Mäkäda (East Tigray, Ethiopia): An Overview
- May 2018, Hamburg: Some Considerations on Premodern Written Amharic Poetry
- July 2018, Leeds: Northern Ethiopia as the Last Refuge of King Lebna Dengel (1508-1540): Evaluation of the Evidence
- September 2020, Hamburg: Amharic Manuscript Tradition: form and content
- March 2023, Naples: Ethiopian scribes and re-creation of ancient documents: Ṭanṭawǝdǝm’s land charter revisited
- May 2024, Södertälje: A preliminary survey of qǝne-poems in Ethiopic manuscripts: Orality condensed into letters